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Optical & Mechanical Telescope Competition

Home-made telescopes can be entered in our competitions to be judged on optical quality and/or several mechanical categories. Certificates are awarded at the Saturday evening program for the best instruments entered.

Optical Judging

POLICIES REGARDING OPTICAL JUDGING ENTRIES: REGISTRATION for the optical competition will take place on Friday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Pink Clubhouse. In addition, you are encouraged to register your telescope online below. Keep in mind that if you register your instrument via the web, you must still check in at the Pink Clubhouse Friday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. or your telescope will not be judged! Set up your scope on Breezy Hill before you check in at the Pink Clubhouse and inform the judges of the location of your scope. If the position of your scope changes it is your responsibility to report its new location to the judges in the Pink Clubhouse. Failure to do so will result in your scope not being judged!

All telescopes in the competition must be fitted with an eyepiece with a focal length, in millimeters, approximately equal to the focal ratio of the instrument. Your instrument must be properly collimated before judging begins at 10 p.m. Also, be prepared to point your scope at the star Altair when the judges arrive. Please note that the judges may inspect your telescope more than once. Therefore, you should remain on the field with your instrument until the preliminary results are announced via loudspeaker.

If the weather permits the completion of the judging on Friday night, the optical judging will be closed for the duration of the convention and optical awards will be presented during the Saturday evening program. If the optical judging cannot be completed Friday night, it will be continued on Saturday night, weather permitting. Additional optical entries may be accepted on Saturday, at the discretion of the judges. To inquire about this possibility, please ask a judging representative in the Pink Clubhouse from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. or from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday.

In the event that the competition will have to be continued Saturday, some telescopes that were judged on Friday might need to be judged again. Please inquire with the judges if your scope will need to be available again on Saturday. If the optical judging cannot be completed by the end of Saturday night, a partial field of optical excellence awards may be given, at the discretion of the judges.

Please note that it is the intention of the Stellafane judging committee to have the optical competition completed Friday night, weather permitting. Therefore, to ensure that your instrument is judged you must be registered for the Friday night judging.

2008 Optical Judging Chairman: Rick Hunter

Telescope Mechanical Competition
The Heart and Soul of Stellafane!

If you have built a telescope, special gadget or restored a historical instrument, we strongly encourage you to bring it and enter it in the competition. We welcome all home-made telescopes in the display area. They do not have to be entered in the competition!

REGISTRATION: Registration for the mechanical competition will be between 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning in the Pink Clubhouse. In addition, you are encouraged to register your telescope online below. Keep in mind that if you register your instrument via the web, you must still check in at the Pink Clubhouse Saturday morning or your telescope will not be judged. You can drive up to the Pink Clubhouse area Friday or Saturday to drop off and pick up your telescope but there is no parking as space is very limited. The telescope judging for mechanical excellence will begin at 10 a.m. so please register your telescope as early as possible.

COMPETITION: Only telescopes that are operative both mechanically and optically will be accepted in the mechanical competition. Telescopes do not have to be entered in both categories. The judges will visit the telescopes in several small groups. You must attend your telescope until the end of the competition is announced via the loudspeaker. Be prepared to describe any special construction techniques and components to the judges. Awards for mechanical design, craftsmanship, special gadgets, restoration of historical instruments and junior telescopes, made by persons less than 16 years of age, will be awarded at the Saturday evening talks.

2008 Mechanical Judging Chairman: Chris Houghton

2007 Winners

The 2007 winners of the Optical and Mechanical competition are listed our 2007 Convention Pages here.

Online Telescope Registration

We encourage you to pre-register your scope on-line right here; this will save time for you and us during convention as we can prepare some of the paperwork ahead of time. You must still check in at the Pink Clubhouse for both the optical and/or mechanical competition even if you pre-register here!

Telescope Registration Form


First Name:   Middle Initial:   Last Name:

Street Address:
City:, State/Provence: Zip/Postal Code:

Email:  (You MUST include your email so we can contact you!)

Have you ever been to a Stellafane convention?: Yes,No
Have you ever entered an instrument at Stellafane before?: Yes,No
Is this your first home made telescope/instrument?: Yes,No


Are you entering a telescope or other type of astronomical instrument?: Telescope, Other Instrument

If you are NOT entering a telescope, please provide a description of your instrument:

I am entering these categories: Mechanical Only, Optical Only, Both Mechanical AND Optical

Note: Your telescope must be optically functional even if you are registering only for the mechanical competition! No exceptions.

Note: The instrument's optics must be home made to enter the optical competition
(does not include diagonal mirrors).


Please note: The optical judging during the Stellafane convention has been re-scheduled for the Friday night of the convention at 10pm! There will be no optical judging Saturday night unless Friday is completely clouded out or early clouds force a suspension of judging that has already started! This change has been made because it provides an additional night for optical judging. We will have a better chance of holding the optical judging if there are two nights instead of just one.

I have read and understand the above note regarding the schedule of the optical competition during the 2002 Stellafane convention: Yes, No


Did you make the primary mirror yourself?: Yes, No

Telescope's optical system:

Telescope's mounting type:

Aperture of primary objective in inches:    Focal ratio:


Please list the materials used in your instrument:

Please list any special components used in your instrument:

Please list any other comments:

Will this instrument be entered in the JUNIOR category (under 16 years of age)"? Yes, No



Page last revised on Thursday, 2017-Sep-07 10:30:27 -0400