This the January 24, 1997 Stellafane Home Page.
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This page will look worse than an early Hubble pic if you don't have at least Netscape 2.0!

Welcome to the Stellafane Home Page

The Web Home of the Springfield Telescope Makers

"For it is true that astronomy, from a popular standpoint, is handicapped by the inability of the average workman to own an expensive astronomical telescope. It is also true that if an amateur starts out to build a telescope just for fun he will find, before his labors are over, that he has become seriously interested in the wonderful mechanism of our universe. And finally there is understandably the stimulus of being able to unlock the mysteries of the heavens by a tool fashioned by one's own hand."
--Russell W. Porter, March 1923 -- Founder of the Springfield Telescope Makers

One of the Stellafane Landmarks: The R. W. Porter Turret Telescope.

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Check out the 1997 Convention Bulletin, hot off the digital presses!

Hale-Bopp Photo by: Norm Fredrick

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Help me find some appropriate astronomical music for this month! This summer we'll re-run Cygnus the Swan by Saint-Saens; Mars's opposition is over and so is the run of Holst's Mars, the Bringer of War on this web page. Mail me your suggestions!