Fran and Michael both finished mirrors today, and as you can see in the third photo, we had another good turnout with vibrant and energetic students.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Class Summary
Fran completes another one (10" f/6). We have lost count at how many he has completed now!
Fran is Done
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Class Summary
Michael made a mirror in his youth, but this is his first one as an adult (8" f/5.6). After it got a 'done' in class, he retested it at home and has some questions, so we will retest it before the next class.
Michael is Done
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Class Summary
As you can see from this shot, we are at the Fletcher House in Chester again, and we have filled the place up.
Another Full Class
Three students were still working hard at grinding this session.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Grinders
To apply more pressure without more muscle, Meredith uses a weight stack on top of her tool.
Meredith's Weight Stack
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Grinders
Meredith, John & Nicholas grind away on the benches.
Meredith, John & Nicholas
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Grinders
John & Nicholas grind in the foreground; Liz knits and Paul computes in the background.
John & Nicholas grind
Lecture: Building a Telescope
Dave Tabor gave an excellent lecture "What to do after you finish your mirror". No, don't store it away - build a telescope!
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Lecture: Building a Telescope
Students settle in as Dave prepares to talk about making telescopes.
Students get settled
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Lecture: Building a Telescope
Dave hit the bulls eye with this lecture (fortunately, no one hit the target bulls eye during the talk).
Want to play Darts?
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Lecture: Building a Telescope
Dave makes a point during his talk.
Dave makes a point
Randy's Electric Channel Cutter
Randy brought along this very nice channel cuter made from a standard electric soldering gun, complete with cup to catch the drips. You can see the nice results in the last photo.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Randy's Electric Channel Cutter
In true ATM fashion, this very functional electric channel cutter is made out of items on hand. The electric soldering gun is the key component, with a brass blade clamped to the tip.
Channel Cutting Gizmo
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Randy's Electric Channel Cutter
Close up of the blade clamped to the soldering gun tip.
Close up of the Blade
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Randy's Electric Channel Cutter
The results speak for themselves: nice deep channels with good width.
The Results
Polishing & Figuring
As expected at this time of year, most students are polishing & figuring.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Polishing & Figuring
Katie Figures a 6" f/8. iPods help.
Katie Figures a 6" f/8
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Polishing & Figuring
Kayla, Terry & David polish at a table. In the left rear, Dave talks with Michael about final figuring while David looks on. In the right rear, Fran and Randy set up the tester.
Kayla, Terry & David Polish
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Polishing & Figuring
Tatiana is polishing a 4¼" f/8. Dave is giving her some instruction on how to do this.
Tatiana polishes an 4¼" f/8
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Polishing & Figuring
Carl presses with body weight while Rick warms a lap under the heat lamp. In the foreground, Ray is saying something to Carl and Claudio reacts.
Carl, Rick, Ray & Claudio
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Polishing & Figuring
Jean figures an 8" f/6 with the help of an iPod also.
Jean figures an 8" f/6
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Polishing & Figuring
David figures an 8" f/5.5. He worked through the lecture, which is why this normally busy corner looks so empty.
David figures a 8" f/5.5
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Polishing & Figuring
Rick & Terry warm a lap using a portable chair as a lamp holder.
Rick & Terry warm press
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Polishing & Figuring
Cecilia figures an 8" f/5.5. In the background, club treasurer Wayne checks some reports.
Cecilia figures an 8" f/5.5
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Polishing & Figuring
Claudio seems to be casting a spell over his lap, which is being warm pressed in a bucket of hot water.
Claudio casts a spell
We had some long lines at the tester this class, even with a video display to speed things along. Many folks are closing in on having their mirror complete.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Testing
Our chief tester, Dave, is always cheerful, and here he is caught having a good time while looking at a shadowgram on the monitor.
Dave enjoys testing
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Testing
Cecilia leans into the test to get a good look at her mirror.
Cecilia takes a look
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Testing
Paul lines up the image as he prepares to take a look a Fran's mirror. Fran has his back to us.
Paul checks Fran's mirror
Club members and others who accompany students always find some time to socialize or do some club business during mirror class.
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Socializing
Ray, Julie & Wayne keep an eye on the class while guarding the beverage station.
Ray, Julie & Wayne
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Socializing
Paul, Al & Deb chat in the lobby area.
Paul, Al & Deb
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Socializing
Rick & Paul work on an optical design for a refractor.
Rick & Paul
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Socializing
Webmaster Ken with Carl's nice camera, taking shots of mirror class. Wayne is working on his laptop in the background.
Ken with Camera
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Socializing
Treasurer Wayne, President Jeff & Ray talk over some club business in the rear of the class.
Wayne, Jeff & Ray
2009-10 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 6 held on 2010-Mar-13 Socializing
Wayne, John, Ken & Ray never get too far from the coffee station!