We have a large number of photos this time, some due to some 'extra' non-mirror class material towards the end, and some due to just having all three photographers snapping away. One of our photographers didn't notice they had knocked their camera and had a bad setting, and some photos came out dark. We only used these when there were no others available.
Doug completes his mirror!
Well, as luck would have it, the completion photo of Doug with his mirror was one of the 'bad' photos. Here it is anyway, and the mirror is excellent! (We wouldn't call it done if it wasn't)
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Doug completes his mirror!
Doug & Dave Doug holds his completed mirror. Dave, our expert tester and figurer, helped test and consulted on the final figure.
Doug & Dave
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Doug completes his mirror!
Doug Relaxes That last photo of Dave was very dark and grainy, so here is a better one of him relaxing in the McGregor.
Doug Relaxes
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Doug completes his mirror!
Carl, Doug & Fran Doug is explaining something to Carl while Fran listens also. They are looking at a drawing on the brown paper table cover.
Carl, Doug & Fran
Grinding out Mirrors
Plenty of grinding work going on in the Bunkhouse, keeping everyone busy (and a bit warmer for the effort).
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Grinding out Mirrors
The Jones Family The Jones' are all grinding away on the porch, making good progress.
The Jones Family
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Grinding out Mirrors
Chris at Work Chris is grinding in bunkhouse.
Chris at Work
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Grinding out Mirrors
Caitlin prepares a new wet Sprinkling grit on her tool.
Caitlin prepares a new wet
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Grinding out Mirrors
Diagonal Dixie Either the bunkhouse is collapsing, or this is an odd camera angle. Anyway, Dixie is concentrating on her grinding, and ignoring photo antics.
Diagonal Dixie
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Grinding out Mirrors
That's the Depth! Dixie checks the depth of her curve, and points to the dial indicator.
That's the Depth!
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Grinding out Mirrors
Dave & Dixie Dave and Dixie discuss their progress before grinding some more.
Dave & Dixie
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Grinding out Mirrors
Edge Beveling Dave renews the bevel on his mirror, knelling before a dishpan on the floor.
Edge Beveling
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Grinding out Mirrors
Joyce & Claudio Joyce is giving Claudio some advice about his mirror.
Joyce & Claudio
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Grinding out Mirrors
Claudio Cleans He is using a toothbrush to glean grit out of the spaces between the tiles.
Claudio Cleans
Lap Land
Samantha & Ray made laps this session, here are some shots of them being made, even some pre-work by Samantha and Alex at home.
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Lap Land
Epoxy Coated At home, Samantha & Alex apply an epoxy coating to their plaster lap substrates to waterproof them.
Epoxy Coated
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Lap Land
Classy Tool It's not hard to design a custom label to embed under the epoxy on the back of the tool. This one looks great!
Classy Tool
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Lap Land
Cracking Up Dave uses a hammer to shatter pitch in the cardboard container so he can pour it into the pitch pot. (Caught in the background is an elusive mirror class photographer!)
Cracking Up
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Lap Land
Lap Pouring Dave pours pitch for Ray's lap.
Lap Pouring
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Lap Land
Channeling "Oh spirit of Porter, can you hear me?" No, not that kind of channeling. Ray presses channels into his still warm lap while Dave looks on.
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Lap Land
Samantha's New Lap Samantha made a new lap also. Here it has cooled enough to remove the masking tape dam.
Samantha's New Lap
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Lap Land
Channeling Done Samantha is just about finished pressing new channel into her lap.
Channeling Done
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Lap Land
Ray Squares the Channels Working outside with latex gloves because this is a messy job, Ray uses a razor blade to open up the channels he pressed into the warm lap.
Ray Squares the Channels
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Lap Land
Precision Surgery Samantha works inside on a surgical pad, cutting open her channels with a razor blade.
Precision Surgery
Finish Work
Up in the McGregor Observatory, Carl, Fran, Doug were working on polishing, figuring and testing.
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Finish Work
Carl Examines His Mirror Using a bright overhead light, Carl examines his polished mirror for sleeks and scratches. This unique lighting gives this photo a surrealistic look.
Carl Examines His Mirror
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Finish Work
Still Looking From another angle, Carl is still checking his mirror surface.
Still Looking
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Finish Work
Jeff Jeff is enjoying himself in this underexposed and overcorrected photo. Samantha and Julie seem to be having a good time in the background, also.
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Finish Work
Polishing & Figuring Carl and Fran both are getting ready for another polishing session. Carl is grabbing a spray bottle to wet his work.
Polishing & Figuring
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Finish Work
Fran Testing Fran has his Cassegrain primary on the test stand, getting ready to test it.
Fran Testing
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Finish Work
Setting the Distance Jay helps Fran set the mirror at the proper distance from the tester.
Setting the Distance
We seem to have more than a few mirror testers at Stellafane; here is a special section on them.
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Testers
So Many Testers... ...and so little time! A bevy of testers and test stands sit on top of our test tunnel at Stellafane.
So Many Testers...
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Testers
Classic & Variant One the far left is the classic 'Stellafane Tester' described on our ATM pages. A well made black variant of this design is to the right.
Classic & Variant
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Testers
Closing the Tunnel Jay is flipping down the doors of the test tunnel prior to doing a test. A very simple knife edge tester sits at the far left of the tunnel.
Closing the Tunnel
People at Stellafane
We had quite a few nice photos of many of the regulars at mirror class, so here is a small gallery of them
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 People at Stellafane
STM Secretary Dave Our newly elected club secretary, Dave, at mirror class. He is a mirror class stalwart, always there and helping out.
STM Secretary Dave
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 People at Stellafane
Samantha Samantha concentrates on cutting channels in her lap. She has made an award winning scope, and is now working on a bigger one.
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 People at Stellafane
Head's Head Head of the mirror class, Jay, in the McGregor for this head shot.
Head's Head
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 People at Stellafane
Paul Long time club member and now a retired professional optical engineer, Paul is leading the Refractor Interest Group.
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 People at Stellafane
John & Wayne Site Mange John enjoys the warmth of the wood stove in the bunkhouse as he talks with STM member Wayne.
John & Wayne
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 People at Stellafane
Tom Tom does everything at mirror class, including providing live entertainment. Apparently, he has a good grip on the ISS Tool Bag and won't let it float away.
Refractor Interest Group
A small number of members are gearing up to make refractors. This time, we needed to make glass tools from a big sheet of 3/4-inch plate glass and biscuit cut it into 4-inch blanks. Cutting the sheet into a strip proved to be a challenging job!
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Refractor Interest Group
Tapping the Score Don scored the 3/4-inch plate glass, and is now tapping it to crack it while Rick hopes to catch the scored strip. No such luck, it wouldn't crack.
Tapping the Score
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Refractor Interest Group
Use a Bigger Hammer Perhaps a bit more force might get it to crack. Rick and Dave hold while Don whacks the glass. Still no joy.
Use a Bigger Hammer
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Refractor Interest Group
Engraving the Score Maybe a deeper score will work. Nope, that didn't do it either. Finally a torch was applied, and that got results.
Engraving the Score
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Refractor Interest Group
Clamped for Cutting The glass strip was clamped on wood strips to our drill press with the biscuit cutter in place.
Clamped for Cutting
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Refractor Interest Group
Read to Go Some blue tape was used to cover the sharp edges and make a dam for the water and grit that would soon be applied.
Read to Go
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Refractor Interest Group
Cutting Begins You can see the grit on the glass as the biscuit cutter begins to dig in.
Cutting Begins
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Refractor Interest Group
Spattered Grit About half way through, you can see the grit spattered on the plywood shield (and everywhere else!)
Spattered Grit
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Refractor Interest Group
Done! A nice 3/4-inch thick by 4-inch diameter glass tool has been cut out of the plate glass.
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Refractor Interest Group
Beveling Bowl Paul uses a rotating cast iron beveling bowl to bevel the edges of the new blank.
Beveling Bowl
Scenes from Stellafane
Something must have been in the air, a number of us snapped some interesting shots of Stellafane as we moved about the site. Here are the best.
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Scenes from Stellafane
The Porter Turret Telescope as seen from inside the clubhouse.
The Porter Turret Telescope
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Scenes from Stellafane
Ned gets Warm Ned builds a fire in the clubhouse.
Ned gets Warm
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Scenes from Stellafane
Robins Nest Found near the clubhouse, it now sits on a patio chair outside the clubhouse.
Robins Nest
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Scenes from Stellafane
The Toad Our 1930's Bucyrus Erie power shovel, affectionately called 'The Toad' by members.
The Toad
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Scenes from Stellafane
The McGregor Observatory A view through the woods.
The McGregor Observatory
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Scenes from Stellafane
Bad Hair Day? Ah, this tree had a dead top which was cut down, but now it looks like it is having a bad hair day.
Bad Hair Day?
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Scenes from Stellafane
Domed Observatory 1 A view through the woods.
Domed Observatory 1
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Scenes from Stellafane
Domed Observatory 2 A view coming out of the woods.
Domed Observatory 2
2009-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2008-Nov-22 Scenes from Stellafane
Domed Observatory 3 A view from behind the stone wall.