Here are photos of the 2002 Convention by the Springfield Telescope Makers and convention attendees.
Whether you attended and want to try to find yourself in photo, or you couldn't
attend and want to see what went on, you can spend some time browsing our gallery of general photos below. If
you are looking for telescopes entered in the competition, see the 2002-scopes.html
Photos by the Springfield Telescope Makers
Cody Antouncci trying to stay out of trouble.
Jim Flood working at the registration booth.
Jim Flood and Alan Tinker.
The telescope field below the McGregor Obs.
John Gallagher talking about the Schupmann telescope.
Jim Daley adjusting the Schupmann optics.
Joel Gillman working at the t-shirt stand.
"Big Bob" Morse working on the Sat eve program.
The tent fields.
Mario Antouncci and Grandsons.
Nancy Tuthill at the t-shirt stand.
Brad Vietje talking about grinding mirrors.
Conventioneer grinding a mirror at the ATM demo
Conventioneer grinding a mirror at the ATM demo
Chris Houghton grinding a mirror at the ATM demo.
Ken Slater working on the 27" mirror.
Jim Flood testing a mirror.
Camden Houghton grinding a mirror.
Lukas Houghton grinding a mirror.
Camden Houghton grinding a mirror.
Conventioneer grinding a mirror at the ATM demo
Conventioneer grinding a mirror at the ATM demo
Dave Kelly's mirror tester.
John Gallagher testing a mirror.
Ken Slater talking about using tiles to grind.
Ken Slater talking about making a plaster tool.
Young conventioneer grinding a mirror.
Young conventioneer grinding a mirror.
Young conventioneer grinding a mirror.
Conventioneer grinding a mirror.
Conventioneers learning about rough grinding.
Conventioneer working on the 27" mirror.
Conventioneer testing a mirror.
Ken Slater talking about grit.
Young conventioneer grinding a mirror.
Ken Slater putting a little extra weight on the 27" tool.
Young conventioneers working on the 27" mirror.
Irving Price (left) and Jim Flood.
Bert Willard working in the Clubhouse.
Iliana Filby registering telescopes.
Resistering telescopes for the competition.
Jack Heinzman signing in for the competition.
Al Monkowski in the Clubhouse.
The Stellafane "Little Man" Symbol.
Yumna Malik.
Dave Kelly (left) and John Wood talking about judging.
The Porter Turret Telescope.
Bert Willard (left) and Chris Houghtin talking about judging.
Mitch Melassanos video taping the judging.
Fran Flanders in the Clubhouse.
The telescope judging.
Jack Heinzman talking about his telescope.
Jack Heinzman and his Springfield telescope.
Chris Houghton studying a telescope.
Roger Greenwood and his observing chair.
The Porter Turret Telescope.
Stellafane and the Turret Telescope.
The Pink Clubhouse.
The Porter Turret Telescope.
Bruce Berger talks about his telescope.
John Symborski and his "telescope".
Conventioneer studying a telescope.
Dennis Woos talking about his telescope.
The Pink Clubhouse.
Dennis and Douglas Woos and their telescope.
Mike Constanzo watching over the Clubhouse.
Dave McGaw printing out photos for the kids.
"Big Carl" Breuning in the Turret Telescope.
Mitch Melassanos and Bill Kuriskin setting up the AV equipment.
"Big Bob" Morse at the Friday evening talks.
Maryann Arrien video taping the talks.
Bob Flint of the Town Chamber of Commerce.
STM President Junie Esslinger.
Stellafane Site Manager John Martin.
STM Secretary Wayne Zuhl.
JSome of the youngsters in the horseshoe contest.
The winner of the adult horse shoe contest.
The winner of the junior horse shoe contest.
Alan Tinker talks about our long time friend Roger Tuthill.
Kris Larsen talks about astronomy references in the writings of J. R.
R. Tolkein.
Frank Palulski talks about the VAS project to map light
pollution in N. VT.
Alan "Rif" Rifkin talks about amateur telescope BAKING.
Mario Motta talks about light pollution progress in MA.
John Dobson talking about the the universe and everything.
The hillside amphitheater for the Sat eve talks.
"Big Bob" Morse at the Sat eve talks.
Yumna Malik.
People from various astro clubs.
Young conventioneers at the Sat eve talks.
Junie Esslinger gives a mirror kit to the winner of the junior
"Big Bob" Morse calling out the raffle numbers.
Winner of the telescope in the raffle drawing.
Al Nagler's grandaughter drawing the raffle tickets.
Nancy Tuthill.
John Dobson
Ryan Hannahoe giving David Levy the AL's Youth award.
Rick Hunter announcing the winners of the optical competition.
Carolyn Shoemaker giving the key note talk.
David Levy giving the shadowgram.
The Porter Turret Telescope.
Dave Prowten photographing the telescopes.
Dave Kelly studying a focuser.
Al Rifkin's gingerbred telescope.
Al Rifkin with his gingerbred telescope.
"Old Uncle Bill" Kuriskin setting up the AV stuff.
Mario Antouncci
"Big Gary" Cislak doing some last minute repairs on a speaker.
Convention volunteer Bob Emerson.
"Old Uncle Bill" Kuriskin and Wayne Zuhl.
Carolyn Shoemaker and Jim Beaty.
John Dobson, David Levy and Carolyn Shoemaker.
John Dobson, David and Wendee Levy and Carolyn Shoemaker with
a young astronomer.
Club historian Bert Willand
Danny and Cody Antouncci
Tom Gorka working on the new gallows.
Photos by Jim Flood
John Gallagher talking about mirror testing.
The tent and parking fields.
The Pink Clubhouse.
The telescope fields near the Pink Clubhouse.
The judges giving a telescope the once over.
Photos by "Big Gary" Cislak
Junie Esslinger building a telescope with the winner of the
junior horseshoe contest.
Conventioneer working on the 27" mirror.
Natalie Melassanos.
"Admiral" Al Stern
Ed Rado
Mike Costanzo and Dave Kelly collimate a telescope.
The Stellafane "Little Man" symbol.
The back of the Pink Clubhouse with new paint.
Photos by Paul Perlmutter
Carolyn Shoemaker and Paul Perlmutter.
The members of the DVAA.
Young astronomer studying a telescope.
Marylin Michalsky and Carolyn Shoemaker.
Bob Midiri and his telescope.
The Turret Telescope and the Pink Clubhouse.
Paul Perlmutter with John Dobson, David and Wendee Levy and
Carolyn Shoemaker.
The swap tables.
Telescope field below the McGregor Obs.
Al Nagler
Photos by Joe Castoro
Al Nagler setting up his solar telescope.
The swap tables.
The swap tables.
Breezy Hill.
Gene Zajac and his telescope.
The telescope field south of the Clubhouse.
Photos by Guy Brandenburg
Conventioneer working on the 27" mirror.
Conventioneer working on the 27" mirror.
Mirror grinding supplies.
Jack Heinzman's Springfield telescope.
The sundial on the south side of the Clubhouse.
Youth photo session.
The Porter Turret Telescope.
Conventioneer grinding a mirror.
Photos by Bruce Beford
"Big Gary" Cislak painting the Pink Clubhouse.
The Turret Telescope.
The Pink Clubhouse gets some new paint.
Young astronomers studies the sun.
Dave McGaw and his telescope.
Breezy Hill.
Breezy Hill.
Breezy Hill.
Photos by Bruce Berger
Photos by Sean Graham
Photos by Adrian Hlynka
Photos by Paul Hyndman
Photos by Lowell McCormick
Closeup of John Vogt's 32-inch scope.
Photo session in front of the Clubhouse.
Talking about collimation a 16" Dob.
John Vogt talking about his scope.
A homemade 16" sheet metal Dobsonian.
Big Binoculars
Al Nagler with his new friend Orion.
The Porter Turret Telescope
16" Equatorial and the McGregor Obs.
Forrest of Big Dobsonians.
10" Dobsonian
Joe Castoro talks about his big binos.
Photos by Dave Mitsky
Marylin Michalski and her first place optical award winning
Bob Midiri and his first place optical award winning scope.