5 Laps were poured; While I don't have a lot of pictures, a lot of progress was made! Also, work was done by club members on the grinding machine's drive system, and we admired the progress on the 16" mirror for the club's new star party scope.
2005-2006 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 3 held on 2005-Dec-03 Work in the Bunkhouse
Scott pours a Lap Under the glow of a heat lamp, Scott pours liquid Gugolz #64 pitch onto his lap.
Scott pours a Lap
2005-2006 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 3 held on 2005-Dec-03 Work in the Bunkhouse
What's in the Box? Wayne unscrews the lid of the carrying case.
What's in the Box?
2005-2006 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 3 held on 2005-Dec-03 Work in the Bunkhouse
A 16" Mirror! Currently at #120 in fine grinding, several club members have been working on this mirror for the club's new star party telescope.
A 16" Mirror!
Polishing & Figuring in the McGregor
With several people Figuring and Testing, and even more Polishing, the McGregor warming room became the center of activity in the afternoon.
2005-2006 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 3 held on 2005-Dec-03 Polishing & Figuring in the McGregor
New to Polishing Dave (left) and Scott (right) both began polishing their mirrors today.
New to Polishing
2005-2006 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 3 held on 2005-Dec-03 Polishing & Figuring in the McGregor
A hive of Mirror Making The McGregor warming room was full of activity, with Testing, Figuring, Polishing and lots of coaching and good natured fun happening all day long.
A hive of Mirror Making
2005-2006 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 3 held on 2005-Dec-03 Polishing & Figuring in the McGregor
Waiting for Judgment Fran (foreground) waits for test results as Dave aligns the tester. Good news! Fran's mirror has changed from an Oblate Spheroid to a Prolate Spheroid, clearly moving towards the sought after Paraboloid.