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2022 Hartness House Workshop

We are pleased to offer a pre-Stellafane workshop all day on Thursday, July 28th at the historic Hartness House Inn and Hartness-Porter Museum of Amateur Telescope Making located in Springfield, Vermont. after a two-year break. Proceeds will support the Hartness-Porter Museum of Amateur Telescope Making, which is run by volunteers from the Springfield Telescope Makers. While associated with the Stellafane Convention, this is a separate event and separate registration and fees apply.

The 2022 Hartness House Workshop on
Eclectic Astronomy

Continuing a series begun in 2009, this year's Hartness House Workshop theme is Eclectic Astronomy offering a broad spectrum of interesting individual talks by our slate of both professional and amateur speakers.

The schedule will include special tours of the associated Hartness-Porter Museum of Amateur Telescope Making.

2019 Hartness House Workshop
The 2019 Hartness House Workshop

The 2022 Hartness House Workshop Program (PDF File)

Registration and coffee start at 8:30 AM.
The presentations will start at 9:00 AM sharp on Thursday, July 28th.
The dinner and keynote presentation will end approoximately at 9:00 PM.

  • Workshop Day Session, $82, includes coffee breaks, lunch, and cocktail hour with cash bar (same price as 2019).
  • Evening Session, $62, includes cocktail hour with cash bar, dinner, and keynote presentation by Dava Sobel.
  • Full Time Students, $52 for Day Session and $62 Dinner/Keynote.
  • Proceeds support the Hartness-Porter Museum of Amateur Telescope Making, which is run by vol­un­teers from the Springfield Telescope Makers.
  • Registration is limited by the size of the venu.
  • Registered workshop and/or dinner attendees may set up at Stellafane on Wednesday between 12 noon and 6 pm. This requires Convention registration plus Camping registration, but the additional Early Entrance fee for Thursday arrival is not required and will automatically be added to qualifying online registrations.

Register using the Stellafane Convention Registration Pages. You can register for this workshop there, and if you wish to attend the Stellafane convention, you can also register for that at the same time.

For questions, email Chair Dr. Thomas Spirock or Co-Chair & Registrar Daniel Lorraine.
The Hartness House Inn is at 30 Orchard Street, Springfield, VT 05156, phone 802-885-2115.

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