For a snowy cold day we had a good turnout at Fletcher House in Chester, VT. Here are some photos people at mirror class.
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 People
Fran finished his 12.5" Cassegrain! Mirror Class leader Jay is happy to see another completed mirror with excellent figure.
Fran finished his 12.5" Cassegrain!
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 People
Bill & Andy plan... They are working on a Schiefspiegler design for Andy.
Bill & Andy plan...
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 People
Jay Mirror Class Leader Jay takes it all in.
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 People
'Doctor Al' Doctor Al reviews papers at the counter.
'Doctor Al'
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 People
Brian Works Brian came up with another class member, and did a lot of work during class.
Brian Works
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 People
Dave the Alien We always knew Dave was a little odd; today he had trouble concealing his antennae while setting up the tester.
Dave the Alien
Ken gave his Foucault Testing Talk, a tradition since 2002, and always well received. We also had a number of excellent Foucault Testers present to use.
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 Testing
Ken explains Foucault Testing Getting the class comfortable with reading Shadowgrams.
Ken explains Foucault Testing
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 Testing
Ken explains Data Reduction He reviews how Foucault Test Data Reduction Software works.
Ken explains Data Reduction
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 Testing
Jeff Tests He is setting up his slanted tester on his 14" mirror.
Jeff Tests
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 Testing
Jeff's Tester A 'Stellafane Tester' built on an angled base.
Jeff's Tester
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 Testing
Andy's Tester Smooth curves and neat construction make this one very nice.
Andy's Tester
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 Testing
Dave Tests Dave uses his machined tester on a short focus 4" mirror.
Dave Tests
Pushing Glass
Of course, the main purpose of the class is to push glass - here are some (but not all) of the glass workers this day.
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 Pushing Glass
Jay instructs Kristen while Samantha works on a 10"
Jay instructs Kristen
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 Pushing Glass
Julie Figures She is keeping her fingers away from the optical surface to prevent heating.
Julie Figures
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 Pushing Glass
Phil & Kristen work... ...while Jay, Andy & Bill chat and observe.
Phil & Kristen work...
Telescopes, Testers and Work Stands, everything an ATM loves.
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 Equipment
Dave's Scope Dave shows off his scope to Isaac and Jeremy.
Dave's Scope
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 Equipment
Dave's Excellent Tester Dave test's Julies mirror on his aluminum double=pass tester while the other Dave watches.
Dave's Excellent Tester
2007-2008 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 5 held on 2008-Feb-09 Equipment
Fran's Work Stand Fran built a 'truss barrel' to work on. It is sturdy and light. This design came from Dick Parker of ASGH.