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Site Manager's Log January 2012

1/2/2012 Bought new years present for club. Got two "suspended Ceiling" frame kits and a box of 2 X 4 foot ceiling panels. Will donate to club.

1/3/2012 Put up extra supports and false wall in room. New inside room is 10 feet X 15 feet. Added trim where suspended ceiling will butt up to.

1/4/2012 Started installing the "side trim" for ceiling that will go around room edge.

1/5/2012 Finished "side Trim" and started first long support "I" piece. Put hangers in joists to suspend.

1/6/2012 Got enough up to start putting up ceiling panels. Hate this stuff. But looks good.

1/7/2012 Continued on ceiling. Going to run out of "I" and panels. Will have to go to Bibbins for more.

1/8/2012 Got more panels and two more "I" sections to complete the job. Is starting to look more like a finished room inside.

1/10/2012 worked on sliders for"ice cream" window in pavilion room. Will need to make two more units to complete.

1/11/2012 Selected nice piece of popular from Tuthill towers. It has been drying for a year and is ready to use Ripped into blanks 1.5 X 3. Planed to true size and routed out the channel for the glass and where the vertical and horizontal pieces will fit together.

1/12/2012 Assembled and glued the pieces for the center slider. Will keep room warm enough for glue to dry overnight. Put extra wood in boiler when leaving. Room up to 55 degrees inside.

1/13/2012 Ripped up popular for last slider in South West window

1/14/2012 Finished the third sliding window for south west window in room. This will be used to sell ice cream during convention.

1/15/2012 finished up the suspended ceiling. Had to use a piece of "blue board" as was one panel short. Room is feeling warmer. got up to 50 degrees inside enclosed room. Next few days look to be below zero so will not come because poor "Winters" feet get to cold.

1/20/2012 Old robot CPU from McGregor not working for more than an hour or two so brought my net book to see if it will run in pavilion (with cold) cold morning near zero and snowing. Started fire and brought in pieces of Black cherry.

1/21/2012 Another cold morning. To cold for Winter to stay for very long. Started a fire and planed out a blank for wood carver in Black Cherry.

1/22/2012 Started making slats to fill in the holes in the door into the heated room in the pavilion. Weather report says rain and in the 40's today

1/23/2012 Started fire. Built another window slider for the North West end of the room. This will be used for breakfast during pre con

1/24/2012 Really warm morning above freezing. Rained hard last night. Edged the last of the rough cuttings from the saw mill and put on the stack of finished wood. Cut up some of the "Edgings" to start reducing that pile. Will use for heat in the pavilion.

1/25/2012 Just below freezing today. The hill in front of the McGregor is a sheet of ice. Sanded down to the boiler so could walk there without falling. Continued cleaning up the "burnable" wood and stacking the prime wood onto piles by the stage area.

1/27/2012 In the 20's today. All the roads are icey. I slide all the way down the hill in front of the McGregor even with 4 studded snow tires on my Suburu. Cut and glued the second slider for the north western window of the room. Will have Chester hardware cut two pieces of p glass today.

1/28/2012 Anual Planning Meeting day. In the mid 30's and clear in the morning. Sawed up two logs today. One was a hemlock that made some nice 2 X 6's and a large maple log. The maple log was a bit spalted and colored through but some of the wood is nice and clear. The bad pieces will be used to make pallets and be burned to heat the pavilion.

1/30/2012 Is in the mid 20's this morning and snowing. Stacked the lumber cut on Saturday. Made more stringers for that task. Removed the insluation from the window on the north west side of the room and moved outside to all access to the inside. Fit the sliding window sections . Will have pieces of plexiglass cut today for them. At meeting on Saturday money was voted to finish off the lower room in the pavilion so that it could be used for mirror grinding and for convention. Mesured for the remainder of the insluation to bring the celling up to R of 20.

1/31/2012 Last day of January. Was a quite warm month with more days above freezing than below Zero. Continued putting sheets of 1" Blue Board insulation in cealing. Room is getting easer to heat in the morning. Today got up to 45.

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