2023 Stellafane Convention
The 87th Convention of Amateur Telescope Makers
on Breezy Hill in Springfield, Vermont,
the 2023 Stellafane Convention was held
on Thursday-Sunday, August 17th through 20th.
This year’s convention is dedicated to member Jim Erickson
and astronomers Jay Pasachoff and Beverly S. Litynski.
Do you have a suggestion to improve any aspect of convention? We would like to hear about it! Please send them via email .
We are interested in feedback, comments or suggestions on any aspect of convention, we are always working to make improvements every year.
Thanks to All!
The Springfield Telescope Makers would like to thank all those who attended the 2023 Stellafane Convention and made it a success, especially all the volunteers and club members who help with setup, program and operations and cleanup, and all the excellent speakers who make their expertise and experience available through their talks and workshops.
To those of you who brought homemade telescopes to display on breezy hill, a special thank you for sharing your accomplishments and inspiring the next generation of telescope makers - we had a some very interesting and innovative scopes this year.

Convention Summary
This was a special convention, as the Springfield Telescope Makers celebrated its centennial. Our regular Thursday evening dinner for members and volunteers was expanded to include more member family members and some Springfield civic leaders; the larger attendance required moving the event from the clubhouse to the Flanders pavilion. Many other special events where held, including 1920's era costuming by members and conventioneers, a special display of members and previous entrants telescopes, and centennial souvenirs at the tee-shirt booth. The Saturday Evening program was extended by 30 minutes to have special 100th anniversary content, including a visit by founder Russell Porter and the Stellafane Little Man.

Convention during the day was generally damp or drizzly, with one good cloudburst Thursday morning which was followed by warm sunshine. We had some mud issues around the site, and several areas were roped off for being too wet for camping. But we did have two unexpected nights of observing on Friday and Saturday. Despite the weather, everyone seemed to be in good spirits.
There was a large field of telescopes in both the optical and mechanical competitions, and it was a treat to see all the various designs and innovations. The optical competition was completed on Friday evening. In the mechanical competition on Saturday morning there were several very unusual scopes on display and large field of very well made instruments. Mechanical judging and deliberations took a very long time to complete due to this strong showing.
Emcee Mario Motta introduced our own Dr. Kristine Larsen to give her Stellafane Shadowgram talk "Stellafane Convention: The Real Magic Kingdom", a light-hearted look and convention and the people who put it on. She did poll a lot of people about what was important to them about convention, and overwhelmingly the response was Friendship. Next, Joe Rao, our keynote speaker, delivered an excellent keynote talk titled "Adventures of an Eclipse Chaser". As the keynote talked ended, the clouds began to clear, and people streamed out of the Flanders pavilion to enjoy the night sky.
Convention Program & Schedule
A great selection of speakers, workshops, demonstrations and events for every level: children, beginners, intermediate and
advanced amateur astronomers. Lists all scheduled events and times at convention.
View the Program & Schedule
Hartness House Workshop
The Hartness House Workshop will be held on Thursday, August 17. The theme of the event this year will be: "Eclectic Astronomy II", meaning the Workshop will offer a broad spectrum of interesting individual talks. The slate for the day will be a heterogeneous collection of high-quality presentations, on a variety of astronomical subjects, with the usual opportunity to mingle with the speakers and other attendees at the historic Hartness House Inn. As usual, the Hartness/Porter Museum of Amateur Telescope Making will be open during the day.
Dr. Andrew Boden, the Deputy Director of the Palomar Observatory, will give the keynote presentation at the evening banquet session
on Russell Porter's many contributions to the development of the 200-inch Hale Telescope.
See more complete Hartness House Workshop info
The Springfield Telescope Makers would like to thank the following people and/or companies for donating prizes to the raffle at the 2023 Stellafane Convention. We thank:

Special thanks to Tele Vue for donating
many sets of their Premium Eyepieces.
Four sets of eyepieces were raffled off with a total value over $10,000!
Photo Gallery
Photos from attendees and club members of the 2023 Stellafane Convention. As this was our centennial celebration year, the gallery has quite a few more photos than usual.
Videos of convention events are posted here as they become available.
Watch Convention Videos

[Click to enlarge]
Observing Olympics
A challenge to observe at least 15 deep sky objects, accessible in small to large amateur telescopes or binoculars.
This year's Observing Olympics has fun new lists of objects to search for and learn about.
See the Observing Olympics Details
Telescope Competition
Details and photos of all the telescopes and other items entered in the competition, and all the winners are listed here.
See all the Scopes in the Competition
Teen Robotics Program
In observance of the Springfield Telescope Makers founding 100 years ago, Stellafane Teen program participants will learn about the technological breakthroughs occurring in the early 1920’s and how many of them have evolved to present use today. Some of these may be familiar and others might be a bit of a surprise. See more details and important info here.
Sun, Moon & Twilight Data View Data
When is Astronomical Twilight during convention? When does the sun set and the moon rise? Click to find out.
General Information
This page contains information about the convention that does not fit in elsewhere. Check this page for answers to any questions you may have.
Goto the General Information Page

at the 2023 Convention
Photo by Bob Horton
[Click to enlarge]
Convention Policies
This page contains convention policies which we have established to insure the safety, comfort and enjoyment of convention by all who
attend. In particular, please read the Refund Policy and the Stellafane Convention Code of Conduct.
Please familiarize yourself with these policies, so that you too will have a safe and enjoyable convention.
View Convention Policies
Lodging & Campgrounds
If you are not camping at Stellafane, you will need some place to stay. Here is a listing of Motels, Hotels, Bed & Breakfasts, and Campgrounds in the area.
View our Lodging & Campground list
Directions & Maps
Need to know how to get to Stellafane? Here are written directions and a map for after you get off the Interstate.
We also have a site map of the convention area. See also Local Airport Information.
View Directions & Maps
Food Service
We are using the same vendor as last year: JC’s Market & Deli of North Springfield. A dinner menu from the grill will be available Thursday late afternoon / early evening along with salads, fruit and snack items. Breakfast (from 6 AM), lunch, and dinner (from 5 PM) will be available Friday and Saturday including some home cooked dinner items as well as the grill and Breakfast will be available on Sunday morning.
Both Friday & Saturday night some home-cooked dinner options will also be offered al-la-carte.
In addition to the a-la-carte selections available at the times above, an optional pre-ordered complete dinner will be available Saturday evening starting at 4:30 which must be ordered in advance with your registration. There is a choice of Half Chicken or Half-Rack of BBQ Ribs, and both meals include baked beans, Italian pasta salad, mixed vegetables, a dinner roll, a drink (water or soda), and strawberry shortcake for $24.99
Bags of Ice will also be available for your cooler.