All images on the Stellafane Astrophoto Pages are the property of the credited owner.
Mike Terenzoni's Astrophotos
Contact Mike Terenzoni
Images posted 1999-Jun-16 |
- Comet Hale-Bopp and Saguaro Cactus
- 1997-Mar-17
- Tucson, AZ
- Total Solar Eclipse Composite
- Telescope: Televue genesis at Prime Focus
- 100 speed Kodak print film
- Northern Lights
- 1989-Sep
- Baxter State Park, ME
- Photo won Astronomy Magazine
Photo of the Month in 1990
- "Dusk Sentinel", Comet Hale-Bopp
- 1997-Mar-27
- Photo in June 1999 issue of "Arizona Highways"
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All images on the Stellafane Astrophoto Pages are the property of the credited owner.