Stellafane Endowment Fund

of the Stellafane Clubhouse
and Porter Turret Telescope
Objectives: The Stellafane Endowment Fund seeks to ensure the future of Stellafane for future generations by raising funds to be acquired via donations, bequests, etc., and invest them appropriately so as to protect and grow principal while earning a reasonable rate of return. The principal will be untouched except in the case of a catastrophic need. In essence, it would also serve as an emergency fund in the event of a financial crisis that threatens the continued ownership, use or maintenance of the Stellafane properties.
The initial objective of building such a fund is to generate enough income (consisting of dividends, interest, realized capital gains, etc.) to pay the property taxes for the Stellafane properties, including, but not limited to, the current holdings consisting of the original Stellafane site atop Breezy Hill and Stellafane East. After achieving that initial goal, other expenses the Stellafane Endowment Fund would seek to fund would include insurance, security equipment and monitoring fees, building maintenance, grounds upkeep, and other ordinary operating costs.
Policy: No officer, member or associate of the Springfield Telescope Makers, Inc. or the Stellafane Endowment Fund Board of Trustees shall personally benefit from the Stellafane Endowment Fund directly or indirectly.; The interests and welfare of Stellafane and the Stellafane Conventions shall always be the governing purpose.
Donations: All donations will be gratefully accepted. No donation is too small. Since the Springfield Telescope Makers, Inc. are qualified as tax exempt under section 501(c)3 of Internal Revenue Service regulations, your gift is most likely tax deductible.
Donate to the Endowment Fund by mail or online using the Stellafane Donation Form