2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class
Session 2 held on 2007-Nov-10
by Dave Tabor & Ken Slater 2007-Nov-14
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Grinding in the Bunkhouse
Plenty of work got done in the grinding department,
you can see the enthusiasm and hard work in these photos.
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2007-Nov-10 Grinding in the Bunkhouse
Dixie choose to work outside It was a nice fall day, warm in the sun
Dixie choose to work outside |
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2007-Nov-10 Grinding in the Bunkhouse
Wayne makes a point Wayne points out something on Dixie's mirror.
Wayne makes a point |
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2007-Nov-10 Grinding in the Bunkhouse
Roger rough grinds It really is nice to be working on your own mirror!
Roger rough grinds |
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2007-Nov-10 Grinding in the Bunkhouse
Cheryl grinds on a bench Using Tom's weighted tool holder.
Cheryl grinds on a bench |
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2007-Nov-10 Grinding in the Bunkhouse
Cheryl & Maryann Maryann is mentoring Cheryl on her mirror work.
Cheryl & Maryann |
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2007-Nov-10 Grinding in the Bunkhouse
Kim Measures Kim checks her sagitta, Dennis keeps a watchful eye
Kim Measures |
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2007-Nov-10 Grinding in the Bunkhouse
Jay & His Clipboard You can't lead mirror class without a clipboard!
Jay & His Clipboard |
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2007-Nov-10 Grinding in the Bunkhouse
Grind on! Roger & Kim grinding away, with Denis lending support.
Grind on! |
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2007-Nov-10 Grinding in the Bunkhouse
A Weighted Mirror Handle This is helpful for people who can't press down when grinding.
A Weighted Mirror Handle |
Polishing, Figuring & Testing in the McGregor
Some special arrangements were made to test a 20" which didn't fit in our tunnel.
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2007-Nov-10 Polishing, Figuring & Testing in the McGregor
20" Mirror on Stand Note safety clip at top.
20" Mirror on Stand |
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2007-Nov-10 Polishing, Figuring & Testing in the McGregor
Darkened for Testing Since the 20" doesn't fit in our test tunnel we darken the whole room while testing.
Darkened for Testing |
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2007-Nov-10 Polishing, Figuring & Testing in the McGregor
Jay & Rif Jay demonstrates a stroke on Rif's mirror.
Jay & Rif |
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2007-Nov-10 Polishing, Figuring & Testing in the McGregor
Fran & Bernie Working with their pitch laps
Fran & Bernie |
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2007-Nov-10 Polishing, Figuring & Testing in the McGregor
Fran and his 12" Look at him go!
Fran and his 12" |
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 2 held on 2007-Nov-10 Polishing, Figuring & Testing in the McGregor
Jay Tests Jay is using the Ross Null Test on Fran's 12" mirror
Jay Tests |
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