Mirror class is done for the year, and so is Carl's mirror. Another good class, with very enthusiastic students.
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Done & Done
Carl is Done Car with his completed mirror, and instructor Dave.
Carl is Done
We were a bit shorthanded on instructors this session due to vacations and illness, and failed to capture a couple of new students (Alexa and Brendan) who were hogging out, as well as continuing students (David). Some worked outside, as it was a very nice spring day.
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Grinding
Kim works Outside Kim grinds her 8-inch mirror in front of the bunkhouse.
Kim works Outside
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Grinding
Kim works Inside It got a bit warm in the sun, so she moved inside later in the day.
Kim works Inside
Dave does Laps
Dave held a lap making clinic in the bunkhouse, and as you can see, several laps were made this morning.
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Dave does Laps
Kayla and Dave Warming the substrates and mirrors with a heat lamp.
Kayla and Dave
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Dave does Laps
Refresh Terry builds a masking tape dam around his old lap. He will pour a new one over it, to refresh a damaged lap.
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Dave does Laps
Cooling Off Two freshly poured laps cool down, while a heat lamp keeps the mirrors warm for the first pressing.
Cooling Off
Polishing & Figuring
Most students are polishing and figuring at this point in class, and the crowd in the McGregor Observatory confirms this.
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Polishing & Figuring
Fran Presses Fran is cold pressing his lap between work sessions.
Fran Presses
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Polishing & Figuring
Alex & Samantha work off in a corner on their mirrors.
Alex & Samantha
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Polishing & Figuring
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Polishing & Figuring
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Polishing & Figuring
Randy is a blur as he figures
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Polishing & Figuring
Dave instructs Ray
Dave instructs Ray
Plenty of testing is going on also, to give the figurers feedback on how they are progressing.
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Testing
Lining up at the Tester While Gary polishes in the foreground, a line forms at the tester.
Lining up at the Tester
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Testing
Dave tests Jim's mirror
Dave tests Jim's mirror
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Testing
Team Reilly at the Tester Randy waits in line
Team Reilly at the Tester
Guests from Barnstable High School
Ken hosted 5 students from Barnstable High School in Hyannis, MA and showed them around Stellafane, including mirror class.
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Guests from Barnstable High School
At the Clubhouse
At the Clubhouse
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Guests from Barnstable High School
Trying some Grinding
Trying some Grinding
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Guests from Barnstable High School
In Mirror Class
In Mirror Class
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Guests from Barnstable High School
With the Schupmann
With the Schupmann
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Guests from Barnstable High School
In the McGregor Observatory
In the McGregor Observatory
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Guests from Barnstable High School
Checking out the Schupmann
Checking out the Schupmann
Tiger Cub Pack 216
Ken also hosted several members of Tiger Cub Pack 216 who saw mirror class, tried some grinding and did some solar observing.
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Tiger Cub Pack 216
Solar Observing There were a few prominences
Solar Observing
2008-2009 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 7 held on 2009-Apr-25 Tiger Cub Pack 216
Adjusting the View Ken re-centers the sun in the telescope