The Springfield Telescope Makers would like to offer many thanks to those who make the Stellafane Convention happen. Many of those who work to put on the convention work "behind the scenes"; most conventioneers don't know they're there, but their efforts both before and during the convention make it possible for a small club to put on a large convention. So to all our many volunteers and members, we give a big thank you for your efforts which make the Stellafane Convention a very special and successful gathering year after year.
Pictured below (in totally random order) are volunteers and club members who I photographed during convention setup and during the convention. I know I have missed many of you, please understand it was not intentional and your efforts are appreciated. If you know of someone who ought to be recognized for their hard work please at convention, please let us know, and include a picture if possible. Thanks...The Webmaster.
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