2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class
Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05
by Jay Drew, Francis O'Reily and Wayne Hilliard
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Fall at Stellafane
Its fall at Stellafane, and time to start a new mirror class. Here are some photos of the fall color from opening day.
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Fall at Stellafane
Looking south from the McGregor towards the domed observatory and bunkhouse.
Looking South |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Fall at Stellafane
The clubhouse road from Jordan Road.
Clubhouse Road |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Fall at Stellafane
Colorful Jordan Road.
Jordan Road Color |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Fall at Stellafane
Bright gold by the Pink Clubhouse.
Pink Gold |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Fall at Stellafane
Looking west from Breezy Hill.
Panorama |
Group Shots
Some wide angle views of activities in the Pavilion Mirror Lab.
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Group Shots
A panoramic short of the Mirror Lab in the Pavilion.
Lab Panorama |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Group Shots
Mirror class leader Ray gives an introductory talk to our students.
Ray Talks |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Group Shots
Professor Kris Larsen and two of her students get ready to grind.
Professor & Students |
Students at Work
Some individual shots of many of our students at work.
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Students at Work
Antoine bevels the edge of his mirror blank.
Antoine Bevels |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Students at Work
Dan & Kai work on their 8-inch mirror.
Dan & Kai |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Students at Work
Kris files a chip smooth on her 10-inch blank.
Kris Files |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Students at Work
Jeffrey check for pits on his mirror.
Jeffrey Pit Check |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Students at Work
Kenney sprinkles grit on his tool.
Kenney Sprinkles |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Students at Work
Tamir grinds his 8-inch mirror.
Tamir Grinds |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Students at Work
Tamir uses bar bell weights to speed his grinding.
Weighty Grinding |
Outside the Mirror Lab in the pavilion, Jay set up the lap making area.
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Lapland
Jim, Jeffrey, Rick and Francis look over the lap making area.
Gawkers |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Lapland
George pours a new lap for himself.
George Pours 1 |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Lapland
George pours a new lap for himself.
George Pours 2 |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Lapland
George pours a new lap for himself.
George Pours 3 |
Little Man Grinding |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Lapland
The shiny, warm pitch reflects George's face.
Pitch Mirror |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Lapland
The silicon lap mat makes nice squares with deep channels - in use.
Silicon Lap Mat |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Lapland
The silicon lap mat makes nice squares with deep channels - results.
Lap Mat Results |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Lapland
At a secret location on the Connecticut coast, the Stellafane Tile Tool Factory churns out tile tools for mirror class over the summer.
Tile Tool Factory |
Around the Site
Other happenings around the site during mirror class
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Around the Site
John Martin test drives the newly donated backhoe which he has been working to get operational.
New Backhoe |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Around the Site
John Deere Backhoe, Kubota Tractor and Kubota Mower in the "Agricultural Storage Building" (Pavilion).
Stellafleet |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Around the Site
Site Manager John Martin's always exuberant dog Winter.
Winter |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Around the Site
Members Carl and Jim take care of club business on Saturday morning.
Carl & Jim |
2013-14 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2013-Oct-05 Around the Site
Ken up on the catwalk, checking locations for new work lights to be installed.
Ken Aloft |
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