Here are photos of the 2017 Convention taken by the
Springfield Telescope Makers and by Convention Attendees.
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Saturday, 2018-Jan-27 15:12 EDT
Miscellaneous photos by The Springfield Telescope Makers
Dave Kelly's award winning master-class Dobsonian. - Photo by Ken Slater
Dave Kelly's Dob
Alan Ward and friend Richard Robert, both Canadians from Sudbury, Ontario. - Photo by Patrick Dodson.
A Canadian Duo
Having a relaxing time. From Left to Right: Richard Robert, Steve Dodson, Alan Stern, Eiko, Alan Ward, Alan Rifkin. - Photo by Patrick Dodson
Three Guys Named Al.
The Thursday Evening STM Meeting in progress. - Photo by Patrick Dodson
STM Meeting in Progress
HDR Sunset after Thursday meeting. - Photo by Patrick Dodson
HDR Sunset
Thursday Night Twilight on Breezy Hill. - Photo by Patrick Dodson
Twilight on Breezy Hill
From Left to Right: David Nagler, Al Nagler, Joe Rao and Dennis Cassia. - Photo by Dennis Cassia
Dennis Cassia, Joe Rao and Two Naglers.
Kim, Dennis, Joe and Renate Rao. - Photo by Dennis Cassia
The Cassias and The Raos
Every Stellafaner has a beginning, a first time. Every year, Kim and Dennis Cassia introduce first-timers to some of the basics. If anyone should ever be disoriented during their first time at Stellafane, this little presentation should set you on the right track. - Photo by Dennis Cassia.
Got questions? They've got answers!
Kim with Stella at the Fruit Stand. Photo by Dennis Cassia.
Kim and Stella at the Gate
New benches for the McGregor were made this year. This is where they were born. - Photo by Dennis Cassia.
Feeling a little crooked today?
With another convention down, Kim Cassia doing post-convention inventory work. - Photo by Dennis Cassia.
Inventory work? Whassat?
Jim Beaty and Dave Tiller shucking corn for the Thursday Night dinner. - Photo by Dave Tiller.
Awww Shucks!
Your Obligatory Trailer Park Boys reference. - Photo by Dave Tiller.
Bubbles, is that you?!
Someone's got to test the signs! - Photo by Dave Tiller.
Hey! No Leaning!
Photo by Ken Slater
Return of the Chafee
Photos by Chris Stewart of Scope-X, South Africa
Chris Stewart - Photo by Chris Stewart.
Chris Stewart
This is what the Pavillion typically looks like during Precon - Photo by Chris Stewart.
Pre-Con Pavillion
Ten astronomers and one gate. There's a joke in there somewhere... - - Photo by Chris Stewart.
Ten astronomers and one gate!
Dave Tabor, Da Boss - Photo by Chris Stewart.
Da Boss!
Dinner before Meeting - Photo by Chris Stewart.
Dinner before Meeting
Conventional Transportation - Photo by Chris Stewart.
Conventional Transportation
Inside the Food Tent - Photo by Chris Stewart
Inside the Food Tent
This is what the Pavillion looks like before the crowds - Photo by Chris Stewart.
Before the Crowds
Pre-Con Amphitheatre - Photo by Chris Stewart
Pre-Con Amphitheatre
Unveiling of Dave Kelly's Scope - Photo by Chris Stewart
Unveiling of Dave Kelly's Scope
Dave Kelly's Dob - Photo by Chris Stewart.
Dave Kelly's Dob
Judges surveying the field - Photo by Chris Stewart.
Judges surveying the field
Porter Turret - Photo by Chris Stewart
Porter Turret
Don't worry, we've got you covered! - Photo by Chris Stewart.
Don't worry, we've got you covered!
Inside the Hartness Turret Telescope - Photo by Chris Stewart.
Inside the Hartness Turret Telescope
Beautiful Sunset - Photo by Chris Stewart.
Beautiful Sunset
Photos by Sal LaRiccia
Roger Sinnott - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.
Roger Sinnott
Mario Motta - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.
Mario Motta
Group Huddle - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.
Group Huddle!
Dennis Di Cicco - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.
Dennis Di Cicco
Hanging Out at the Pink - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.
Hanging Out at the Pink
Houston Hollow - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.
Houston Hollow
Mike and Tony Costanzo - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.
Mike and Tony Costanzo
Husband Carrying Contest - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.
Husband Carrying Contest
A Loving Couple - Photo by Sal LaRiccia
A Loving Couple
Site Manager John Martin - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.
Site Manager John Martin
Al Nagler and Joe Rao - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.
Al Nagler and Joe Rao
Nagler Family: (L/R) David Nagler, Al Nagler, and Wife. - Photo by Sal LaRicca.
Nagler Family
Denis Di Cicco and Al Nagler - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.
Denis Di Cicco and Al Nagler
Here's to the Staff! (L/R): John Martin, Tony Costanzo, Mike Costanzo, Dennis Cassia, and John Gallagher - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.
Here's to the Staff!
Breaking for a pose. (L/R): Kim Cassia, Gary Cislak, John Gallagher, and Dennis Cassia - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.
Breaking for a pose
Chris Stewart of South Africa - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.
Chris Stewart of South Africa
Geological Survey Marker - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.
Geological Survey Marker
Photos by Tim, Julia and Farley Roske
Newcomers Julia and Farley Roske enjoy their first Stellafane sitting in front of the Legendary Pink Clubhouse - Photo by Tim Roske.
First Stellafane
Dennis Sitting in on the Beginners's Class. - Photo by Tim Roske.
Learning the Stellafane Basics
Dennis preparing the Beginner's talk.
Hard at work
Photos by Doug Arion
Dominic Fucile as Gilligan getting his Island Refractor ready - Photo by Doug Arion.
Dominic Fucile and his Island Refractor
Scopes on the Hill. - Photo by Doug Arion.
Scopes on the Hill.
Judges inspect Dave Kelly's Scope. - Photo by Doug Arion
Judges at Work
Vice-Pres and Secretary having a chat. - Photo by Doug Arion.
Secretary and the Vice-Pres.
Eric Perret's 2-in f/10 Refractor - Photo by Doug Arion
2-in f/10 Refractor
Clubhouse Portrait - Photo by Doug Arion
Clubhouse Portrait
Photos by Eilleen Myers
Al Takeda: Imaging the Great American Solar Eclipse - Photo by Eileen Myers.
Al Takeda
Alan Ward: The Foucault Test - Optical Testing in the Computer Age - Photo by Eileen Myers.
Alan Ward
Allan Stern and Eiko Okazaki - Photo by Eileen Myers.
Allan Stern and Eiko Okazaki
Brad Vietje: First Steps in Amateur Exoplanet Observing - Photo by Eileen Myers.
Brad Vietje
Chris Stewart: Telescope Making in South Africa - Photo by Eileen Myers.
Chris Stewart and Francis O'Reily
Ed Jones: Development of the Chief Telescope and Jones-Medial Refractor - Photo by Eileen Myers.
Ed Jones
Francis O'Reilly, Flanders Pavillion Master of Ceremonies on Friday - Photo by Eileen Myers.
Francis O'Reilly
Larry Mitchell: Advanced Observing - Photo by Eileen Myers.
Larry Mitchell
Mario Motta: Observing the Great American Eclipse Safely - Photo by Eileen Myers.
Mario Motta
Rich Nugent: The James Webb Space Telescope - Photo by Eileen Myers.
Rich Nugent
Richard Sanderson: A Dipper Full of Stars - Photo by Eileen Myers.
Richard Sanderson
Rick Hunter, Flanders Pavillion Master of Ceremonies on Saturday
Rick Hunter
Stephen Lieber: International Space Law - Photo by Eileen Myers.
Stephen Lieber
All-Important AV Dude
All-Important AV Dude
Photos by Dick Koolish
Dennis Di Cicco taking a call at the Clubhouse. - Photo by Dick Koolish
Dennis Di Cicco taking a call
Dennis Di Cicco, Roger Sinnott and Bert Willard taking a look at a scope. - Photo by Dick Koolish
Dennis Di Cicco, Roger Sinnott and Bert Willard
Alan Ward explaining his 6" Apochromatic Refractor. - Photo by Dick Koolish
Alan Ward explains his 6" Apo.
Enjoying a look at Dave Kelly's scope on a sweltering day. - Photo by Dick Koolish.
Dave Kelly's Scope
Hey little buddy, do you spot a rescue? - Photo by Dick Koolish.
Hey little buddy, do you spot a rescue?
Chris Stewart from South Africa - Photo by Dick Koolish
Chris Stewart from South Africa
Photos by Cecilia Detrich
Sign Making in Progress - Photo by Cecilia Detrich
Sign Making in Progress
Preparing the Picnic Tables for the Thursday Night dinner/meeting. - Photo by Cecilia Detrich
Hooray! A place to sit!
Eileen Myers, Rick Hunter and Chris Stewart. - Photo by Cecilia Detrich
Eileen Myers, Rick Hunter and Chris Stewart
Jim and Peter Beaty hard at work preparing their famous cole slaw. - Photo by Cecilia Detrich
Jim and Peter Beaty making cole slaw
Celebrating several STMers in their 8th decade! - Photo by Cecilia Detrich
Celebrating lots of birthdays!
This is what happens when you feed knowledge to Dave Kelly. - Photo by Cecilia Detrich
Mind Blown!
Dave Kelly excitedly unveiling his new beautiful Dob to a crowd of onlookers. - Photo by Cecilia Detrich
Dave Kelly unveiling his Scope.
Dave Kelly excitedly unveiling his new beautiful Dob to a crowd of onlookers. - Photo by Cecilia Detrich
Dave Kelly unveiling his Scope
Dave Tabor and Family at the Clubhouse preparing for the Meeting. - Photo by Cecilia Detrich
President and Family
Sunset on Breezy Hill. - Photo by Cecilia Detrich
Sunset on Breezy Hill
A rare Ken Slater sighting, with Jay Drew. - Photo by Cecilia Detrich
Ken Slater and Jay Drew
Katie tells and joke and Jay has a laugh. - Photo by Cecilia Detrich
Having a laugh
May the Chafee be with you! - Photo by Cecilia Detrich
May the Chafee be with you!
Chris Stewart from South Africa. - Photo by Cecilia Detrich
Chris Stewart
Katie taking registrations for the competition. - Photo by Cecilia Detrich
Taking Registrations
Photos by Richard Sanderson
"There are never any shortage of smiling faces at Stellafane! Here are a few more: My friends Don and Joy Goulette and their three little princesses sporting glow-in-the-dark space pj's at the Twilight Talks." - Photo by Richard Sanderson
Don and Joy Goulette and Family
"Future scientist Kaitlynn Goulette." - Photo by Richard Sanderson.
A Future Scientist
"Eileen Myers chatting with Stellafaners in the Flanders Pavilion." - Photo by Richard Sanderson.
Eileen Myers
"Rodd Westwood, who traveled from the Stellafane antipode (i.e. Australia)" - Photo by Richard Sanderson.
Rodd Westwood from Down Under
"Al Takeda teaching the fine art of Astrophotography." - Photo by Richard Sanderson.
Al Takeda teaching Astrophotography
If you enjoy the fabulous Stellafane web site,, you can thank this man: Stellafane Webmaster and Springfield Telescope Makers VP Ken Slater. In 2013, Ken was awarded first place in the Astronomical League's Webmaster Awards. - Photo by Richard Sanderson.
Ken Slater
"More than two decades ago, Dr. Kristine Larsen, who is a Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Central Connecticut State University and Stellafane official, began incorporating children's and beginners' programming into the schedule of Stellafane activities. For the tenth consecutive year, I had the honor of presenting a beginners' program on Saturday morning titled, "Dipper Full of Stars: An Introduction to the Summer Night Sky." Stellafane has given me so much pleasure during the 46 conventions that I've attended since I was 16, it's gratifying to be able to give a little bit back. The audience seemed to enjoy my presentation and hopefully I was able to reinforce the inspiration that these folks were soaking up just by being at Stellafane." - Photo by Richard Sanderson.
Richard Sanderson
"Dan, Samantha and little Everly stroll along the dirt road that crosses the Stellafane camping area. Even though numbers were down 15% this year, there were quite a few children in attendance. Hopefully, some of them will embrace the hobby of amateur astronomy and continue enjoying Stellafane far into the future." - Photo by Richard Sanderson.
Danny Antonucci, Samantha Marie and future Stellafaner.
"Steve Hubbard and Scott Tracy at Stellafane, showing off attire that is reserved for astronomy events!" - Photo by Richard Sanderson.
Steve Hubbard and Scott Tracy
"Phil Harrington, Dave Gallup and Jack Megas, all longtime good friends of mine, at the Stellafane swap tables early (too early!) Saturday morning." - Photo by Richard Sanderson.
A reunion of longtime friends!
"Stellafane is a wonderful place to reconnect with friends each year. Here are astronomy luminaries Roger Sinnott and Dennis di Cicco surveying the swap tables on Saturday morning. Roger and Dennis both share my passion for vintage astronomy books and memorabilia." - Photo by Richard Sanderson.
Roger Sinnott and Dennis di Cicco
"One of the most beautiful instruments that I saw at my second Stellafane in 1972 was this 10-inch f/5 Newtonian built by high school student Mark Chaffee and machinist Mike Heleba. The scope won second prize in 1972 and Mark, its owner, got his picture in "Sky & Telescope." He used it to explore the heavens for a number of years before moving on to other interests. - Photo by Richard Sanderson (1 of 2)
The Heleba Scope: 1st Place Antique Restoration
"When this instrument recently came into the possession of Tom Kiehl, it was showing signs of age, so he did a masterful job of restoring it to its original splendor. Tom decided to bring it to this past weekend's Stellafane convention in Springfield, VT, and he informed Mark that the telescope would be making a return visit to Breezy Hill.
I heard this remarkable story from Tom Kiehl on Friday afternoon, and when I came back later in the day to see the telescope a second time, there was a surprise awaiting me. Standing with Tom was the scope's original owner, Mark Chaffee, who I had met in the shadow of this same instrument 45 years ago, when we were both 17 years old!
That's Tom on the left shaking hands with Mark. Tom's fabulous restoration of this Stellafane classic won him 1st prize in the antique restoration category." - Photo by Richard Sanderson (2 of 2)
Tom Kiehl and Mark Chaffee
"Feast your eyes on one of the most amazing telescopes ever to appear at Stellafane. Dave Kelly spent two years designing this exquisite 12.5 inch f/4.5 Dobsonian that captured two first prizes and a second prize in the Master Class at last evening's Stellafane "Twilight Talks." - Photo by Richard Sanderson (1 of 2)
Dave Kelly's Award-Winning Scope
"Feast your eyes on one of the most amazing telescopes ever to appear at Stellafane. Dave Kelly spent two years designing this exquisite 12.5 inch f/4.5 Dobsonian that captured two first prizes and a second prize in the Master Class at last evening's Stellafane "Twilight Talks." - Photo by Richard Sanderson (2 of 2)
Dave Kelly and his Dob
Photos by Philip Levine
A Fine Day on Breezy Hill. - Photo taken by Phil Levine
A Fine Day on Breezy Hill
Ed Los and Dick Koolish discuss a Breezy Hill Entry - Photo by Phil Levine
Ed Los and Dick Koolish in discussion
James Synge and Son with their Panoptes Project - Photo by Phil Levine
James Synge and Son
Al Takeda teaching an Astrophoto Seminar - Photo by Phil Levine
Al Takeda's Astrophoto Seminar
Stella Kafka of AAVSO - Photo by Phil Levine
Stella Kafka of AAVSO
Alan Ward and his Masterful Entry - Photo by Phil Levine
Alan Ward and his Masterful Entry
Al Nagler Setting Up - Photo by Phil Levine.
Al Nagler Setting Up
Phill Harrington and Jack Megas at the Swap Tables on Saturday morning - Photon by Phil Levine.
Phil Harrington and Jack Megas
Steve Clougherty Setting Up - Photo by Phil Levine
Steve Clougherty
Stella asking where you will be for the Total Solar Eclipse. - Photo by Phil Levine
Stella asks: Where will you be?
Chase Green at the Food Tent - Photo by Phil Levine.
Chase Green at the Food Tent
A Tired Welcome Crew - Photo by Phil Levine.
A Tired Welcome Crew
Cook Spectrohelioscope/Simoni Observatory Photos by Various Stellafaners
The newly finished Andrew E. Simoni Observatory. - Photo by Ken Slater
Andrew E. Simoni Observatory
"Participants at last weekend's Stellafane convention in Springfield, VT had an opportunity to see the new Simoni Observatory, which houses a refurbished 1930's era spectrohelioscope donated by Matt Considine. This type of instrument, invented by George Ellery Hale, allows an observer to view the sun at any visual wavelength. The formal dedication will take place during the 2018 convention." - Photo by Richard Sanderson.
Simoni Observatory
Photo by Richard Sanderson.
Photo by Richard Sanderson
Dave Groski looking through the glass.
Photo by Dick Koolish.
Inside the Simoni
Beautiful turn-of-the-century electronics work by Ken Slater. - Photo by Dick Koolish.
It's Aliiiive!!!
Dave Prowten and Matt Considine having a chat. - Photo by Dennis Cassia.
Dave Prowten and Matt Considine
Bert Willard and Jim Daley, Champions of the Old Guard. - Photo by Jim Beaty.
Champions of the Old Guard
Simoni Observatory with Onlookers - Photo by Sal LaRiccia
Simoni Observatory with Onlookers
Matt Considine and Coelostat - Photo by Sal LaRiccia
Matt Considine and Coelostat
Champions Part Deux - Photo by Sal LaRiccia
Champions Part Deux
Another look at the Coelostat - Photo by Chris Stewart.
Another look at the Coelostat
Dave Groski looking through the Glass - Photo by Chris Stewart
Looking through the glass
Astrophotography by Various Stellafaners
The night sky as seen from in front of the McGregor. - Photo by Tim and Julia Roske
View of the Night from McGregor
Stellafane Dome with Walkers. - Photo by Tim and Julia Roske
Stellafane Dome with Walkers
Stellafane Dome. - Photo by Tim and Julia Roske
Stellafane Dome
Stellafane Viewing. Photo by Tim and Julia Roske
Stellafane Viewing
Summer Triangle at Stellafane. - Photo by Tim and Julia Roske
Summer Triangle at Stellafane
Saturn by The Stellafane Telescope Makers /w 13-Inch Schuppmann
Imaged by STM Member Thomas Spirock during Pre-con on July 18th, 2017 using the 13-Inch Schuppmann.
Saturn, 2017 Jul 18, 0252 UT
Camera, ZWO ASI120MC
Telescope, 13 inch Schupmann, 260 focal length (2x Barlow), stopped to 9 inch
Image scale 0.15 arc-sec per pixel
Images, 75 mSec 1,024 of 3,191 images
Disk is 18.0 arc-sec in diameter, CMI=338.7° CMIII=51.3°, North is up
Hartness House Workshop Photos by Various Stellafaners
Hartness House Keynote Presentation by Jason Dittmann. - Hartness House Worshop series by Richard Sanderson (2 of 5)
Keynote Presentation
Rodd Westwood, who traveled from Australia to the USA for the eclipse a month early in order to attend Stellafane. - Hartness House Worhshop series by Richard Sanderson (3 of 5)
A New Australian Friend
Workshop organizer Dan Lorraine and friends relax prior to the keynote address. - Hartness House Workshop series by Richard Sanderson (4 of 5)
Dan Lorraine and Friends
AAVSO Director Stella Kofka in the telescope museum. - Hartness House Workshop series by Richard Anderson (5 of 5)
Stella Kofka
Exoplanet Panel. From left to right: Dan Lorraine (Far Left), Dr. Sam Quinn, Dr. Jason Dittman, Dr. Song-Hu Wang, Dr. Jennifer Burt, Dr. Paul Benni, Dr. Stella Kafka, and Brad Vietje. - Photo by Ken Spencer.
Exoplanet Panel
Hartness House Group Portrait by Ken Spencer. Speakers at this year's exceptional Hartness House Workshop on exoplanets were, from left, Dr. Stella Kafka, Dr. Paul Benni, Dr. Song-Hu Wang, Dr. Jennifer Burt, Dr. Sam Quinn, Dr. Jason Dittmann and Brad Vietje. The Workshop was organized by Dan Lorraine and Dr. Tom Spirock
Hartness House Workshop Group Portrait
The 2017 Hartness House Workshop is now history - one last look at the remarkable Hartness Turret Telescope. - Hartness Turret series by Richard Sanderson (1 of 7).
Hartness Turret Telescope
The Hartness Turret Telescope, a 10-inch Brashear refractor with a very unusual mount dating from 1910, is on display today during the pre-Stellafane Hartness House Workshop on exoplanets. - Hartness Turret series by Richard Sanderson (2 of 7)
Hartness Turret Telescope
Hartness Turret series by Richard Sanderson (3 of 7)
Tunnel to Hartness Turret Telescope
The man standing in the underground tunnel connecting the observatory to the Hartness House Inn is Bert Willard, an optical engineer who wrote the biography of Stellafane founder Russell W. Porter. - Hartness Turret series by Richard Sanderson (4 of 7)
Bert Willard in Tunnel
Hartness Turret series by Richard Sanderson (5 of 7)
Hartness Turret Telescope
Hartness Turret series by Richard Sanderson (6 of 7)
Hartness Turret Telescope
Hartness Turret series by Richard Sanderson (7 of 7)
Hartness Turret Telescope
Some scenes from today's Hartness House astronomy workshop in Springfield, VT: - Optical engineers Jim Daley and Bert Willard in the subterranean Hartness-Porter Museum of Amateur Telescope Making. - Hartness House Workshop series by Richard Sanderson (1 of 5)
Bert Willard and Jim Daley
"This panoramic photo shows the main gallery of the Hartness-Porter Museum of Amateur Telescope Making, located at the Hartness House Inn in Springfield, VT. An underground passageway connects the museum to the inn as well as to the Hartness Turret Telescope, which features a 10-inch Brashear objective lens." - Hartness Turret series by Richard Sanderson (2 of 7)
Panorama: Hartness-Porter ATM Museum
Saturday Evening Twilight Talk Photos by Various Stellafaners
Early birds getting their first dibs on seats before everyone descends in on the Amphitheatre - Photo by Doug Arion
Early birds get the best seats!
A View from the top. - Photo by Doug Arion
Twilight Talks are Underway
Kim Cassia working the raffle during the Twilight Talks. - Photo by Dennis Cassia
Kim Cassia handing out winning tickets
STMers sit in on the Twilight Talks. - Photo by Francis O'Reilly
A View from the STMers
Chris Stewart during the Twilight Talks. Chris came all the way from South Africa to be at Stellafane, 50 years in the making. - Photo by Francis O'Reilly
Chris Stewart gives a little speech
John Gallagher preparing to MC the evening program. - Photo by Ken Slater
John Gallagher preparing to MC the evening program
Dennis and Kim posing with Nagin Cox - Photo by Dennis Cassia
The Cassias with Nagin Cox
Keynote Speaker Nagin Cox of JPL's Mars Rover program. - Photo by Ken Slater
Keynote Speaker Nagin Cox
Keynote Speaker Nagin Cox of JPL's Mars Rover program. - Photo by Ken Slater
Keynote Speaker Nagin Cox
Looking on towards the STMers - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.
Looking On towards the STMers
Nagin Cox and the Winning Ticket - Photo by Sal LaRiccia.