As webmaster, I get asked this question a lot, and I really haven't been able to provide an accurate answer in the past. I should note that our goal is not to make the web site big, although we do aim to have comprehensive coverarage of all things related to Stellafane, which has the side effect of making the web site rather large.
We now run a Perl script every day at 4:00 AM Mountain Time (our server is in Utah) that counts the files on our server and writes a data file; this page then uses PHP to classify the files and format the results into the table below. We include all the files in the web server tree:, and and a few smaller private areas used for development and club member communications. In short, not everytyhing on our server is included, but everything that is in some way accessible through the web on is (the notable areas that are not counted are the e-mail, FTP and log areas).
So if you want to know how big the Stellafane web site is, the table below will give you some idea in terms of files, bytes, pages, photos, videos and whatever else we uncover in the dusty corners of our server (and it helps me spot orphans and runaways :-) ...Webmaster Ken
Item | File Count | Size in Bytes | Notes / File Types Data collected on Tue 2025-02-25 04:00:03 MT |
Grand Total | 589,083 | 137,330,585,971 | All Files in /public_html |
Directories | 4,695 | 6,292,069,855 | |
Web Pages | 1,332 | 34,904,682 | .htm .html .shtml .htc |
Style Sheets | 90 | 2,919,759 | .css |
Scripts | 8,655 | 114,020,422 | .js .cgi .php .asp .bat .pl .pm .py .sh |
Images | 43,044 | 28,914,320,380 | .jpg jpeg .jp2 .png .gif .bmp .fig .tif .tga .raw .svg .wmf .mix .pcd .afp |
Webcam Images | 504,313 | 86,734,228,934 | 7 day archive of webcam images |
Videos | 232 | 6,193,168,539 | .avi .wmv .fla .flv .swf .mov .mpg .mpeg .m4v .mp4 |
Audio | 1 | 10,999,752 | .mp3 |
Icons & Cursors | 37 | 521,553 | .ico .cur |
Documents | 18,868 | 4,478,316,969 | .doc .docx .info .lesser .log .manifest .odb .odt .odt# .odp .pdf .ppt .pps .pub .rtf .txt .wbk .wri .xlf .xls .xlsx .xlsm |
Illustration Sources | 160 | 258,292,871 | .ai .eps .mic .psd .jbf .psp .vsd |
License Files | 2 | 5,848 | .gpl .lgpl |
Programs | 128 | 60,401,376 | .c .h .application .aps .bsc .def .deploy .exe .gid .hlp .lib .lnk .nwt .mak .mnu .pdb .rc .res .ssi .trc .vcw .wsp |
Data | 1,931 | 62,154,521 | .csv .dat .db .dtd .sql .trt .upt .json .yaml .yml |
Configuration Files | 43 | 839,853 | .cfg .ini .htaccess |
Dada Mail List Package | 1 | 79,607 | .cfc .cfm .dada_config .dada_config_ss .dnsbl .eml .lasso .sample .scrn .pod .t .tmpl .types .widget .pm-remove_to_install |
Archive Files | 40 | 514,731,728 | .jar .html-old .pack .php-old .old .old1 .old2 .zip |
Fonts | 12 | 1,910,852 | .ttf |
Temporary Files | 5 | 365,648 | .tmp |
.(none) | 1,114 | 16,705,455 | Unclassified |
.3e801828 | 2 | 5,353 | Unclassified |
._gs | 1 | 0 | Unclassified |
.apd | 1 | 4,096 | Unclassified |
.apib | 1 | 4,096 | Unclassified |
.backup 2022-01-13 | 1 | 101,056 | Unclassified |
.base64 | 1 | 634 | Unclassified |
.bib | 1 | 235 | Unclassified |
.conf | 1 | 4,096 | Unclassified |
.copy | 3 | 8,192 | Unclassified |
.csslintrc | 1 | 4,876 | Unclassified |
.data | 1 | 4,096 | Unclassified |
.dist | 76 | 74,284 | Unclassified |
.dot | 13 | 396,451 | Unclassified |
.dotx | 2 | 112,640 | Unclassified |
.ea4bak | 2 | 337 | Unclassified |
.editorconfig | 5 | 17,867 | Unclassified |
.empty | 1 | 4,096 | Unclassified |
.engine | 9 | 24,576 | Unclassified |
.eot | 8 | 458,829 | Unclassified |
.example | 1 | 4,791 | Unclassified |
.expected | 14 | 8,121 | Unclassified |
.ftpquota | 7 | 117 | Unclassified |
.gitattributes | 4 | 580 | Unclassified |
.gitignore | 76 | 15,450 | Unclassified |
.gitkeep | 3 | 8,648 | Unclassified |
.gss | 1 | 295,267 | Unclassified |
.hiddenfile | 1 | 151 | Unclassified |
.htaccess 2021-01-22 8-06am prior good | 1 | 3,716 | Unclassified |
.htaccess 2022-04-13 2-36pm it works | 1 | 3,841 | Unclassified |
.htaccess-backup2019-03-10 | 2 | 1,590 | Unclassified |
.htaccess-x | 1 | 180 | Unclassified |
.inc | 51 | 404,185 | Unclassified |
.initial | 2 | 5,353 | Unclassified |
.jpeg | 254 | 517,580,243 | Unclassified |
.jscsrc | 1 | 2,154 | Unclassified |
.jshintrc | 3 | 8,469 | Unclassified |
.ldb | 2 | 7,503,872 | Unclassified |
.ldif | 2 | 4,189 | Unclassified |
.less | 80 | 241,740 | Unclassified |
.lock | 6 | 194,475 | Unclassified |
.lock-253a4f36ce11a-197169a2b-339b2 | 1 | 45 | Unclassified |
.lock-27e8f4462cc05-197169a2b-339b2 | 1 | 45 | Unclassified |
.lock-284e659198057-197169a2b-339b2 | 1 | 45 | Unclassified |
.lock-9c8ef48e833f-197169a2b-339b2 | 1 | 45 | Unclassified |
.m4 | 1 | 2,250 | Unclassified |
.map | 9 | 292,798 | Unclassified |
.markdown | 1 | 7,251 | Unclassified |
.md | 305 | 1,307,380 | Unclassified |
.mdb | 52 | 69,953,910 | Unclassified |
.mht | 4 | 102,400 | Unclassified |
.minceconf | 1 | 994 | Unclassified |
.mo | 4 | 549 | Unclassified |
.mwb | 1 | 19,584 | Unclassified |
.nef | 111 | 2,182,404,693 | Unclassified |
.neon | 4 | 8,192 | Unclassified |
.nuspec | 2 | 4,567 | Unclassified |
.ods | 67 | 6,325,078 | Unclassified |
.orig | 2 | 128 | Unclassified |
.otf | 4 | 549,204 | Unclassified |
.phar | 2 | 4,706 | Unclassified |
.php_cs | 2 | 1,132 | Unclassified |
.phpt | 17 | 27,463 | Unclassified |
.phpupgrader | 1 | 66 | Unclassified |
.po | 63 | 228,146 | Unclassified |
.pot | 2 | 246,376 | Unclassified |
.ppsx | 1 | 41,730,048 | Unclassified |
.pptx | 62 | 702,127,177 | Unclassified |
.ps1 | 1 | 1,270 | Unclassified |
.pug | 2 | 5,312 | Unclassified |
.rb | 2 | 4,283 | Unclassified |
.rep | 308 | 1,324,324 | Unclassified |
.rng | 2 | 10,433 | Unclassified |
.rst | 134 | 897,160 | Unclassified |
.skp | 1 | 293,254 | Unclassified |
.skylist | 1 | 82,801 | Unclassified |
.tar | 1 | 4,096 | Unclassified |
.thmx | 2 | 8,192 | Unclassified |
.ts | 1 | 195 | Unclassified |
.twig | 110 | 411,837 | Unclassified |
.unknownextension | 1 | 1 | Unclassified |
.url | 23 | 2,550,941 | Unclassified |
.vob | 1 | 4,096 | Unclassified |
.w32 | 1 | 345 | Unclassified |
.webp | 2 | 24,381 | Unclassified |
.woff | 12 | 874,414 | Unclassified |
.woff2 | 12 | 433,264 | Unclassified |
.xml | 481 | 1,114,325 | Unclassified |
.xsd | 20 | 207,388 | Unclassified |
.~* | 1,897 | 98,517,841 | Unclassified |
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