Stellafane 'Little Man' - click for Stellafane Home Page 2014 Convention Header

Friday Informal Talks

Friday evening at 8:30 pm Bruce Beford, of the Springfield Telescope Makers, will conduct the informal talks in the Flanders Pavilion. This is always a fun session, with convention attendees speaking on a wide range of serious and not not-so-serious topics.

If you wish to contribute a short talk during this session, you must submit a brief description of your planned presentation using the form below. Talks are limited to 10 minutes and 20 slides. The time limit will be strictly enforced! A 35-mm slide projector, overhead projector, VCR, and a digital projector will be available for your use. Note that if you plan to use the digital projector, you must bring your own laptop.

Sign Up for a Friday Informal Talk

First Name: Last Name:
Email: So we can contact you about your talk if necessary
From: Optional - City, State/Province, County
Optional - List your club membership
The above two optional items will be help the MC introduce you - add other info in the note section.
Talk Topic:
Talk Description:
Note to Master of Ceremonies:   Optional - More about you, your topic, or special requirements.
A/V Equipment you plan to use:  For the digital projector, you must bring your own laptop.
Digital Projector Slide Projector Overhead Projector VCR None (Just Speaking)
This form has expired - The 2014 Convention is Over.

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