Weather Conditions at Stellafane
Weather Forecasts & Current Conditions
One of the best Vermont Weather Forecasts is from Eye on the Sky at the Fairbanks Museum in Saint Johnsbury and Broadcast by Vermont Public Radio.

Weather links to the National Weather Service are below:
Weather Forecast for Springfield, VT 05156
Weather Radar for Springfield, VT 05156
Current Snow Depth for the Northeast from NOAA.
Where is Stellafane on this map? Springfield is in the southeast corner of Windsor County. From the southeast corner of Vermont, we are one county north (the light gray lines on the map are county boundaries).
The Clubhouse Weather Station reports on current weather condtions at the clubhouse with daily history. Select Desktop or Mobile based on your device.
If it's light out, take a look at several Stellafane locations using the Stellafane Webcams.
Cloud Cover over New England

Astronomical Forecasts
MetroBlue has a nice page for Astronomical Seeing in Springfield, VT (and your location too!)
Check the Clear Sky Chart below to see what your chances of observing are in the next 48 hours. Click the chart image for the full sized version and information on how to read it.
Clear Outside is similar to Clear Sky Chart; it is newer and some feel easier to read Clear Sky Chart. Click the image below to be taken the full size version.
Aerosol Optical Depth
MODIS (Aqua) provides data on Aerosol Optical Depth. We learned about this at the 2014 convention, when although the regular weather forecast was for 'clear', aerosols from western forest fires blew over Stellafane, and produced hazy observing conditions. Below are instructions to get the current daily MODIS (Aqua) data - this is not a 'consumer' web site, but one for researchers, so there is no 1-click link we can give you to get the current data - you have to navigate to it.
- Open the IDEA web page for MODIS (Aqua): - The top left panel should say:
Plots of MODIS Aqua RGB and aerosol optical depth (AOD) - Click on the Select Region button.
- Under the image that appears are regions. Click on Regions 1-3 for New England.
- The current MODIS (Aqua) should appear.
The color scale at the bottom shows you the aerosol concentration.
You can see the 2014 Convention image here (click to enlarge it). Note that Vermont was colored red at the time!