2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class
Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24
by Jay Drew & Ken Slater
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We had two completions on the last class this season at the Fletcher House.
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 General
Rob is Done! Dave, Rob and Ray near the tester.
Rob is Done! |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 General
Ed is Done. Dave, Ed and Ray near the tester.
Ed is Done! |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 General
Nice shot of the Newsbank Fletcher House conference center on a spring day.
Fletcher House |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 General
Rob, Ray and Ed haul the test tunnel up from the basement.
Long! |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 General
Rob is already inside, Ed and Ray move in with the test tunnel after making a tight corner on the deck.
Awkward! |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 General
Near lunch, class quiets down a bit and several folks eat at the table in back.
Quiet near Lunch |
Pitch Laps
Plenty of work with pitch laps as more students move to polishing and figuring.
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Pitch Laps
Karl watches while Dave stirs the soupy pitch.
Stirring Pitch |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Pitch Laps
Dave channels the new lap (made on an aluminum disk) as Karl watches.
Channeling |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Pitch Laps
Karl and Francis both work on their laps, trimming and channeling.
Lap Land |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Pitch Laps
Rob's lap warms under the heat lamp prior to warm pressing.
Rob's Lap |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Pitch Laps
Ron and Francis both press with body weight on their laps.
Double Press |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Pitch Laps
Ed's mirror and lap waiting to be used.
Ed's Pair |
Polishing & Figuring
No lack of work in this area, although we we have two less next time as Rob and Ed are done.
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Polishing & Figuring
Ray checks on Ben's progress.
Ben and Ray |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Polishing & Figuring
Nothing seems to make Francis as happy as pushing glass (even if it does have a TDE).
Francis in Heaven |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Polishing & Figuring
Dave points out how to do a stroke as Ed follows instructions.
Ed and Dave |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Polishing & Figuring
Rob takes a break and checks in on Ed. Both completed their mirrors later in the day.
Rob and Ed |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Polishing & Figuring
Dave demonstrates a stroke to Rob.
Dave and Rob |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Polishing & Figuring
Dave explains how to get that final figuring done to Ed and Rob.
Ed, Dave and Rob |
Only two photos, but plenty of testing was done this time.
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Testing
Dave lines up the tester - keeping your eye back from the knife edge helps you find the returned beam.
Dave Testing |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Testing
Jay and Al chat while Rob tests his mirror.
Jay, Al and Rob |
Fine Grinding
We had a couple of fine grinders at work also.
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Fine Grinding
Josh wets down his 24-inch during fine grinding.
Josh Grinds |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Fine Grinding
Jeffery is using 9 micron grit, almost ready to polish.
Jeffery Grinds |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Fine Grinding
This grooved glass tools is covered with aluminum oxide polishing slurry.
Jeffery's Tool |
Photos from other activities surrounding mirror class.
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Miscellaneous
Dave and Ken are testing the new on-line registration form for convention. Samantha, Julie and Paul are also at work on other things.
STM Cyber Work Session |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Miscellaneous
Rick has a new homemade diagonal holder in his hand.
Rick's New Toy |
2011-12 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2012-Mar-24 Miscellaneous
STM Members Francis (cut off at left), Dave, Samantha, Jay and Ray hang out near the tester.
Blue Shirts |
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