All images on the Stellafane Astrophoto Pages are the property of the credited owner.
Jim Daley's Astrophotos
Member of the Springfield Telescope Makers
See Jim Daley's Telescope Gallery Page 1
(Articles on the 8" Schupmann and 6" Classical Schmidt Camera)
See Jim Daley's Telescope Gallery Page 2
(2-Inch Gerrish Solar Projection Telescope)
Homemade 8" Schupmann Refractor
214" Focal Length
Camera: SBIG ST-5 CCD
Images posted 1999-Apr-21 |
- Mars
- 1999-Apr-11 7:05 UT
- Exposure: 0.02 sec, No Filter
- CM: 358
- Planet size: 15.1", North is up
- Mars
- 1999-Apr-18 5:29 UT
- Exposure: 0.02 sec, Filter: Orange
- CM: 273
- Planet size: 15.7", North is up
- Mars
- 1999-May-17 2:03 UT
- Exposure: 0.04 sec, Filter: Orange
- CM: 363
- Planet size: 15.6", North is up
- Copernicus Crater
- 1999-Mar-26 1:10 UT
- Exposure: 0.08 sec
- No Filter, North is up
- Straight Wall
- 1999-Jul-21 1:38 UT
- Exposure: 0.04 sec, No Filter
- Note rill running over the
mound to the left of the wall
- Rimae Hippalus
- 1998-Sep-01 1:43 UT
- Exposure: 0.08 sec
- No Filter
- Horse Head Nebula
- 300mm f/4.5 Lens piggybacked
on main telescope
- Exposure: 40 minutes
- Filter: H-Alpha & IR Rejection
- Saturn
- 1998-Dec-09 23:58 UT
- Exposure: 0.15 sec
- No Filter
Images posted 1999-Dec-11 |
- Jupiter
- 1999-Nov-05
- Exposure: 0.07 sec
- No Filter
- Left: Original Image
- Right: Increased Contrast
- Jupiter
- 1999-Dec-10 00:22 UT
- Exposure: 0.06 sec
- No Filter
- M82
- 2000-May-01
- Exposure: 25 min
- No Filter
Images posted 2000-Oct-19 |
- M27 Dumbbell Nebula
- 8" Schupmann with focal reducer
- 46.4" Focal Length
- Exposure: 600 sec with ST5 CCD Camera
- No Filter
Classical Schmidt Camera with Newtonian Focus
Images posted 1999-Dec-03
- M8 Lagoon Nebula
- 1999-Sep-13
- Exposure: 150 sec
- No Filter
- NGC-6888 Crescent Nebula
- 1999-Oct-07
- Exposure: 170 sec
- No Filter
- NGC-6946
- 1999-Sep-06
- Exposure: 420 sec
- No Filter
- NGC-7023
- 1999-Sep-06
- Exposure: 720 sec
- Red Filter
Images posted 1999-Apr-21 |
- M17 Omega Nebula
- 5.96" Aperture, 19.312" Focal Length, F/3.2
- Exposure: 300 sec (ST5 CCD Camera)
- M27 Dumb-Bell Nebula
- 5.96" Aperture, 19.312" Focal Length, F/3.2
- Exposure: 1,098 sec (ST5 CCD Camera)
- No Filter
Images posted 2000-Oct-19 |
- M101 Galaxy
- Exposure: 720 sec with ST5 CCD Camera
- No Filter
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All images on the Stellafane Astrophoto Pages are the property of the credited owner.