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[1998-Dec-3] Naked Eye nova in Aquilla! Check out Sky & Tel's news page for details.
[1998-Dec-7] December 7, 1923 marked the first official meeting of the Springfield Telescope Makers which was held at the home of Oscar Marshall in Springfield. Russell Porter was elected the club's first president. The most important discussion during that first meeting concerned the construction of the bungalow that had been started that fall which would be completed that winter. At the January 30, 1924 meeting Russell Porter suggested the clubhouse be named 'Stellar-Fane', meaning 'shrine to the stars', which was unanimously adopted. Before long, however, the name was contracted to 'Stellafane'. Why a Pink Clubhouse? Check here to read the short story on why the clubhouse of the Springfield Telescope Makers is painted pink.
Information in this section taken from the biography of Russell Porter by Bert Willard.
[1998-Sep-1] We regret that this decision will inconvenience those who are planning to attend the eclipse on the 11th in Europe. However, the convention can not be scheduled for the new moon weekend in July and to schedule the convention for either the weekend before or after the 13th of August will introduce a 1/4 moon to either the evening or mid-night skies which will affect everyone's observing experience. Thanks for your patience. The STMs
Want to learn about attending the convention? Check out the 1999 convention bulletin. If you're not on the mailing list to receive the 1999 convention information send a SASE to: Stellafane, PO Box 50, Belmont, MA 02178
![]() Beardsley |
![]() Harty from the "Ol' Days" by RWP |
[1998-Aug-1] Stellafane recently received a donation of 45 acres of land adjacent to "Stellafane East". This land is being prepared to expand the convention's main camping and parking area. There will be more space for camping, parking and, eventually, a new "dark sky" observing site far from the main traffic patterns!
[1998-Aug-1] 'By making a telescope a person has already done the extraordinary.' Therefore, it's a shame that anyone who builds a telescope and displays it at Stellafane must go home empty handed because anyone who makes a telescope and shows it off to help others catch the 'telescope making bug' is already a winner! This was the subject of a discussion at the 1997 pre-convention meeting of the Springfield Telescope Makers. To solve this unfortunate situation it was agreed that a token of appreciation would be given to all who brought a homebuilt instrument to the 1998 Stellafane Convention and displayed it on Breezy Hill. Over the following year a patch was developed. It was presented to all those who displayed their home built telescope on Breezy Hill this past Stellafane convention regardless if they entered their 'scope in the competition or not. It was such a big hit that there's no doubt that this will become a permanent tradition at Stellafane for years to come. Note the Porter Turret telescope and the Stellafane 'Little Man' among the telescopes. A million thanks to all those who displayed their home built 'scope at the convention this year! The STMs