2009 Stellafane Convention Telescope
All of the Telescopes Entered in the Competition
Winners of the Optical & Mechanical Competition
Convention attendees can enter their
home-made telescopes in the Optical and/or Mechanical competition. Awards
are given for best Optical Performance
[Small Newtonian 12.0"
and under; Large Newtonian 12.5" and over; Compound Optical System]
and for several Mechanical Categories
[mechanical design, workmanship,
innovative component, junior (under 16), special (for items that are
not complete telescopes)]. The optical competition was completed
on Friday night; the Mechanical Judging was done on Saturday.
The Optical Judges for 2009 were: Rick Hunter
(head judge), Junie Esslinger, Alan French*, Dave McGaw, Scott Milligan, Dick
Parker, Phil Rounseville, and Don Schwarzkopf.
The Mechanical Judges for 2009 were:
Chris Houghton (head judge), George East*, Jeff Lowe, Wayne Hilliard,
Dave Kelly, Mario Motta, and Tom Spirock.
* Judges who are not members of the
Springfield Telescope Makers
The judging administrative team for 2009: Iliana Filby, Joyce Sinnot and Jay Speigal. The optical
'runners' were Jack Heinzmann, Linda Ide, Dave Prowten and Brad Vietje.
See the Saturday Night Awards Ceremony on our video page.
Below you will see up to four pictures
of each telescope entered in the competition
(fewer if we have less
than four available, in some cases I received no photos of some entered
telescopes, especially true of some optical only entries that were not
available in daylight for photography) and basic information
about the telescope and maker, including any awards won. Listed in
order of entry.
by the Springfield Telescope Makers: Ken
- Name: Paul A. Woodell
- From: Danbury, CT
- Instrument: 8" f/8 Newt on GEM, Restoration
- Entered: [01] Mechanical
- Antique Restoration Award
- Name: Scott Jamieson
- From: Eagle, WI
- Instrument: 15" f/4.5 Newt
- Entered: [02] Mechanical
- This Telescope was not available for judging
- Name: Gerry Logan
- From: Lakewood, CA
- Instrument: 6" f/15 Maksutov on GEM
- Entered: [03] Optical & Mechanical
- 1st Place Optical, Compound Optics
- 1st Place Mechanical Design
- 1st Place Craftsmanship
- Innovative Component Award: Eyepiece Adapter & Counterweight Combo
- Name: Larry Shaper
- From: Thetford Center, VT
- Instrument: 8" f/8.7 Newt-Dob
- Entered: [04] Optical & Mechanical
- Innovative Component Award: 8-Legged Wire Spider
- Name: Jay M. Scheuerle
- From: Philadelphia, PA
- Instrument: 6" f/5 Newt on Ball Mount
- Entered: [05] Mechanical
- Name: Jay M. Scheuerle
- From: Philadelphia, PA
- Instrument: 4.5" f/8 Newt on Ball Mount
- Entered: [06] Mechanical
- Name: Michael Hill
- From: Marlborough, MA
- Instrument: 10" f/5 Newt on Fork Mount
- Entered: [07] Optical & Mechanical
- Name: Shane & Dylan LaPierre
- From: Torrington, CT
- Instrument: 8" f/5 Newt-Dob
- Entered: [08] Optical & Mechanical
- Name: Robert A. Midiri
- From: Coatesville, PA
- Instrument: 10" f/7.3 Newt-Dob
- Entered: [10] Optical
- 2nd Place Optical (Tie), 12" or Smaller
- Name: William N. Hurley
- From: Coventry, CT
- Instrument: 8" f/6.5 Newt-Dob
- Entered: [11] Optical & Mechanical
- Name: Andrew Johnston
- From: Newton, MA
- Instrument: 12.5" f/4.3 Newt-Dob
- Entered: [12] Optical
- Name: Robert P. Horton
- From: Foster, RI
- Instrument: 6" f/6 Newt on Alt-Az Mount
- Entered: [13] Optical & Mechanical
- Name: Adam Miller
- From: East Hartford, CT
- Instrument: 8" f/5.9 Newt-Dob
- Entered: [14] Optical & Mechanical
- Telescope was not available for judging
- Name: Douglas N. Arion
- From: Pleasant Prairie, WI
- Instrument: 10" f/6.1 Newt on Ball Mount
- Entered: [15] Optical & Mechanical
- 2nd Place Optical (Tie), 12" or Smaller
- 4th Place Mechanical Design
- 3rd Place Craftsmanship
- Innovative Component Award: Single Screw Diagonal Adjust
- Name: Robert C. Mohr
- From: Nazareth, PA
- Instrument: 10" f/4.7 Newt-Dob
- Entered: [16] Mechanical
- Name: James F. Podpolucha
- From: Milford, CT
- Instrument: 12½" f/6 Newt-Dob
- Entered: [17] Optical
- 2nd Place Optical, Over 12"
- Name: Alan Sliski
- From: Lincoln, MA
- Instrument: 3" f/8 Refractor (Terrestrial)
- Entered: [19] Mechanical
- Name: John A. Szelka
- From: Johnson, RI
- Instrument: 12½" f/5
- Entered: [20] Optical & Mechanical
- Name: Stuart E. Danforth
- From: Tolland, CT
- Instrument: 8" f/8 Newt on Alt-Az Pipe Mount
- Entered: [21] Mechanical
- Name: Steven J. Pellarin
- From: LaSalle, Ontario
- Instrument: 28" f/3.164 Newt-Dob
- Entered: [22] Mechanical
- 2nd Place Mechanical Design
- 2nd Place Craftsmanship
- Name: Jeff A. Parenteau
- From: Gilsum, NH
- Instrument: 10" f/5.5 Newt-Dob
Constructed in 8 days
- Entered: [23] Optical & Mechanical
- 1st Place Optical, 12" or Smaller
- Name: Jeff A. Parenteau
- From: Gilsum, NH
- Instrument: 12½" f/5.6 Newt-Dob
- Entered: [24] Optical & Mechanical
- 1st Place Optical, Over 12"
- Name: Allen T. Hall
- From: Ellington, CT
- Instrument: Wedge Tester & Sphereometer
- Entered: [25] Mechanical
- Special Mechanical Award
- Name: Kevin J. McCarthy
- From: Plastow, NH
- Instrument: 12½" f/4.5 Newt-Dob
- Entered: [26] Mechanical
- 3rd Place Mechanical Design
- 4th Place Craftsmanship
- Name: Terry Ryan
- From: Biddeford, ME
- Instrument: 8" f/3.5 Newt on Ball Mount
- Entered: [27] Mechanical
- Name: Matthew J. Miller
- From: Cambridge, England
- Instrument: 8¼" f/3.5 Newt Handheld
- Entered: [28] Optical & Mechanical
- Name: Sara J. Schechner
- From: West Newton, MA
- Instrument: Handmade Quilt of USNO Alvan Clark Refractor
- Entered: [29] Mechanical
- Special Mechanical Award
- Name: John (Jack) David Heinzmann
- From: Rockport, ME
- Instrument: 8" f/10 Schmitt-Cass on Springfield Mount
- Entered: [30] Mechanical
- Name: Real Manseau
- From: Drummondville, Quebec
- Instrument: 5 Models of Galilean Refractors
- Entered: [31] Mechanical
- Name: Gary L. Fuchs
- From: Easton, PA
- Instrument: 4¼" f/27 Schiefspiegler-GEM
- Entered: [32] Mechanical
Newt = Newtonian Reflector; Dob
= Dobsonian Mount;
GEM = German Equatorial Mount; Ball = Ball
or Hemispherical Mount
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