Hartness House Workshop
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The Hartness House Workshop is a full day event offered on the Thursday before the Stellafane Convention and held in the historic Hartness House Inn which also hosts our Hartness-Porter Museum of Amatuer Telescope Making. Started by John Briggs in 2009 and soon supported by Dan Loraine as registrar, Tom Spirock and Dan have continued as co-chairs since 2016. The workshop is offered in two parts, a full daytime session with many lectures, breakfast snacks and lunch included, and an evening dinner session with a keynote speaker. Proceeds support the Hartness-Porter Museum of Amateur Telescope Making, which is run by volunteers from the Springfield Telescope Makers. While associated with the Stellafane Convention, this is a separate event and separate registration and fees apply.

— Index to Past Hartness House Workshops —
Each white card below lists a previous works and its theme. Click on a card to go to the information page for that year which includes the program of speakers and their topics.
2024: Eclectic Astronomy III
Program (PDF) Only, no seperate page was created
2023: Eclectic Astronomy II
2022: Eclectic Astronomy I
— The workshop was not held during the 2020 and 2021 pandemic years —
2019: Advanced Telescope Making
2018: Antique Telescopes, Observatories,
and Related Equipment
2017: The Search For and Science of Exoplanets
2016: Sub-Arcsecond Spatial Resolution Imaging
2015: Innovation in Astronomy Education and Outreach
2014: Binary and Multiple Star Astronomy
2013: Solar Astronomy
2012: Historical Telescopes and Related Instrumentation: Conservation and Study
2011: Meteors, Meteorites, and Minor Planets
2010: A Lunar Morphology Workshop
2009: History of Astronomy
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