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Site Manager's Log February 2012

2/1/2012 finished the blue board I had for the first load which was 8 pieces. another warm day.

2/2/2012 Got up to almost 50 yesterday. Was a mini mud season at the NewsBank parking lot. Hill was all ice on sues field down. Hope I can get back out when I leave. Working on sliding window in the north east end of the room.

2/3/2012 Another Friday and still spring like. A lot of ice so have to wear ice creepers to feed the fire that is heating this room. Purchased 8 more sheets of one inch P board to continue insulating the ceiling in the room. Put up 4 sheets today. Also put another quart of furnace Cement into the top of the boiler to help the heat transfer from the top to the pipe that contains the transfer fluid (anti freeze water to carry heat into Pavilion)

2/4/2012 put up 4 more sheets of blue board. Started processing some of the junk wood and slabs laying around the pavilion for the boiler. Slab wood in pallets is getting low. Will be close to have heat for rest of year.

2/5/2012 bought 8 more sheets of blue board for insulating the room. Only two sheets left at Bibbins. Dough up the floor in the south side of room and buried the pex line there under 12" square pavers. This will allow the heat to slowly rise the temperature in the south side of the room and keep the foundation to not freeze and push up. In the main pavilion the freezing is starting on the floor which rises it 2 or 3 inches. The south entry door is ok so far and the rising ground has not yet raised to meet the threshold.

2/6/2012 Another warm day coming should get into the mid 40's today. Put last bit of stove cement around the pipes on the top of the boiler which should increase efficiency. Put more PEX pipe under cement blocks in the south end of the room.

2/7/2012 No internet access this morning. Will have to check tomorrow and see if it reconnects. Worked putting more blue board up into ceiling.

2/9/2012 Learned that Vtel had a main core router go down two days ago which is why no internet. 27 this morning which is quite warm for this time of year. This is the warmest winter since weather was recorded in 1950 I heard on the news. Worked on the white covering for the sliding doors in the room today.

2/10/2012 Burried the remainder of the PEX pipe under the blocks holding up the walls in the south end of the room. They had started to freeze and rise with the cold of winter setting in. The heat from the boiler will warm the ground and blocks and slowly release the heat into the room after the fire in the boiler goes out.

2/11/2012 The cold snap predicted for this weekend has disappeared. It 30 this morning and lightly snowing. Continued working on the insulation.

2/14/2012 Made trip to Home Depot on Sunday to get suspended ceiling material to finish south end of room. Also got a sander to finish the windows in the room. Sanded down the windows to the north east window and gave first coat of Tung oil to preserve them.

2/15/2012 Gave windows some wood filler to fill up imperfections in wood. Tried to hook up web cam in pavilion but no luck.

2/16/2012 still working on web cam. Sanded wood filler on sliding window and put on second coat of Tung oil.

2/17/2012 Still working on Web cam. Gave window third coat of Tung oil.

2/18/2012 Success with Web Cam. Had to use the "Switch" portion of the router to get back to subnet Ken is using for other web cams (Bunkhouse is 192.168.2.x Pavilion is 192.168.3.x cam in pavilion is now Finished up north east sliding window in room. Drilled two screws to the Sill so it wont keep falling off. Will work on rest of trim for window once I return from Philadelphia on Feb 25.

2/19/2012 Put up remainder of Blue Board insulation. Ceiling now has R 20 all over inside room. Looked for 8" long bolts to mount piece for suspended ceiling by the sliding "barn door" but only found 1. Will have to get some to put piece in place.

2/20/2012 to 2/24/2012 On a road job to Philly for NewsBank

2/25/2012 Windy morning. Cut up kindling for the boiler. Stacked slabs from last saw mill operation into bin for the boiler.

2/26/2012 A little snow. The plow guy went through but wasn't much. Stacked the wood from last saw mill operation. Went to Home Depot and got long bolts and 10 more celling panels (can only transport one box at a time because they are so bulky).

2/27/2012 mounted the board by barn doors to mount celling pieces to. Ran the wall side trim for the celling on the south west section of the room.

2/28/2012 worked more on celling. Mounted more wall trim pieces and the first run of main celling grid. Working around the lighting that is on celling trying to make work.

2/29/2012 Running low on fire wood. Will have to see if I can find some more to get to spring. 6-10 inches of snow predicted for tonight. Moved the east most string of lights on the south side of the room so I can put up the grid. (they were at the same spacing from the wall the grid needs to be)

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