Public Star Party at Stellafane September 17th & 18th!
Join the Springfield Telescope Makers for a weekend of camping
and observing on Breezy Hill on September 17th and 18th. Hope for clear skies!
The 69th Convention of Amateur Telescope Makers on Breezy Hill in Springfield, Vermont, the 2004 Stellafane
convention, was held Friday, August 13th and Saturday, August 14th, 2004. Hosted by the Springfield Telescope
Makers, Inc. Here you find Reports, Photos and Videos of the 2004 Convention.
Thanks to All!
Stellafane East Amphitheater by Liebrecht Venter
Stellafane East Amphitheater by Liebrecht Venter
The Springfield Telescope Makers would like to thank the people who braved the weather
and attended the 2004 Stellafane convention. Despite a bit of rain on Friday, the weather cleared and dried
enough for the telescope mechanical competition on Saturday. We would like to offer a special thanks to
those who donated to the Flanders Pavilion Fund! As those who attended the convention noticed, work is
progressing on the preparation of the grounds for the pavilion. The primary obstacle to the completion of
this project is simply raising the necessary funds to purchase the building. Thanks to your generous
donations we are continuing to approach that goal and hope to have the pavilion completed soon.
Sincerely, your friends, the Springfield Telescope Makers.
The Springfield Telescope Makers would like to thank the following people and/or companies
for donating prizes to the raffle at the 2004 Stellafane convention. In no particular order:
The money raised from the raffle goes right back into preparing for the next year's convention and to make
capital improvements to the convention site.
Astronomical League Award
John Martin, member of the Springfield Telescope Makers and Site Manager at Stellafane, was
presented the Astronomical League Award at the 2004 Stellafane convention. The Astronomical League Award is
the League’s highest award and is presented to an amateur or professional astronomer who has made worthwhile
contributions to the science of astronomy on a national or international level.
John Martin
John Martin
John Martin
John Martin
John Martin
Photos of John Martin
Walter Scott Houston Award
Bob Crelin accepts the Walter Scott Houston Award from Maryann Arrien.
Bob Crelin accepts the Walter Scott Houston Award from Maryann Arrien.
The Walter Scott Houston Award of the North East Region of the Astronomical League (NERAL) was
presented to Bob Crelin, a member of the Astronomical Society of New Haven who currently resides in
Branford, Connecticut. The light pollution ordinance he helped pass in that town has become the model for
many towns across the nation because of its simplicity. Along with the help of Leo Smith of Suffield and
many fine legislators in the State of Connecticut, two major pioneering Light Pollution Laws were passed in
2001 & 2003. Over the years Bob has travelled to many other towns to give his extremely effective light
pollution presentations to other municipalities, businesses and astronomy groups. He has been an active
member of the International Dark-Sky Association, promoting good lighting everywhere. Seeing a lack of full
cutoff lighting available for the homeowner, he created a lighting fixture called 'The Glarebuster' and
successfully distributed it though Ace Hardware Stores as well as many other lighting showrooms nationwide.
He is an educator, co-founding "The Wandering Star Project", a mobile astronomy education program for
schools, libraries and events. He is also an author of articles on light pollution and lighting design and
recently wrote the children's book 'There Once Was A Sky Full of Stars' (Sky Publishing).
Here is the 2004 Convention Photo gallery, with candid images taken by the Springfield Telescope Makers
and many attendees who send us photos they have taken, including three nice panoramas taken by attendees.
We have videos of several presentations at the 2004 convention available.
Often considered the heart of the Stellafane Convention, the Optical & Mechanical Competition
gives Amateur Telescope Makers a chance to show and share with others what they have done, and our expert judges
pick the best in several categories to for recognition with awards. This page shows all the telescopes entered
in the competition, and the awards that many have won.
It takes a lot of work to put on the convention, and we would like to thank all the volunteers
and members who work so hard before, during and after convention to make it a success. Here's a photo gallery of
many of the people who made it happen this year (and the majority who have made it happen for many years). Thank
you all very much!
Help Support the Flanders Pavilion!
Proposed Flanders Pavilion
Following the tradition set down by our founder, Russell W. Porter, the Springfield
Telescope Makers continually work to improve the Stellafane convention to give amateur telescope makers
an opportunity to gather, show off their creations and teach each other telescope making and mirror grinding
techniques. The current project to continue that tradition is the construction of the “Flanders Pavilion”.
This 6000 square foot meeting hall will provide a dry and comfortable environment for lectures and
demonstrations on telescope and mirror making both during the Stellafane convention and for public classes
at other times of the year. It is hoped that this facility will be completed by the 2005 Stellafane
convention. To accomplish this goal the Springfield Telescope Makers need your help to raise the
funds necessary for the completion of this ambitious project that will greatly improve the quality of the
If you would like more information or are interested in donating to this project please
click here. All contributions will be gratefully
accepted and no donation is too small. The Springfield Telescope Makers is a tax exempt organization
under section 501(c)3 of IRS regulations. All donations are tax deductible.