Convention attendees can enter their home-made telescopes in the Optical and/or Mechanical competition. Awards are given for best Optical Performance and for several Mechanical Categories
Below you will see up to four pictures of each telescope entered in the competition (fewer if we have less than four available, in some cases we received no photos of some entered telescopes, especially true of some optical only entries that were not available in daylight for photography) and basic information about the telescope and maker, including any awards won. Listed in order of entry.
There are no optical awards this year because optical judging was clouded out.
Photos by the Springfield Telescope Makers
Note: After you expand a photo, you can use the arrow keys to move forward and back, and the spacebar starts a slide show.
Newt = Newtonian Reflector; Dob
= Dobsonian Mount;
GEM = German Equatorial Mount; Ball = Ball
or Hemispherical Mount
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