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2024 Convention General Information

"If an amateur starts out to build a telescope just for fun he will find, before his labors are over, that he has become seriously interested in the wonderful mechanism of our universe. And finally, there is understandably the stimulus of being able to unlock the mysteries of the heavens by a tool fashioned by one's own hand."

Russell W. Porter, Founder of Stellafane, March, 1923

The Ultimate Star Party?

Although the oldest and perhaps best known, the Stellafane Convention is but one of the growing number of astronomy conventions in North America. Our reputation and the fact that publications list the Stellafane Convention along with star parties in their calendars of events causes some people to arrive at the meeting expecting the ultimate observing experience. In truth, the Stellafane Convention began in the 1920's as a meeting of amateur telescope makers. There has always been observing, but it does not have the emphasis that it does at gatherings such as the Texas Star Party or Florida's Winter Star Party. The Convention is on the outskirts of town and minor light pollution is visible in the sky over Stellafane.

Camping & RVing at Stellafane

If this is your first visit to the Stellafane convention, especially if you are camping, there are several things you should know. First, our camping is very primitive. Only portable chemical toilets are available. You should bring your own drinking water. There are no showers, no electrical hookups and no isolated campsites. You are likely to be camping back-to-back with others. While this usually makes for good friendships it can cause other side effects. The Convention site is often hot and dusty. There are no hookups of any sort for RVs. We do our best to see that everyone has a happy and comfortable convention but don't be surprised by our rustic conditions -- they are part of the Stellafane tradition.

Contact Information

Questions that are not answered here can be directed via e-mail to Convention Mailbox

Family Service Radios

The convention staff uses family service radio channel 7 to facilitate communications during the convention. Please avoid using this channel when you are at the convention site. Of course, if you have an emergency please contact the staff via channel 7.

Will Dark-Sky Conditions be Preserved?

We try to preserve the Clubhouse area on Breezy Hill as the dark sky site by limiting the number of cars that go in and out during the night. However, it's not perfect so expect the occasional white light to go by.

Stellafane Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund will one day guarantee that Stellafane can pay unavoidable costs due to a catastrophic event or if the convention cannot be held. For info please go to the Pink Clubhouse or see the information online here. All contri­butions to the endowment fund are tax deductible. Thanks!

Online Telescope Registration

If you will be in the telescope competition, you are encouraged to register your telescope on-line (use the link on the main convention page). Note that you must still check in at the Pink Clubhouse before the competition or your telescope will not be judged! Pre-registering your telescope on-line will save both you and us time when you check-in in person at convention.

What should I bring to the Convention?

Whether a day-tripper or a die-hard camper, everyone should bring rain gear for those periodic "Stella-Rains", sturdy shoes for the up-and-down hill walks on rocky terrain (a 2nd pair of shoes and socks is handy in case your feet get wet in the rain!), a cap or visor and sun protection for the sunny days, and bug spray ... (yes, there are bugs, especially at dusk!). Also, no matter how warm the day is, the evening temperatures can plunge, so a jacket (and even gloves) will prove invaluable... campers will obviously need to bring more "stuff". For the protection of yourself and others, just a reminder that  Camp Fires are Not Allowed  - if you are camping and/or cooking on the Stellafane site, you must use approved cooking equipment, i.e. portable grill or camping cook stove, etc.  Do not cut any trees.  And, always be careful about disposal of cigarette butts.

Cell Phone Service

Be advised that cell phone service is "spotty" in hilly southern Vermont. Good coverage is generally available near interstates and town centers, but gets less reliable as you move off into the countryside. At Stellafane, you might have to move about the site to get a connection, but most carriers do have a useable signal at least in some (higher) areas of our site. If you can see Mt. Ascutney to the north, you will likely have service.

Most major buildings and observatories have open WiFi access points, and WiFi calling may work for you there.

First Aid

First-Aid Kits are located at Tee Shirt Sales near the Bunkhouse and Food Tent, McGregor Observatory and the Clubhouse. We also have trained Medical Staff onsite. Contact Security or STM staff with your needs, or make Emergency Calls on Channel 7 on FRS radios.

In Case of Emergency

In case of emergency please contact Security (by the gate) or any STM member.

Where to Set Up your Telescope

We strongly recommend that you set up your telescope in the fields around the Pink Clubhouse or in the field to the south of the McGregor Observatory. You may not set up your telescope in a designated parking area. Please consult the site map, which you will receive when you arrive, as well as the signs posted throughout the convention site for the designated parking locations.

Can I bring a store purchased telescope?

Of course! Everyone who's interested in any aspect of astron­omy is welcome at the convention!

Photos & Convention Reports

We would be pleased to add your photos or convention report to our post-convention pages. Please submit them via email to the

Directions & Maps

Getting to Stellafane is not hard, we are very close to I-91 in Springfield, Vermont. See our directions and maps, or airport list.

Once at Stellafane, the Stellafane East Site Map is available from the directions and maps page, below the road map.

Do I have to Walk from the Main Camping/Parking Area to the Pink Clubhouse?

No. There is a shuttle bus that will operate between the main camping/parking area and the Clubhouse on Friday and Saturday; see the program for hours of operation.

Is there parking near the Clubhouse?

No. Parking near the Clubhouse is very limited. We try to reserve the few spots that are available for those who are unable to walk up the hill or take the bus. If you must drive up to deliver your telescope we ask that you park your car in the main camping/parking area as soon as possible. Thanks for your cooperation in this area.

Where is the Lost and Found?

The lost and found is at the tee-shirt table. Please see the map of the main camping / parking area, which you'll receive when you arrive, for the location of the tee-shirt table.


Would you like to help out at convention? Please see our Volunteer Information.

Future Convention Dates

The 2025 Stellafane Convention will be held Thursday through Sunday, July 24-27, 2025.

2 Meter Repeater: W1STM

There is a 2 meter Ham Radio repeater in continuous operation on site, call sign W1STM, operating at 147.15 MHz, +600kHz offset, no tone.

Swap Tables

The Swap Tables (located at the NORTHEAST edge of the main camping/parking area) are provided to give amateurs an opportunity to trade, buy or sell their surplus astronomical and telescope related items. They operate from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday of convention.

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