Here are photos of the 2010 Convention by the Convention Attendees. We appreciate receiving photos and reports
from attendees and will publish them on these web pages; please
e-mail them
to us (and any suggestions you may have for improving the convention, or topics you
would like to see covered in next year's convention).
So whether you attended and want to try to find
yourself in photo, or you couldn't attend and want to see what went on, you can spend some
time browsing our gallery of general photos. Go to Page 1: Photos by
the Springfield Telescope Makers.
Note: After you expand a photo, use the arrow keys to move
forward or backward, or space bar to start a slide show.
The Lunar Morphology Workshop,
held on Thursday at the Hartness House. Photos by Dan Lorraine. |
Bert Willard, STM Historian Bert Willard |
Chuck Wood Chuck Wood |
Peter Schultz Peter Schultz |
Bill Sheehan Bill Sheehan |
Tom Dobbins Tom Dobbins |
Ronald Doel Ronald Doel |
Photos by Tom Lovely |
Four Guys: Dennis Cassia, Joe Rao, John Bortle, Sam Storch. Four Guys |
Break time in Pine Island. Gary Cisklak holds his dog, Picasso. Break Time |
Saturday Morning at the Swap Tables. Swap Tables |
Member's Telescopes behind the clubhouse. Member Scopes |
The Stellafane Clubhouse on a beautiful, clear day. Clubhouse |
Telescopes cover the field in front of the clubhouse. Scope Field |
Inside the clubhouse, Alan Tinker, Paul Valleli and Mike Heliba are
ready to recive guests. Clubhouse |
Al Rifkin's Lego Scope. Lego Scope |
Brad Vietje points out a Sunspot in the Porter Turret Telescope. Sunspots |
The Main Observing Field on Saturday Afternoon. The smoke is from the chicken
barbeque at the food tent. Observing Field |
The Oldest (Andrew Simoni) and Youngest at the Saturday Evening Program.
Young & Old |
A photo of the night sky. Night Sky |
Solar Photo by Joseph Comeau of the Vermont
Astronomical Society |
Solar Flares taken at the 2010 Stellafane Convention. Solar Flares |
Photos by Phil Levine |
Al Nagler looks thorugh a binocular solar scope, Howie Glatter is to
the right. Solar Binos |
The Bunkhouse becomes the T-Shirt sales center at convention.
T-Shirts For Sale |
Setting up near the Mcgregor on the main observing field. Setting Up |
Al Takeda sets up for a workshop on astro-imaging with a DSLR. Al Takeda |
Photos by Madeline Bodin of Andover, VT |
A well made Bowling Ball Mount near the clubhouse. Ball Mount |
Shane LaPieerre's truss-tube Dobsonian. Shane LaPierre |
This warning sign is on the road to the clubhouse. No Lights! |
The scope, wrapped in protective mylar during the day, reminds me of a
silver pickle. Silver Pickle? |
Liz Sharpe (right) shows her 'Kitchen Telescope' to Tatiana Malikowski.
Liz Sharpe |
Bruce Berger's 007 briefcase. High-Tech |
Photos by Dick Koolish, ATMoB |
Junie Esslinger measures the focal length of Merideth Muller's mirror
using the reflected image of the sun and a ruler. Jim Beaty looks on. Focal Length |
Grit display, built by Ken Slater in 2002 and refurbished over
the last winter after some hard use over the years. Grit Display |
A young girl grinds at the ATM demo. Young Grinder |
A horse shoe in flight at the horse shoe pitching contest. Horse Shoes |
Dave Kelly at work at the testing demonstration. Dave Kelly |
A beautiful old brass refactor on display at convention. Old Refractor |
Ross Sackett's fine scope won a craftsmanship award. Sackett's Scope |
The Stellafane Observatory National Historic Landmark plaque.
Historic Plaque |
Uranus, last stop on the planet walk. We could not fit Pluto on our property,
and asked the IAU to delist it as a planet, which they did for us :-) Planet Walk |
Heavy smoke as chicken and corn cook for the Saturday evening barbeque.
Barbeque |
Dennis di Cicco under the Sky & Telescope shelter. Dennis di Cicco |
'The orignal red 'flashlight'. Red Flashlight' |
Photos by Glenn Wester of Long Island, NY |
Everyone is busy setting up for the night's observing. Setting Up |
John Vogt's 32-inch Cellular Mirror. 32" Cellular |
Night falls and the observing field is a hive of activity. Nightfall! |
With John Vogt's 32" in the foreground, The Milky Way lights up the sky.
Taken with a Canon Rebel T21, 30mm, 15 second exposure.
Sagittarius |
Photos by Sam Storch |
The Stellafane Clubhouse during Convention 2010. Clubhouse |
The orginal Stellafane Little Man. Little Man |
The Porter Turret Telescope from the north. Porter Turret |
The US Geologic Survey Marker in front of the clubhouse. Geologic Marker |
3 Conventioneers: Bob Farrell, Sam Storch, George Lomaga. 3 Conventioneers |
Sam revieves a NERAL award from Maryann Arien.
(Photo by Ken Spencer) Sam's Award |
Panoramic photos by Phil Harrington Press the 'F' key after expansion
to blow up to full size, then use your browser's scroll bars to move around) |
The Porter Turret Telescope and the Stellafane Clubhouse in this east looking
view of Breezy Hill. Breezy Hill looking east (3,650 × 1,024, 914kB) |
Telescopes on the field north of the Stellafane Clubhouse, many in of which are
entered in the Telescope Competition. Breezy Hill looking southwest (7,489
× 1,024, 7.25MB) |
Looking north and uphill across the Main Observing Field toward the
McGregor Observatory. Stellafane East looking north (4,870 × 1,024, 1.54MB) |
Photos by Dan Loraine |
Dick parker with a 6" objective and cell he made. Dick Parker |
A flag flies over Convention on Breezy Hill. Flag over Porter |
People study the boom of the Porter Turret Telescope. Porter Turret |
Alan Hall presents a talk in the Pavilion. Alan Hall |
A late afternoon view of the read of the Stellfane Clubhouse.
Clubhouse Rear |
Tony Tripodi looks through a solar scope. Jack Szelka stands to the
right. Tony Tripodi |
Photos by Adrian Hlynka |
Conventioneers and a Refractor are shillohetted against the sky.
Sillohette |
Al Takeda is giving his DSLR Astro Imagaing seminar. Astro Imaging |
In this highly processed image, clouds have a surreal look. Surreal Cloulds |
Mary Solis shows off a tied-died Stellafane T-Shirt in the afternoon sun.
Mary Solis |
In a pose reminescent of the Stellafane Little Man logo, a woman looks through
a refractor - all she needs is an umbrella and top hat! Little Woman? |
Every scope should have a coffee cup holder! Coffee Ready! |
Photo by Mike Kozicki of the Springfield
Stars (Massachusetts). |
Breezy Hill on Saturday Evening Breezy Hill |
Breezy Hill on Saturday Evening
D60, f/3.5, 30 seconds. |
Photos by Mark Kuba of Chicago, IL |
The Convention entrance banner. Welcome! |
Mark's Sears Refractor on the observing field. Mark's Refractor |

A view of the clubhouse from the rear. The Clubhouse |
The clubhouse during convention in its glorious bright pink. Glorious Pink |
The symbolic oxbow hangs on the clubhouse, represetnative of the shardowgram of
a parabolic surface. Symbolic Oxbow |
Dave Groski restored an antique Fecker Celestar reflector and won an award
for the nice work he did on it. Groski's Award |
Photos by Harry Drake of ATMoB |
Long shadows early on Saturday morning at the swap tables.
Early Saturday... |
Looking over the goods at the swap tables. ...Swap Tables |
Conventioneers and Telescopes on Breezy Hill. Breezy Hill |
Tom Lumenello's 5-inch Folded Refractor Folded Refractor |
A truss tube Dobsonian on the observing field. Trussed Dob |
Looking west from Breezy Hill to the Green Mountians. Western View |
Photos by Rich Sanderson |
Peter Schultz speaks at the Lunar Morphology Workshop. Peter Schultz |
Charles Wood in the ATM Museum. Charles Wood |
Peter Schultz and Charles Wood chat in the ATM Museum. Peter & Charles |
Bill Sheehan speaks at the Lunar Morphology Workshop. Bill Sheehan |
Tom Dobbins speaks at the Lunar Morphology Workshop. Tom Dobbins |
Panel Session at the Lunar Morphology Workshop. Panel Session |
The Hartness Turret Telescope. Hartness Turret |
Lunar Morphology Workshop speakers on the lawn of the Hartness House.
Lunar Speakers |
Bowling Ball Mount in front of the clubhouse. Ball Mount |
Robert C. Pfaff's 12½" f/11.5 Schmidt-Cassegrain.
Pfaff's Scope |
Gerry Logan's 6.3" f/12 APO Refractor. Logan's Scope |
Dave Groski's restored ~1957 4" f/8 Fecker-Celestar Groski's Scope |
Dick Parker's 16" Casegrain dwarfs Ken Slater's 6" yellow Dobsonian.
16" Cassegrain |
Member's scopes behind the clubhouse. Member's Scopes |
John Gallagher & Brad Vietje prepare to give a Porter Turret
Telescope tour on Friday afternoon. Turret Tour |
The Swap Tables early Saturday mroning. Swap Tables |
Kerry & Linda Hurd with an Emmy Award they won this year. The Hurds |
Late Saturday afternoon and many telescopes have been removed from the field.
Saturday PM |
Dave Kelly talks to conventioneers with his hand on his nicely made telescope.
Dave Kelly |
Breezy Hill on late Saturday afternnon. Breezy Hill |
Gerry Logan points out something on his folded refractor. Gerry Logan |
Real Manseau with his historical reproductions. Reproductions |
Looking out the clubhouse windows. Clubhouse View |
A "Department Store" scope carries the warning "What Not to Buy"
Bad Scope |