Here are photos of the 2016 Convention taken by the
Springfield Telescope Makers and by Convention Attendees.
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Wednesday, 2016-Sep-21 17:45 EDT
Photos by Ken Slater, Samantha Tabor, and Jay Drew of the Springfield Telescope Makers
Spectrohelioscope construction: new front porch.
SHS Construction
SHS Construction: new mounting plate.
SHS Construction
SHS Construction: new ventilation in the eaves.
SHS Construction
John Martin and crew placing a memorial marker to Jonathan Morse
John Kubota Martin
Moving the Tower of Babble to provide WiFi service to the Pine Island neighborhood.
Tower of Babble
An exhausted STM President Dave Tabor is hauled off like so much road kill by Security.
Dave and Mark
Sunset on Thursday night. Let the fun begin!
An eagle's eye view of the Saturday Evening Program.
Eagle's View
Well, not so much eagle-ish, this shot is actually from a spot called Vulture Row.
Vulture's Row
Photos by Tom Parker
Photos by Doug Arion of the Springfield Telescope Makers
Doug at the autocollimator during the Convention Mirror Testing Seminar.
Mirror Testing Seminar
Learning how to evaluate optics, Conventioneers watch the Foucault test on our video display.
Mirror Testing Seminar
Dave Kelly operating his Autocollimator testing rig for the Mirror Testing Seminar folks.
Mirror Testing Seminar
Patrick and Steve Dodson watching as Doug and Dave test Patrick's first mirror.
Mirror Testing Seminar
On the video display, the Foucault knife edge cuts cleanly across Patrick Dodson's mirror, showing a beautiful smooth parabola.
Mirror Testing Seminar
Patrick and Steve celebrate the news that the figure on his mirror is essentially perfect. Patrick went on to win First Place Optical in the Telescope Competition.
Mirror Testing Seminar
Dave and Doug examine another Conventioneer's mirror.
Mirror Testing Seminar
Dave testing.
Mirror Testing Seminar
Alvan Clark Reproduction refractor by Allen Hall and Dick Parker. Get ready to see a lot of pictures of these wonderful telescopes.
Telescope Field
Alan Ward's Apocromatic Refractor shining in the sun.
Telescope Field
One inch aperture f/39 refractor by Ken Spencer. Ken used this 18th century reproduction instrument to draw sunspots.
Telescope Field
8" f/12 Newtonian on an equatorial mount by Jeffry Inman of Zion, IL.
Telescope Field
Microwave radiometer by Jack Gleland, used to measure sky temperature in order to detect the cosmic microwave background from the Big Bang.
Telescope Field
Fine work in a beautifully made open tube Newtonian.
Telescope Field
Another view of the Clark refractors.
Telescope Field
STM Jessica Johnson leads a group on her ever-popular Planet Walk.
Planet Walk
A group of Appalacian Mountain Club interns sponsored by Doug Arion.
AMC Interns
Photos by Jim Hendrickson of the Skyscrapers: Astronomical Society of Rhode Island
Hartness House Workshop Photos:
Inside the Hartness Turret Telescope.
Solar observing outside Hartness House.
Speaker at Hartness House Workshop.
Tunnel down to the Hartness-Porter Museum of Amateur Telescope Making.
Hartness House Workshop speaker.
Clif Ashcraft speaking.
Hartness House Workshop speaker.
Jay Drew and Johnny Lowe manning the Convention Fruit Stand.
Dan Lorraine, Hartness House Workshop Registrar. Thank you Dan!
Jim Daley speaking at Hartness House.
Hartness House speaker.
Dave Groski at the Hartness Turret. Dave donates a lot of time and talent to maintaining and operating this historic telescope.
Hartness House speaker.
Ken Spencer demonstrates his 18th Century reproduction solar telescope.
Last but not least, Hartness House Workshop Director Tom Spirock. Thank you too, Tom!
Hartness House on a beautiful summer day.
Grounds of the Governer's Mansion.
Interior shot of the graceful Hartness House.
Saturn and Mars in Scorpius from the Hartness House.
Photos by Bob Horton of the Skyscrapers: Astronomical Society of Rhode Island
Photos by Patrick Dodson of the Springfield Telescope Makers and the Sudbury Astronomy Club
Ken Slater working on the roof for the new spectrohelioscope.
Ken Slater and Jay Drew roofing the new SHS.
Ray Morits roofing with Ken and Jay. Ray provided the metal roof we are installing.
Alan Ward, second from left, demonstrates his award winning Apochromat.
Stargazer Steve Dodson with the lucky winner of his Teen Telescope Building seminar.
Tee shirts hanging like so much laundry in the breeze.
Clark Reproduction by Allen Hall and Dick Parker.
Another shot of the beautiful refractors.
Tom Nolasco's interesting reverse binocular telescope.
Alan's beautiful Apo.
Jeffry Inman's 8 inch f/12 Newtonian.
Sunset on Breezy Hill.
Twin refractors Castor and Pollux.
Pierre Lemay and his tracking ball telescope, a gift to his daughters.
Natalie and friend sing at the memorial service for STM Jonathan Morse.
Our new Tee Shirt Booth, moved out of the old spot that was chaotic with traffic across the road to Tuthill Towers.
Gary Sislack, who is in charge of Tee Shirts, and Natalie Dodson in the new booth.
Tony Costanzo, Natalie and friend sing at the memorial service for STM Jonathan Morse.
Thursday night dinner for the STM members and their families.
Steve and Mark admire Tom Kiehl's refurbished LE Brower telescope.
A new take on counterweights.
Clubhouse view.
Looking up, Alvan Clark style.
The business end of a fine instrument.
Photos by Sal Lariccia
Photos by Jay Drew of the Springfield Telescope Makers and The Thames Amateur Astronomical Society
Photos by Dick Koolish
Photos by Richard Sanderson of Feeding Hills, MA
Stellafane silhouette
6 inch refractor
Dave Groski with Spectrohelioscope
Jim Daley with the Spectrohelioscope
Simoni Observatory
6 inch refractor
Dick Parker and Alan Hall
Linda and Kerry Hurd
Phil Harrington at the swap tables
Kaitlynn, LeeAna, and Krystyna Goulette in the swap area
Phil Harrington, Dave Gallup, and Jack Megas at the swap tables
Swap table scene
Ken Launie and Sara Schechner at the swap tables
Bart Fried swapping
Dave Kelly and his daughter at the swap tables
Dennis Cassia
Renate and Joe Rao
Renate Rao, Rich Sanderson, an Joe Rao
Don and Joy Goulette and their children
Alan French, Fred Espenak, and Ken's Porter Garden Telescope
Ken Launie with his PGT
Porter Garden Scope in detail
Ken Launie with his PGT
Ron Woodland and Al Takeda
Constantine Papacosmas at his 60th Stellafane
Fred Espenak, keynote speaker
Clubhouse view
Rick and Janet Hunter in the Clubhouse getting ready for Optical Judging
George East and Mario Motta in the Flanders Pavilion
Dave Rose Bob Horton and Jim Hendrickson outside the Pavilion
STM President Dave Tabor at the Saturday Evening Program
Dick Parker recieves award
Kristine Larson delivers the Stellafane Shadowgram
Fred Espenak delivers his keynote address
Real Manseau and Al Nagler at the Museum
Richard Sanderson and Bert Willard in the Musem
Bert Willard and Al Nagler visiting at the Museum
Photos by Kris Larsen of the Springfield Telescope Makers
Kris presented our Shadowgram this year and many of these pictures are from that talk
Photos by Phillip Levine
Al Takeda with scope at McGregor Field
Paul Courtmanche and Al Takeda admire Paul's swap table Schmidt Newtonian
Russian Astronomer Byurakan Talk by Larry Mitchell
Saturday morning swap tables
Solar observing on McGregor Field
Solar observing with a TeleVue Pronto and h-alpha filter (Photo by Al Nagler).
Solar observing in white light and h-alpha.
Solar observing in white light and h-alpha.
Solar observing in white light and h-alpha.
Solar observing in white light and h-alpha.
Solar observing in white light and h-alpha.
Solar observing in white light and h-alpha.
Soviet science featuring Byurakan by Larry Mitchell.
Photos by Carl Malikowski of the Springfield Telescope Makers
John Martin grading the new tee shirt booth area during Pre Convention Week.
The Pre Convention task board of jobs to do, most of them are erased as Convention is close.
Olga and Tatiana Malikowski help Mario Antonucci shuck about 1000 ears of corn for Thursday evening's dinner.
Tatiana and friend.
The Saturday Evening Program begins.
Photos by Eileen Meyers of the Springfield Telescope Makers and The Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston
Al Takeda
Carl Malikowski
Doug Arion
Mario Motta
Mario Motta
Francis O'Reilly
Paul Courtemanche
Rich Sanderson
Ted Blank
Photos by Michael Patterson of the Springfield Telescope Makers
Castor and Pollux, twin refractors built by Dick Parker and Alan Hall
Castor, eyepiece end
Castor, looking west
Castor, mount from the south
Clubhouse group
Speed governer reglating clock drive
Another shot of the governer
Pollux, drive mechanism
Pollux, equatorial mount
Sector arm friction drive
Spectrohelioscope: adjusting the coelostat
Spectrohelioscope: aligning the mirrors
Spectrohelioscope: aligning the polar axis on the coelostat
Spectrohelioscope: Dave Groski and Dave Prowten work on alignment
Spectrohelioscope: Dave Groski checking the image with the prisms in place
Spectrohelioscope: first image of the sun on the slit!
Spectrohelioscope: installing the grating
Spectrohelioscope: Matt Considine adjusts the mirror alignment
Photos by Alan Rifkin of the Springfield Telescope Makers and the Sprigfield Telescope and Reflector Society
Andy Poniros, host of the WPKN radio podcasts, interviews keynote speaker Fred Espinak live in the Stellafane Clubhouse
Andy interviews Al Nagler of TeleVue Optics
Andy and Al
Andy interviews John Fulco
Andy interviews Matt Considine
Photos by Berton Willard of the Springfield Telescope Makers
Spectrohelioscope: Dave Groski and Dave Prowten work on installing the coelostat mechanism on the new platform just built by Ken Slater
Spectrohelioscope: Dave checks their work
Spectrohelioscope: Dave and Clif Ashcraft
Spectrohelioscope: Jim Daley, Matt Considine, and Dave work inside. They later achieved First Light with this ancient instrument