2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class
Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15
by Jay Drew and Francis O'Reilly
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Mirror Class Ghost Town
Projects in place, but no people? They are all listening to a talk by Dave Kelly about testing in the game room!
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Mirror Class Ghost Town
The main room, for grinding, mirrors in place, but it is deserted!
Grinding Room |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Mirror Class Ghost Town
The lobby, for polishing and figuring - who is that hiding in the back corner?
Polishing Room |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Mirror Class Ghost Town
Warming Lamps and Wine Glasses (but nobody brought wine).
Warming Lamps |
Grinders, Rough and Fine
The grinders are in the main room, and making good progress on their projects.
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Grinders, Rough and Fine
The grinding gang, diligently grinding away.
The Grinding Gang |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Grinders, Rough and Fine
Andy is grinding with #120 grit.
Andy Grinding |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Grinders, Rough and Fine
Fran uses a weighted tool to grind faster.
Fran Grinding |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Grinders, Rough and Fine
Kris is working on a 12-inch f/5.
Kris Grinding |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Grinders, Rough and Fine
Ron is fine grinding with a smile!
Ron Fine Grinds |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Grinders, Rough and Fine
James is getting his first wet of the day set up.
James Grinding |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Grinders, Rough and Fine
Rick is beveling the lens of his refractor.
Rick Beveling |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Grinders, Rough and Fine
John is fine grinding an 8-inch.
John Grinding |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Grinders, Rough and Fine
Pete is fine grinding in the back corner.
Pete Grinding |
Polishing and Figuring
People using laps were in the lobby, far away from grit that can scratch.
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Polishing and Figuring
Ray is pressing Keith's lap. Keith is in final figuring.
Ray & Keith |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Polishing and Figuring
Karl is figuring his 2½-inch elliptical secondary.
Karl Figures |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Polishing and Figuring
Jessica is polishing her 8-inch mirror.
Jessica is Polishing |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Polishing and Figuring
Francis is polishing a Stevick-Paul tertiary mirror.
Francis Polishes |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Polishing and Figuring
Read is figuring an 8-inch f/6.
Read Figures |
Testers and Test Equipment
Different test equipment for different purposes.
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Testers and Test Equipment
Dick is testing with his double-pass knife edge tester.
Dick Testing |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Testers and Test Equipment
Francis is using a monochromatic light source to see Newton's fringes between two surfaces.
Francis Testing |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Testers and Test Equipment
Dave uses his tester while Phil adjusts the light source in a dual focus elliptical test setup.
Dave & Phil Test |
Solar Observing with Questars
We had two Questar scopes set up for solar observing in the parking lot.
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Solar Observing with Questars
Paul observing the sun.
Paul Observing |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Solar Observing with Questars
Jay and Phil with their Questars
Questar Owners |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Solar Observing with Questars
Jessica, Phil and Francis do some solar observing.
Jessica, Phil & Francis |
Mirror Class Believe It or Not!
Yes, you could really find these people and things at mirror class!
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Mirror Class Believe It or Not!
Arthur Crowe was a post WW2 member, and he built this beautiful 5" off-axis corrected scope. Jay Drew has been restoring it.
Arthur Crowe's 5" Mak |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Mirror Class Believe It or Not!
President Dave and Contemplative Ray
Dave and Ray |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Mirror Class Believe It or Not!
Paul holds some lens making templates for a Zygo diverger Francis will fabricate.
Lens Templates |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Mirror Class Believe It or Not!
Mirror class leader Jay, with finger signs and hair seems to be stuck in the 60's :-)
Stuck in the 60's |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Mirror Class Believe It or Not!
Francis, Dick and Phil talk during lunch break.
Francis, Dick and Phil |
2014-15 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 4 held on 2014-Nov-15 Mirror Class Believe It or Not!
Carl looks over some very nice finder scopes Paul brought in to clean. Francis and Rick in the background.
Finders on the Bar |
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