Here are photos of the 2004 Convention by the Springfield Telescope Makers and convention attendees.
Whether you attended and want to try to find yourself in photo, or you couldn't
attend and want to see what went on, you can spend some time browsing our gallery of general photos below. If
you are looking for telescopes entered in the competition, see the 2004 Telescope Competition
Photos by The Springfield Telescope Makers
Conventioneer talkin' telescopes.
Junie Esslinge explains rough grinding.
Conventioneer talkin' telescopes.
Phil Rounsvill makin' pitch lap.
Conventioneer talkin' telescopes.
Mario Motta talkin' on collimation.
A little Stellafane dew drippin' off the tent.
Camden Houghton grindin' a mirror.
Young conventioneer workin' on the 27" blank.
Chris Houghton explainin' grindin' to his son.
Conventioneer testin' a mirror.
Young conventioneer workin' on a mirror.
Young conventioneer workin' on a mirror.
Richard Parker talkin' about Ronchi testin'.
Richard Parker talkin' about Ronchi testin'.
Conventioneer workin' on a mirror.
Ken Slater explainin' rough grinding.
Young conventioneer workin' on the 27" blank.
Young conventioneer workin' on a mirror.
Young conventioneer workin' on a mirror.
Richard Parker talkin' about Ronchi testin'.
Wayne Zuhl video taping the Fri eve talks.
Convention A/V master "Ol' Uncle Bill" Kuriskin.
Convention MC Bob Morse at the Fri eve talks.
'Scope judges Matt Marulla & George East.
'Scope judges Dave Kelly & Brian Lula.
'Scope judge Jeff Lowe.
'Scope judge Chris Houghton.
'Scope judges delebrating on the 'scopes.
Talkin' Telescopes on Breezy Hill.
Key Note speaker Dr. Ronald Mallott.
David Levy givin' the Shadowgram talk.
Givin' out the 'scope awards Sat eve.
Givin' out the 'scope awards Sat eve.
Chris Houghton talkin' about the 'scope awards.
Bert Willard gettin' an award for 50 years at conv.
Bob Gent giving John Martin the AL Award.
Bob Crelin speaking after receiving the W. S. Houston award.
STM president Brad Vietje givin' a young ATM a mirror kit.
Convention matra'd Al Rifkin.
Thomas Stern & the youngest conventioneer.
Convention MC Bob Morse.
Peter Chen speaking on his ultra light weight mirrors.
Nancy Tuthill & Al Rifkin.
Tim Castillano speaking on detecting extra solar planets.
Joel Gilmann.
Convention MC Bob Morse.
Steve Dodson builds a 'scope w/ a junior 'scope maker.
Breezy Hill.
Norm Fredrick watchin' over the Turret.
Talkin' 'scopes on Breezy Hill.
Jim Flood video taping the ATM short talks.
Ken Slater demonstrating rough gringing.
Springfield CofC rep Bob Flint.
site manager
John Martin.
STM Vice-pres
John Gallagher.
STM Pres
Brad Vietje.
David Kratz
giving a Fri
eve talk.
Tim Castillano
speaking on the
NASA extrasolar
planet project.
Jim Flood
working the
registration gate.
Kim Keegan working the t-shirt table.
Nancy Tuthill.
Ken Slater putting grit on a mirror blank.
Jim Beaty talking about beviling.
Mike Hill talking on "ATM Lingo"
David Siegrist setting up his talk on "Dob Basics"
Steve Orlando talking about mirror making.
Tools of the trade.
Dave Kelly's Mirror tester.
John Galligher and Brad Vietje fighting over a trash can.
The business end of a mirror tester.
Dave Kelly pressing a lap.
Dave Siegrist
Mario Motta
Breezy Hill
Dave Proten & Gary Cislak
John Martin
Dave Kelly
Contributed Panoramic Photos
Panorama of the Porter Turret & The Stellafane Clubhouse by Mike Gondek, Jr.
163 kB, 1,630 x 400 panorama of
Porter Turret &
The Stellafane Clubhouse.
Photo by Mike Gondek, Jr.
Panorama of Setting up Telescopes on Breezy Hill by Mike Gondek, Jr.
179 kB, 2,279 x 400 panorama of
Setting up Telescopes on
Breezy HillPhoto by Mike Gondek, Jr.
Panorama of Stellafane East Amphitheater by Liebrecht Venter
260 kB, 1,927 x 400 panorama of
Stellafane East Amphitheater.
Photo by Liebrecht Venter