Here we are at the Fletcher House in Chester, Vermont again, for the fifth session of this mirror class. Fran completed a 6-inch, the fourth completion for this class, and it looks like we will have a lot more before we are done.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Mirror Class at the Fletcher House
Fran proudly shows off his most recently completed mirror, a 6-inch. But you will still see him at mirror class, he is working on others (see below).
Fran completes a 6-inch
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Mirror Class at the Fletcher House
Here's a view of the Organized Chaos we call mirror class - plenty going on in every nook & cranny.
Organized Chaos
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Mirror Class at the Fletcher House
Jay examines and discusses substrate disks held by Kate & Cecelia while Paul sips coffee on the left.
Jay, Kate & Cecelia
Fewer and fewer grinders every session now, as many have finished up this stage and moved on to polishing.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Grinding
Leonard grinds early in the day (the benches have not filled up yet). Behind him, Wayne checks his netbook.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Grinding
Paul is a blur of motion as he one-hand grinds a 6-inch.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Grinding
Paul rinses off his tool after several wets.
Paul cleans up
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Grinding
Paul checks a small scratch on Cecelia's mirror which she later ground out.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Grinding
"It's just a little scratch!" Randy and Kate are polishing, while Cecelia hangs back at 12 micron grit to grind out a little scratch by the edge.
Randy, Cecelia & Kate
Little Man Grinding
Pressing (He-man Style)
It seems in winter, laps need a bit of man-handling to press correctly, and we have a few photos to show you the proper technique for doing this :-)
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Pressing (He-man Style)
Jeff presses with a little body weight applied.
Jeff presses with a little body weight
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Pressing (He-man Style)
Samantha watches father Dave give her 10-inch lap an extra press with upper body weight applied.
Samantha watches Dad lean into it
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Pressing (He-man Style)
If a little upper body weight won't get the job done, then just climb onto the mirror to give it everything you have!
Dave is on top of it!
Polishing & Figuring
Most students are now polishing or figuring, and they are excited to be near the completion of their mirror!
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Polishing & Figuring
Fran figures a 10-inch f/6
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Polishing & Figuring
Michael figures an 8-inch f/6, while Dr. Al chats with Jeff and Carl who are pressing.
Michael, Al, Jeff & Carl
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Polishing & Figuring
Francis works on his 12½ flat. Dave, Michael and Carl in the background.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Polishing & Figuring
In the kitchen, Dave does some manual pressing on Rob's 8-inch f/6.
Rob & Dave
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Polishing & Figuring
Jean polishes her 8-inch.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Polishing & Figuring
Sarah & Tatiana have their eyes on a TV while Tatiana polishes. Michael doesn't seem to be interested in the cartoon.
Sarah & Tatiana
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Polishing & Figuring
Sarah sprays water on Tatiana's lap. Carl (legs visible) keeps an eye on this operation.
Sarah & Tatiana clean her lap
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Polishing & Figuring
Kate is attentive as Jay demonstrates a polishing stroke. Don is listening in.
Jay instructs Kate
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Polishing & Figuring
Nickelodeon provides entertainment as Tatiana, Carl & Zhenya (behind Carl) polish. Michael (far left) ignores the TV, while Sarah (in pink top) is mesmerized.
Nickelodeon Polishing
Foucault Testing: Lecture & Practice
This year, the traditional Foucault lecture by Ken was followed up by a practice session by Jeff, so students could apply what they learned right away. Carl's new collapsible test stand saw its first use.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Foucault Testing: Lecture & Practice
Ken talks about Foucault testing to a full house.
Foucault Testing Lecture
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Foucault Testing: Lecture & Practice
Jeff is setting up data reduction software on his laptop for the practice session.
Jeff prepares for practice
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Foucault Testing: Lecture & Practice
Glenn makes a practice run at testing, coached by Dick & Jeff.
Glenn practices testing
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Foucault Testing: Lecture & Practice
The new portable test track with a mirror and Couder Mask on the far end in a test stand, and Jeff's tester up front. To the left is one of the original Stellafane testers.
The test setup
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Foucault Testing: Lecture & Practice
The horizontal brass rod is a complete miniature Foucault tester on a machinists gauge stand. The gray cable runs off to a power supply for the lamp.
Paul's small tester
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Foucault Testing: Lecture & Practice
Using the little allen wrench at far left, it can be disassembled into (1) stand clamp, cable and light source; (2) connector sleeve; (3) collimating lens; (4) slit (on end); and (5) right angle mirror.
Miniature Tester Exploded
Testing Student's Mirrors
As usual, Dave was on hand to do help with the testing of student mirrors using the big test tunnel and his rugged machined tester.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Testing Student's Mirrors
Fran watches Dave do the final test on his 6-inch f/6 test at focal length. This mirror was declared done!
Fran & Dave
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Testing Student's Mirrors
Dave explains to Rob what he sees in testing Rob's 8-inch f/6.
Rob & Dave
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Testing Student's Mirrors
Jean looks anxiously over Dave's shoulder at the first test of her 8-inch mirror.
Jean & Dave
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Testing Student's Mirrors
Jean's 8-inch, fresh from being polished out, has a central hill that should be easy to remove.
Jean's Mirror
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Testing Student's Mirrors
Rick watches Dave measure an accurate Radius of Curvature for Jean's mirror.
Rick & Dave
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Testing Student's Mirrors
Wayne hold the mirror end of the tape measure while Dave takes an RoC reading. Rick (and Jean behind him) are watching this operation.
Measuring RoC
Social Time
The Fletcher House is such an inviting place that a lot of socializing gets done, which is part of the fun of coming to mirror class.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Social Time
Some of the young people at mirror class chat in the kitchen before class gets started.
Young Folks
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Social Time
You might think this was a discussion about pressing, but having overheard the conversation, it was really a Vermont-New Jersey school board/school administration conversation.
Interstate School Board
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Social Time
Liz, having completed her mirror at an earlier session, gets some knitting done.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Social Time
Wayne & Glenn relax in the lobby and chat.
Wayne & Glenn
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Social Time
Don examines Dick's clock, and is giving some advice on how to repair it.
Clock Work
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Social Time
Jay & Glenn chat in the lobby. Glenn staked out an early position on the couch, and did not surrender it all day :-)
Jay & Glenn
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Social Time
Sarah & Tatiana take a coloring break.
Coloring Time
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Social Time
Before the Foucault lecture, Ken showed a movie from the 1941 Stellafane Convention which several people enjoyed.
Movie Time
Club Business
Club business gets done too, some of it preparing for the club meeting that was held here that evening.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Club Business
Jay & Ray. Maybe Ray is saying "It's Jay's Fault"
Ray says "Jay did it!"
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Club Business
Dave reads a proposal to the finance committee (or the upside-down comics - you decide)
Dave reads (the comics?)
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Club Business
Dave & Dr. Al discuss finance committee issues.
Dave & Dr. Al
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Club Business
New club treasurer Wayne ponders something. He hid in that corner and looked like this all day!
New Club Treasurer Wayne
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Club Business
After mirror class, our cleanup crew prepares for the evening meeting.
Clean-up Crew
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2010-Feb-13 Club Business
Ken vacuums, and Ray gets as far away as possible as quickly as possible.