2009 Convention Registration
We begin with general registration information that applies no matter how you register. Further down
the page we tell you how to register by postal mail, on-line, or at the gate.
2009 Convention Registration Options & Fees
Conventioneers who wish to enter the Stellafane East camping/convention site between
3 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Thursday, August 13, 2009 may do so by purchasing an Early Entry Permit for $10
per person (please see below). This Early Entry Permit is only available through advanced registration!
Stellafane proper (Breezy Hill, the Pink Clubhouse, the fields around the Pink Clubhouse and the Porter
Turret telescope) will not be open to conventioneers until 9:00 a.m. on Friday, August 14.
There is no need to arrive early, there will be plenty of camping space for everyone
who purchases an early entry permit. Please do not arrive before 3:00 PM, we need to keep the road clear
of traffic for big trucks and deliveries.
Our food service vendor will be serving sandwiches, fries, burgers, hot dogs and the
like on Thursday night. He also plans to serve breakfast on Friday.
If you are arriving on Thursday, please do not leave the Stellafane site before Friday
noon -- the small, dirt entrance road could easily become gridlocked with the normal Friday morning
arrivals. Thank you!
Pre-registration will save you money and get you through the gate faster,
and allows us to do better
planning for convention.
2009 Convention
Registration Options |
before July 24 |
July 24 to Aug 6
(on-line until Aug 9) |
At the Gate Aug 14-15 |
Convention Registration per Adult (Fri-Sun)
(Family Members Under 16 with Adult: Free)
Standard Entry: Gates open Friday 9:00 AM
$20 |
$30 |
$40 |
Early Entry Permit per Adult (Thursday)
(Requires Convention Registration, above)
Early Entry: Thursday 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM
See note below about arrival time |
$10 |
$10 |
N/A |
Camping Permit per Site
Limited to 1 vehicle and 1 tent or camper.
(Requires Convention Registration) |
$30 |
$30 |
$30 |
Large RV Permit 17 feet or more
(includes Camping Permit and Thursday entry;
Requires Convention Registrations for Adults) |
$50 |
N/A |
N/A |
- You MUST pre-register for the Early Entry Permit, not available at
the gate.
- You MUST pre-register for Large RV's and arrive on Thursday (see
box at right).
- No refunds issued after July 24.
- No mail-in registrations will be processed after Aug 6, or on-line registrations
ac-cepted after Aug 9. You may still attend convention by
paying at the gate when you arrive. You will not be able to obtain an Early Entry Permit
after these deadlines or a Large RV Permit after July 11.
- Children�s groups: Must contact us before July 24.
- You will receive a site map and program schedule when you arrive.
- See our Pet Policy if you are bringing a dog.
Towed campers and RVs longer than 17 FEET when being driven (not after setup) require
a special permit to attend the convention. The fee for the permit is $50, which includes the camping
fee. If you require such a permit you must contact us before July 24. Large campers
are absolutely required to arrive, and be in place at the convention site, between Noon and 4 p.m. on
Thursday, August 13th and, once parked, may not move until Sunday morning! Large campers
that do not have a permit will not be admitted to the convention site at any time! Please check the
appropriate box on the registration form and mail it in as soon as possible. Note that your permit
will be noted on the gate list, you will not receive a paper or e-mail. Any questions, please e-mail
the webmaster (link in the footer).
ENTRANCE POLICY: Anyone arriving after 10 p.m. on Friday will not be admitted unless
they are pre-registered or have already checked in. If you plan to arrive between 10 p.m. Friday and
7 a.m. Saturday you MUST be pre-registered!
EARLY ENTRANCE POLICY: Please do not arrive before 3:00
pm on Thursday; We need to keep the road clear for deliveries and large RVs. There is no need to arrive
early, there will be plenty of camping space for everyone who purchases an early entry permit.
Registering at the Gate when you Arrive
This is the most expensive option, so consider pre-registering. We accept cash or check drawn on a US Bank
only at the gate, no credit cards. See the gate operating hours on the Convention
On-line Registration - Closed
You can use PayPal to register online using any credit card. Please familiarize yourself with the registration information at the
top of this page, then click the link here to go to the
Online Registration Page.
Registering by Mail - Closed
We encourage you to use online registration, it faster and more efficient for both of us. However, you can register by mail by printing our
mail-in registration form (PDF Format) and sending
it with a check to the address on the form. We are no longer sending registration packets by mail, you must
print out this form and mail it in yourself.
After you have printed out the registration form, mark the appropriate information on it and mail it with
a check, for the full amount, payable to the Springfield Telescope Makers to: Stellafane, P. O. Box 50, Belmont,
MA 02478. Everyone, except family members under 16 years of age accompanied by an adult, must pay to attend.
Absolutely no mail-in registrations will be processed after Aug 6th. All requests after that time must
be handled when you arrive at the higher rates charged at the gate.
CONFIRMATIONS: We will NOT confirm registrations. You will only hear from
us in the event that we are unable to fulfill your registration request.
Note that mail-in registration closes earlier than on-line registrations: mail-in closes on Aug 6th, while
online registration remains open until Aug 9th. Mail your registration early enough so that it will arrive
before Aug 6th.
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