Here are photos of the 2011 Convention by the Convention Attendees. We appreciate receiving photos and reports
from attendees and will publish them on these web pages; please
e-mail them to use-mail them
to us (and any suggestions you may have for improving the convention, or topics you
would like to see covered in next year's convention).
Whether you attended and want to try to find
yourself in photo, or you couldn't attend and want to see what went on, you can spend some
time browsing our gallery of general photos. Go to Page 1: Photos by
the Springfield Telescope Makers.
Note: After you expand a photo, use the arrow keys to move forward or backward, or space bar to start a slide show.
Dan Lorraine provided the workshop with many great posters.
Richard Sanderson adress the workshop.
General view of the Hartness House Workshop.
The Hartness Turret Telescope during the day.
Hartness Turret
Photos by Richard Sanderson of the Springfield (MA) Stars Club
One of several rooms in the underground ATM Museum in the Hartness House.
Museum Room
Original Painting and resulting Scientific American cover.
SciAm Cover
1940 Brass Casting by Russell Porter of the knife-edge test.
Brass Tester
Orignal scopes from the 1920's in the museum.
Old Scopes
The Hartness Turret Telescope.
Hartness Turret
The Brashear Objective of the Hartness Turret Telescope.
Brashear Lens
Brad Vietje explains the Porter Turret Telescope from the loading platform stairs.
Turret Tout
Sara Schechner speaks in the pavilion.
Sara Schechner
Potential purchasers examine the goods at the swap tables.
Good Used Stuff!
Late in the day on Breezy Hill, Telescope and Conventioneers wait for nighfall.
Breezy Hill
Paul Valleli and Ron Woodland
Paul & Ron
John Davis and Dennis diCicco
John & Dennis
The conventioneers with candles for theFran Flanders Candlelight Remberance.
Fran Flanders Candlelight Remberance
The Springfield Telescope makers hold up candles in remberance of Fran Flanders.
STMs with Candles
Photos by Adrian Hlynka
A big red Dobsonian telescope set up on the Stellafane East observing field.
Big Red Dob
This wire spider is practically invisible.
Wire Spider
Tents on Sue's Field seen through the door of the pavilion.
This solar observer is using a black Stellafane tee-shirt as an observing hood.
Hooded View
A telescope shadow is nicely positioned on this yellow tent.
Scope Shadow
Dr. Jane Lu delivers the keynote speech Saturday night.
Keynote Talk
First photo in natural colors;
Last 3 recorded Near Infrared and Red. Red is printed as red; Near IR is shown as blue-green. Three Interesting things
to note: 1 High clouds show up in IR, but not in Visible light.
2 The distant hills are lit up by infrared sky glow.
3 You can tell LED flashlights because they are red; filtered ones
are show as white or blue.
Looking south at the Milky Way from Stellafane East main observing field.
Looking South
Red & near-IR photo - see note on gallery page.
Red & IR Photo
Red & near-IR photo - see note on gallery page.
Red & IR Photo
Red & near-IR photo - see note on gallery page.
Red & IR Photo
Photos by Richard Koolish of ATMoB
The Porter Turret Telescope has its Solar Flat installed and is tracking the sun.
Porter Turret
The Solar Projection Screen is installed oposite the eyepiece in the Porter Turret Telescope.
Solar Projection
Sunspots are visible in a band across the projected solar image.
This unique wooden tube clamp 'pinches' the tube.
Tube Clamp
The tube clamp workings are more easily seen with the tube removed.
Pivoting Clamp
A nice large equitorially mounted scope with a wooden pier.
Wood Pier
The Hartness House Inn, home of the ATM Museum and Hartness Turret Telescope.
Hartness House
Historal marker commerates many of Gov. Hartness' accomplishments.
Hartness Plaque
This long underground tunnerl leads from the basement of the Hartness House to the ATM Museum and Turret Telescope.
Long Tunnel
The Hartness Turret Telescope.
Hartness Turret
Tube and Turret with it's unique port holes.
Hartness Turret
Inside view of the turret (reminds me of a submarine conning tower).
Hartness Turret
Photos by Al Takeda
These signs pointed the way to Stellafane, made sure you did not take a wrong turn.
Road Sign
Raffle Tickets out of control! Jean Zuhl and Terri Simoni work to get them under control.
Too many tickets?
Eileen Myers showing off a great tee-shirt for a child.
Eileen Myers
Stella, a husky puppy, with Erin Lowe.
Stella & Erin
This tarp served as an umbella for a family on Friday afternoon.
Rain Sheild
Mario Motta and Paul Valleli with lightweight Dob.
Mario & Paul
This red upper cage assembly has a built-in handle.
The clubhouse is framed by this clamping cradle.
Al Rifkin and Paul Valleli talk on the clubhouse wall.
Rif & Paul
Candle and brochure for Fran Flander's memorial.
Fran's Memorial
STM's light up their candles.
Lighting Up
John Gallagher lights the candles of Rich Sanderson and John Davis. In the background, other STM's are lighting other candles.
Pass the Flame
Candles held high for a Candlelight Memorial for Fran Flanders.
Candlelight Memorial
Comet Garradd
1 image × 60-second subframe
Comet Garradd. See gallery page for equipment info.
Comet Garradd
NGC7000 North American Nebula 3 images x 360-second subframes
NGC7000, the North American Nebual. See gallery page for equipment info.
Images above from 'Deep
Sky Imaging with a DSLR' Seminar Using an Unmodified Canon 20D DSLR; Astronomik LP
filter, Takahashi E-180, f/2.8; Captured and Processed with Images Plus; Additional Processing with Adobe Photoshop
Photos by Harry Drake of ATMoB
Browsing at the swap area on Saturday mornng after the big crowds have gone.
Swap Tables
Examining telescope on Breezy Hill on a glorius Saturday.
Breezy Hill
Sunspots on the solar project screen of the Porter Turret Telescope.
The Breezy Hill field covered with telescopes.
Scope Field
Mechanical Judge Wayne Hilliard examines a 3 pole Dob mount.
This big red dob was set up on Stellafane East near the domed observatory.
Big Red Dob
Photos by Alfonso Navarro
Taken with a Nikon D70
ISO 400, 18mm, f/4 Left 2 photos: 10 minutes Right 2 photos:
20 minutes
The North end of the Milky Way
North Milky Way
Rotated view with ground on the bottom.
Rotated View
Star fields over the Stellafane East observing field.
Stars over Field
Star trails over the Stellafane East observing field.
Star Trails
Photos by Jeff Hutton
A three-strut Dobsonian with fine setting circles.
3-strut Dob
Ball Mount made from a lighting fixture.
Ball Mount
Lightweight square tube Dobsonian.
Lite Square Tube
Alex and his air bearing prototype.
Air Bearings
A modern large Dob and the old Porter Turret Telescope.
New & Old
A minimalistic Newtonian and its maker.
Junior Entry
This all metal tube was a junior entry in the competition.
All Metal Dob
This large equitorially mounted scope got a lot of attention on the field.
Big & Beautiful
Photon entry port of this Dobsonian.
Enter Here
Keynote speaker Dr. Jane Lu and her entoruage.
Dr. Jane Lu
Candlelight memoria for Fran Flanders.
Conventioneers with candles in honor of Fran Flanders.
Photos by Marc Staves
All three shots are from Pine Island campsite. Each exposure ranged from two to four minutes, ISO 400 and the camera was a digital Rebel. Tracking was accomplished with a little device called an Music Box EQ mounted on a standard tripod.
Night sky photo taken from Pine Island camping area.
Night sky photo taken from Pine Island camping area.
Night sky photo taken from Pine Island camping area.
Photos by Phillip Levine
Al Takeda sets up his astrophotography rig.
Al Takeda
North view of the Observing Field.
North Field
South view of the Observing Field.
South Field
Preparing the mount for installing the tube (on seperate cart).
Mount Prep
Installing the tube on the mount.
Tube Install
Photo by Christopher Pilon (L) & Manny Monte (R)
This alien was caught hanging around a tent doorway!
Star Field photo by Manny Monte of ASSNE
Star Field
Photos by Dave Mitsky (ASH, CAS, DVAA)
This reproduction was seen at the swap tables.
Swap Table Special
Tripods galore in the corner of the swap table area.
Swap Table Tripod Land
Late in the morning, the swap table area is pretty mellow.
Swap Table Offerings
A couple of young ladies try their hand at mirror grinding.
Young Mirror Makers
The bunkhouse, where we sell tee-shirts and raffle tickets.
Tee Shirts & Raffle Tickets
This alt-az mount holds a refractor and SCT.
Dual Scope Alt-Az Mount
Telescope undergoing surgery in a field hospital.
Telescope Surgery
Very nice compact spectroscope.
Antique refactor in a very nice case with accessories.
Antique Refractor
Inside the Stellafane Clubhouse, members in blue shirts are Paul Valleli, Gerry DeLuca, Carl Bruning and
Mike Heliba.