2012 Convention Photos Page 1 of 2: Photos by the Springfield Telescope Makers
Here are photos of the 2012 Convention taken by the
Springfield Telescope Makers. On Page 2
of the Gallery, you will find photos taken by Convention Attendees.
Whether you attended and want to try to find yourself in
photo, or you couldn't attend and want to see what went on, you can
spend some time browsing our gallery of general photos.
Note: After you expand a photo, use the arrow
keys to move forward or backward, or space bar to start a slide
Photos by the Springfield Telescope Makers
Contributing STM Members: Dennis Cassia, Gabe DeLuca,
Jay Drew, Alan Rifkin, Ken Slater, Paul Valleli and Wayne Zuhl.
The specific photographers last name is embedded in the photo's URL - hover on a thumbnail and view the URL
in the browser's status bar (you many need to enable this in the view menu).
A lot goes on in the week before convention, which we call pre-convention, and this year
we are again going to share some photos of some of the activities the occur before most of your arrive. Club members a dedicated group
of volunteers get a lot of work done before we open on Thursday afternoon.
Jay Drew got a very nice 12 foot dome donated to the club earlier in the year, and when it arrived at Stellafane it landed in the Pavilion
(like most everything else!). While we were contemplating where to store it (until we figured out where it would be permanently sited and what telescope it would hold),
site manager John Martin had the excellent idea that if we assembled it, not only would be be self storing, but it could hold other things for storage too.
John built a temporary floor to support it, and Dave Prowten, who lead the assembly effort on the previous dome, led the crew that assembled this one.
Site manger John Martin assembles a temporary floor for the dome while Carl Malikowski and Jeff Lowe converse in the background.
John Martin builds a floor
The base ring got assembled upside down, and Walt Wheeler is working on disassembler so it can be flipped.
Walt Wheeler works on ring
Walt and Dave flip the base ring to be right-side-up.
Flipping the base ring
The first gores of the dome are installed.
First gores are installed
The crew, and a few onlookers, discuss the next step in the assembly.
Discussing the next piece
Almost done: one shutter track is being fitted to the slit. Unfortunately, we ran out of time to install
the shutter, and it will be added after convention is over.
Almost done: shutter track
Cleaning, neatening up, putting away - this consumes a lot of time and effort in the week before convention, and our volunteers and members do a great job.
A few of the many volunteers who helped clean up the Flanders pavilion.
Volunteers clean up the pavilion
Dave Seigrist waits for some help to move the saw table out of the pavilion.
Dave Siegrist cleans up
This little guy could push the empty wheel-barrow around (and he liked to get rides in it too!).
Our littlest volunteer
Julie Tabor give the clubhouse a through clean-up.
Julie clean the clubhouse
Club VP Dave Tabor (looking surprised at having his picture taken) cleans up the clubhouse kitchen.
Dave cleans the kitchen
Fixing, repairing and replacing is the other big pre-convention activity (actually it is a year-round activity, but with the extra help we have before
convention, we do get a lot of it done). Here are a few things we did this year in the week before convention:
Dave Prowten & Dave Segrist select some wood for the repair job they are doing. Tuthill Towers is now a
solar drying kiln for our sawmill produced lumber.
Selecting Wood...
Dave Prowten & Dave Seigrist finish the wall-to-roof joint on the bunkhouse.
...to fix the Bunkhouse Roof
STM made big tool (We are pretty sure this voids the warrenty).
Big Tool
A pair of Kubota compact tractors parked behind the pavilion - they won't sit idle for long!
Bigger Tools
Pat uses the Kubota to straighten a post.
Pat straightens a post
A new table for the Tee-Shirt sales area is built by a volunteer.
Volunteer makes a table
Preparing convention includes managing our volunteers,
preparing for tee-shirt sales, stringing the parking and camping
areas, and putting finishing touches on special sales items:
Kim Cassia manages our volunteers, all the while keeping watch on the gate before convention.
Kim manages volunteers
Mike Costanzo manges the Tee-shirt sales area. Here he is reviewing inventory before convention.
Mike inventories tee-shirts
Several members (and a bright-eyed dog) work on getting the bunkhouse ready to support tee-shirt sales.
Members prep the bunkhouse
Kim Cassia applies reflective tape to a traffic post.
Kim tapes a traffic post
John Martin directs stringing operations in the parking areas.
John Martin directs stringing
A volunteer applies flagging tape to the string to make it more visible.
A volunteer applies flagging
John Martin cuts out a gnomon for one of the carved sundials we sold this year.
John Martin cuts a sundial part
Jim Fowle cleans up the groves in a carved sundial.
Jim Fowle finishes a sundial
They say an army runs on it's stomach; our members and volunteers sure do. Keeping folks well fed keeps them productive and happy. Thursday evening we hold a
dinner at the clubhouse to thank all our volunteers and members for their hard work, followed by a brief club meeting to deal with any last minute items and make sure
we are all set to go for Friday and Saturday.
Mario Antonucci is our breakfast cook; here he is cleaning up on Wednesday morning.
Mario Antonucci does breakfast
Paul Sharpe stirs the Waynbo stew; his family provides dinner on Wednesday night.
Paul Sharpe stirs the stew
One of several picnic tables is brought down from the clubhouse to the pavilion for Wednesday dinner.
Picnic Table arrives
Wednesday dinner in the pavalion as seen from the sky box.
Wednesday Dinner
Liz Sharpe prepares part of dinner on Thursday afternoon in the clubhouse.
Liz Sharpe preps dinner
Gerry Logan prepares corn for Thursday dinner.
Gerry Logan preps corn
A view of Thursday dinner at the clubhouse.
Thursday Dinner
Another view of Thursday dinner at the clubhouse.
Thursday Dinner
Clubhouse, Porter Turret Telescope & Breezy Hill
A few images from around the Stellafane Clubhouse, the Porter Turret Telescope and the observing fields. For images of the
instruments entered in the competition,
see the Telescope Competition page.
One of three photos of the Telescope Competition on Saturday Morning.
Saturday Morning
One of three photos of the Telescope Competition on Saturday Morning.
Saturday Morning
One of three photos of the Telescope Competition on Saturday Morning.
Saturday Morning
Jay Drew (standing) watches as people register for the telescope competition.
Competition Registration
Chris Houghten, head mechanical judge, coordinates with Jay Drew, competition registrar.
Judging Coordination
The big 13-inch Fitz scope from the Arunah Hill Science Center set up south of the clubhouse.
Arunah Hill's Big Scope
Member Mike Heliba relaxes on Breezy Hill.
Mike Heliba
Convention-wide solar viewing hour was a new feature this year. Here is a solar scope set up on Breezy Hill with a nice sun shade.
Solar Viewing
Members Dennis diCicco, Ken Slater and All Tinker talk by the clubhouse.
Denis, Ken & Al
Members Dave Groski and Dick Parker work in the Porter Turret Telescope.
Dave & Dick
Meteorite Geoff Notkin, Libby Egleson, and Perry & Pat Remaklis pose on Breezy Hill.
Meteorite Man
Dave Kelly with his beautiful homemade Maksutov.
Dave's Mac
Allen Tinker (this year's shadowgram speaker) reads a thick book at the judging registration table.
Allen Tinker reads
Dave Groski, who seems to have an entry every year, registers at the judging table.
Dave Groski registers
Dave Groski, Dave Tabor, Matt Considine and Rick Hunter set up a historic Springfield mounted
scope on Breezy Hill.
Setting up historic scopes
This sign explains when the judging table is operating - artwork by Samantha Tabor.
Registration hours
Club president Gary Cislak signs award certificates at the judging table.
Club President Gary Cislak
That's trouble with two T's: Samantha Tabor and Dave Tabor in a camera shotout with Jay Drew (Jay is out gunned!).
Double T's Double Trouble!
McGregor Observatory & South Observing Field
A lot happens in this area: Many programs in the McGregor
Library; lots of observing and camping; and of course plenty of
observing with the 13-inch Schupmann.
Firday morning at 10:20, the attendees are starting to arrive en-mass, and the south observing field starts filling up.
Friday 10:20AM filling up
John Vogt sets up his 32" dob with the cellular mirror.
John Vogt's 32" cellular
We had some rain blow through late Firday afternoon and evening. Here is where the New Hampshire Astronomical Society camps, with their scopes covered and ready for a shower.
Friday 3:40PM ready for rain
Late Friday afternoon, there is still some blue sky, but with rain in the forecast and clouds in the west, scopes are covered.
South Field Friday 4:00 PM
The chains and ropes held through the winter, and our floating rock is still captive.
Floating Rock is still captive
During solar observing hour on Saturday, this young lady gets a boost up to the eyepiece of the Shupmann.
Solar Viewing thru Schupmann
Dr. Kris Larsen explains an astronomical themed project to an attentive class at her children's activities.
Dr. Kris Larsen Kids Activities
Children raise hands to answer a question in the children's activies led by Dr. Kris Larsen.
Kids Activities in the McGregor
A busy south observing field on Saturday afternoon.
Saturday South Observing Field
A view of the south observing field on Saturday looking out the open roof of the McGregor Observatory.
South Observing Field Saturday
This very nice homemade scope was on the south observing field Friday afternoon. Did not get details of who made it.
Note the weight driven clock drive.
Beautiful Scope & Clock Drive
Another view of this nice scope. Even the eyepiece looks homemade!
View of the Objective
Amateur Telescope Making Demonstration
Held in and around the Flanders pavilion, the ATM demo
informs people about how to make a telescope and it's optics,
and gives them a chance to try out mirror grinding.
Ray Morits demonstrates mirror grinding in the tent behind the pavilion.
Ray Demos
Two convention attendees try out mirror grinding, one stands while the other sits.
Attendees Grind
Dave Kelly's homemade interferometer set up in a test tunnel in the pavilion.
Tony Costanzo completes a mirror silvering demonstration by rinsing off the completed mirror.
Johnny Lowe grinds with Liz Sharpes' guidance.
Johnny Grinds
Phil Rounseville demonstration how to make a pitch lap to an interested audience.
Making Laps
Around the Convention
Photos from all around the 2012 convention, a potpourri of images that just don't fit in anywhere else.
Kim Cassia staffs the gate on Thursday morning.
Kim staffs the gate
Dennis & Kim give a big Stellafane welcome to Meterorite Man Geoff Notkin.
Welcome to Stellafane!
The colorful T-shirt table outside the bunkhouse.
The colorful T-shirt table
Walter Scott Houston's camping trailer, back in Houston Hollow for the convention. John Martin now owns this
and is restoring it.
WSH Trailer in the hollow
Dave Siegrist's bright orange VW camper bus parked at Ascutney View.
Orange VW camper bus
Dennis & Kim Cassia with John Bortle at their campsite in Pine Island.
Cassias and John Bortle
Dave Groski readies the Hartness Turret Telescope for viewing on Thursday night.
Hartness Turret Telescope
Bert Williard inspects the Hartness Turret Telescope eyepieces at the Hartness House.
Bert with HTT eyepieces
Matt Considine's Porter Garden Telescope serial number 3 at the Hartness House.
Porter garden telescope #3
Jay's big dob waits for dark next to the McGregor Observatory late Thursday afternoon.
Jay's big dob waiting for dark
John Briggs with the 24" Clark reflector primary mirror that he donated to the club. Part of the blue tube is on the left.
24" Clark Reflector Primary
The Stellafane sawmill sits quiet and lonely during convention, kept company by a riding lawn mower.
Quiet and lonely sawmill
Saturday Evening Program
Photos from the Saturday Evening Program, which included a Shadowgram talk by Allen Tinker and a Keynote talk by the Meteorite Men.
Panorama of the crowd at the amphitheater for the Saturday evening program.
Panorama of the Crowd
A shot of the crowd in the amphitheater as the Saturday evening program #1.
Crowd Shot 1
A shot of the crowd in the amphitheater as the Saturday evening program #2.
Crowd Shot 2
A shot of the crowd in the amphitheater as the Saturday evening program #3.
Crowd Shot 3
Al Takeda at the Saturday evening program.
Al Takeda in the crowd
Dick Koolish at the Saturday evening program.
Dick Koolish in the crowd
George East and son at the Saturday evening program.
George Eat in the crowd
Rich Sanderson at the Saturday evening program.
Rich Sanderson in the crowd
Ron Woodland at the Saturday evening program.
Ron Woodland in the crowd
Meteorite Men Steve Arnold and Geoff Notkin flank Wayne Zuhl.
Wayne Zuhl & Meteorite Men
Master of Ceremonies Bob Morse.
Emcee Bob Morse
Andrew Simoni (red cap) has been at more Stellfane Conventions than any one else here this year.
Stellafane benefactor and Andrew's son Steve Simoni (blue tie) site behind him. Club president Gary Cislak, green shirt, right.
Andrew Simoni Most Stellafanes
The youngest convention attendee brought mom and siblings down front to say hello to the everyone.
Youngest at Convention
This gentleman oldest local attendee to attend convention this year.
Oldest Local Attendee
Ciecla Page, mirror class graduate and conventioneer, arranged her honeymoon to end this year's Stellafane Convention.
Newlyweds at Stellafane
Ed Healy asked us to rig a fake raffle prize his fiancé was sure to win...
A rigged raffle ticket...
...the big box contianed a ring, and the answer was Yes!
...for a proposal of marriage
Maryann Arrien, chair of the North East Region of the Astronomical League presents (in absentia) a
Special Service Award to Bob Carruthers.
Maryann Arien NERAL award
Some of the mechanical award winners from the mornings Mechanical Compertition.
Telescope Winners
Head mechancial judge Chirs Houghton looks on as club president Gary Cislak presents a telescope competiton award
to Gerry Logan. Club member and award winner Dave Groski is at right.
Award Presentation
Shadowgram Speaker Allen Tinker.
Shadowgram by Allen Tinker
Shadowgram Speaker Allen Tinker.
Shadowgram by Allen Tinker
The Keynote speakers were the Meteorite Men.
Keynote by the Meteorite Men
Meteroite Man Geoff Notkin delivers the Keynote talk.
Meteorite Man Geoff Notkin
Meteroite Man Steve Arnold delivers the Keynote talk.