The new class is enthusiastically working away, making good progress on grinding both inside and outside the bunkhouse, on an unusually balmy late fall day.
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Grinding at the Bunkhouse
Jay talks about Grit Jay is giving a short lecture on fine grinding, using a grit display for illustration.
Jay talks about Grit
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Grinding at the Bunkhouse
Fine Grinding Explained It's easy to do when you have a clipboard!
Fine Grinding Explained
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Grinding at the Bunkhouse
Randall Bevels Randall leans into beveling on the bunkhouse lawn.
Randall Bevels
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Grinding at the Bunkhouse
"The Porch" Samantha grinds while her parents relax on our newly enclosed porch. Thanks to Tom, we now have some extra space to work in.
"The Porch"
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Grinding at the Bunkhouse
"Sag" Check Dave check's Samantha's sagitta, while she reads the dial indicator.
"Sag" Check
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Grinding at the Bunkhouse
Tom checks in Tom checks in with Samantha and Dave, making sure his new enclosed porch is being well used and the mirror is progressing along.
Tom checks in
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Grinding at the Bunkhouse
Rick Rick is working outside: lots of elbow room and comfortable temperature.
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Grinding at the Bunkhouse
George & Rick George & Rick make good off-season use of the T-shirt tables.
George & Rick
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Grinding at the Bunkhouse
Cleaning Up Rick is giving his tool a through cleaning between grits.
Cleaning Up
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Grinding at the Bunkhouse
Elizabeth grinds She is doing a nice job on fine grinding.
Elizabeth grinds
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Grinding at the Bunkhouse
Steve Steve is again working on his portable grinding table.
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Grinding at the Bunkhouse
Isaac & Jeremy Both have advanced to micron sized grits - nice progress!
Isaac & Jeremy
It's the Pits
Checking the pits to see if you are done with a grit is a frequent activity in fine grinding.
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 It's the Pits
Jay checks the pits Elizabeth is anxious to know if she is done with her current grit size.
Jay checks the pits
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 It's the Pits
Grit Display The microscope slides on the top row are show the pit size for the corresponding grit in the tube below.
Grit Display
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 It's the Pits
Side-by-Side Pits Jeremy & Isaac use a slide ground with only one grit to compare to the pits on their mirrors.
Side-by-Side Pits
Solar Observing
Many of us took a short break from mirror class to do some solar observing. There was one very large sunspot that was either splitting or merging, and it was quite a treat to see.
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Solar Observing
Schupmann on the Sun With the new domed observatory in the foreground, the 13" Schupmann Medial Refractor with 8" solar filter in place aims at the sun.
Schupmann on the Sun
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Solar Observing
Full Aperture A full 13" aperture Badder solar filter is tested out. Deb enjoys a book on the bench out front.
Full Aperture
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Solar Observing
John Observes the Sun He was elected club president that evening.
John Observes the Sun
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Solar Observing
Brad Observes the Sun He became the immediate past president that evening.
Brad Observes the Sun
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Solar Observing
Brad at the Eyepiece The CCD Camera port is the focuser on top.
Brad at the Eyepiece
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Solar Observing
Solar Monocular Al observes with Junie's Solar Monocular, while Junie and Jeff chat.
Solar Monocular
Pitch Laps
We poured a few pitch laps this session, although we only have photos of one.
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Pitch Laps
Preparing the Mirror Wayne prepares his mirror with a masking tape dam to hold the liquid pitch.
Preparing the Mirror
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Pitch Laps
Wayne melts Pitch Having broken up the hard pitch with the hammer, Wayne is melting it down so that it will flow into his mold.
Wayne melts Pitch
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Pitch Laps
A New Lap Wayne is poking the bubbles out of his newly poured lap.
A New Lap
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Pitch Laps
Is it cool? Wayne checks the edge stiffness, judging when to pull of the tape.
Is it cool?
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Pitch Laps
Channeling Wayne channels the new laps, which is covered with pink Cerium Oxide.
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Pitch Laps
Jay stirs the Pitch Master chef Jay stirs a new batch of melting pitch.
Jay stirs the Pitch
Plaster Disks
To be ready to make pitch laps next session, several students had plaster disks poured, allowing plenty of time for them to cure and dry. Tom is our "Plaster Master" and shows how it is done.
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Plaster Disks
Ingredients & Tools A plastic collar fits over the mirror, a glass of water to mix with plaster, and a cordless drill with mixing bit are all ready for action.
Ingredients & Tools
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Plaster Disks
"Plaster Master" Tom The master moves in on the tools, about to show his stuff.
"Plaster Master" Tom
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Plaster Disks
Mixing Plaster Julia Child couldn't have done it any better.
Mixing Plaster
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Plaster Disks
Pouring Plaster A clean pour right into the mold. The mirror is below, so the plaster disk will match it's curvature.
Pouring Plaster
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Plaster Disks
Interviews Like any famous athlete, Tom does interviews after the main event is over. If you are real nice, you may get an autograph :-)
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Plaster Disks
A Big Plaster Tool Here's a big plaster tool being used on the 16" mirror. See below for more machine grinding pictures.
A Big Plaster Tool
Machine Grinding
Wayne & Jeff refurbished the grinding machine last year, now they are using it on a 16" mirror.
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Machine Grinding
Wayne adds Grit Wayne is adding grit while the machine hums along. Isaac & Jeremy are learning how machine work differs from hand work.
Wayne adds Grit
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Machine Grinding
Wayne adds Water You have to keep your grinding wet, by machine or by hand.
Wayne adds Water
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Machine Grinding
Nice Spherometer! Wayne's homemade 3-ball, digital spherometer is checking the "sag" on the 16" mirror.
Nice Spherometer!
Polishing, Figuring & Testing
Fran, Joyce, Eileen & Scott were polishing and figuring this session. Scott completed a very fine mirror today!
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Polishing, Figuring & Testing
Paul demonstrates Paul is demonstrating a stroke, while Eileen watches intently. Scott is doing some final figuring in the background.
Paul demonstrates
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Polishing, Figuring & Testing
Eileen, Joyce & Scott Eileen & Joyce work on their mirrors, while Scott is waiting for the tester.
Eileen, Joyce & Scott
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Polishing, Figuring & Testing
Fran's 12" Fran works on his 12.5" mirror, which will be a Classical Cassegrain primary.
Fran's 12"
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Polishing, Figuring & Testing
Nice Lap & Case Fran's lap travels in a very nice custom made case, as does his mirror also.
Nice Lap & Case
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Polishing, Figuring & Testing
Dave Tests Dave moves his eye up to the knife edge while using his homemade double-pass null tester.
Dave Tests
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Polishing, Figuring & Testing
Scott is Done! Scott proudly holds his excellent, completed mirror. The face is so well polished that you might think the markings on the back are really up front.
Scott is Done!
Miscellaneous Goings On
A few random shots of other things happening at Stellafane this day.
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Miscellaneous Goings On
Firewood for the Winter John delivers some firewood with the tractor, Jeff begins to stack it.
Firewood for the Winter
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Miscellaneous Goings On
Jeff & Randall Jeff looks over a lens design book that Randall was reading.
Jeff & Randall
2006-2007 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2006-Nov-11 Miscellaneous Goings On
Dave & Ken Dave and Ken chat in the kitchen, while Jay melts pitch in the background.
Dave & Ken
The End
With three photographers and lots going on, this 45 photo album is the biggest we have ever published. Hope you enjoyed our photo journal for the day.