2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class
Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13
by Ken Slater 2004-Nov-13
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Mirror Making at Stellafane
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 Mirror Making at Stellafane
Mark is fine grinding... ...while Alec enjoys some hot chicken soup,
Mark is fine grinding... |
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 Mirror Making at Stellafane
Mark & Alec team grind on the bench
Mark & Alec team grind on the bench |
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 Mirror Making at Stellafane
Matthew works on his mirror... ...while "Extremely Hard Working" instructor Jay warms a chair.
Matthew works on his mirror... |
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 Mirror Making at Stellafane
Rob prepares to grind A 27" Blank and 18" Tool are in the foreground
Rob prepares to grind |
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 Mirror Making at Stellafane
Matthew works outside By early afternoon, it was quite comfortable outdoors
Matthew works outside |
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 Mirror Making at Stellafane
Darby is fine grinding in the kitchen He has advanced to 9-micron grit
Darby is fine grinding in the kitchen |
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 Mirror Making at Stellafane
Cody A. is all smiles as he works on his 6-inch mirror
Cody A. is all smiles |
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 Mirror Making at Stellafane
Phil marks the back of Chris' mirror This will help him keep consistent stroke length while polishing
Phil marks the back of Chris' mirror |
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 Mirror Making at Stellafane
Cody S. is polishing Brian attends to some paperwork on the bench.
Cody S. is polishing |
Special 16-Inch Mirror Section
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 Special 16-Inch Mirror Section
Jim & Dick: 16" Mirror Makers Jim is fine grinding his mirror
Jim & Dick: 16" Mirror Makers |
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 Special 16-Inch Mirror Section
Dick's 16" set up for testing in the Bunkhouse basement
Dick's 16" set up for testing |
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 Special 16-Inch Mirror Section
Dick with the Foucault Tester in the Bunkhouse basement
Dick with the Foucault Tester |
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 Special 16-Inch Mirror Section
Earlier, Jim flattens the back using a glass tool and #220 grit
Earlier, Jim flattens the back |
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 Special 16-Inch Mirror Section
Jim find grinds the mirror with #320 grit
Jim find grinds the mirror |
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 Special 16-Inch Mirror Section
A Glowing 16" Mirror Illuminated by late afternoon sun in the kitchen
A Glowing 16" Mirror |
New Observatory Foundation
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 New Observatory Foundation
Completed foundation for the new Observatory Forms removed, backfill complete
Completed foundation for the new Observatory |
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 New Observatory Foundation
The new foundation is below the McGregor located in the observing field
The new foundation is below the McGregor |
2004-2005 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2004-Nov-13 New Observatory Foundation
Foundation waterproofed for winter to keep ice out; work will resume in the spring
Foundation waterproofed for winter |
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