Grinding was done outside by the pavilion this class under a warm October sun. The 16 new 'Parker barrels' made this summer were used.
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 (Mostly) New Grinders under the Sun
Mirror Kits for the new students are ready to be distributed.
Mirror Kits Ready
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 (Mostly) New Grinders under the Sun
On your mark... The rough grinding area has barrels (without ballast) set out.
On your mark...
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 (Mostly) New Grinders under the Sun
...Get Set... Kits, dish pans, barrel ballast have been distributed. The Yellow Dobsonian is there for students to look over, an example of what their mirror could go in when finished.
...Get Set...
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 (Mostly) New Grinders under the Sun
...Go! Our new students start off beveling the edge of their blanks.
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 (Mostly) New Grinders under the Sun
Around the corner to the east we have more grinding stations and students.
More Students to the East
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 (Mostly) New Grinders under the Sun
Amy starts a rough grinding wet.
Amy Grinds
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 (Mostly) New Grinders under the Sun
Erin & Orla at work on 8 inch mirrors.
Erin & Orla at work
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 (Mostly) New Grinders under the Sun
Rick & Dan watch Dave demonstrate a grinding stroke.
Rick, Dan & Dave
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 (Mostly) New Grinders under the Sun
David & Eric check a bevel, while Peter grinds in the background, and Jay looks on approvingly.
David, Peter, Eric & Jay
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 (Mostly) New Grinders under the Sun
Fran with the 12½" f/4.5 blank he is hogging out.
Fran with his 12½" f/4.5
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 (Mostly) New Grinders under the Sun
Dave shows Erin a grinding technique.
Dave instructs Erin
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 (Mostly) New Grinders under the Sun
Matt & Heather chat near the yellow Dobsonian.
Matt & Heather chat
Finishing up in the McGregor
A small group of returning students works at polishing out, figuring and testing in the McGregor. Best of all, Claudio finished his mirror today.
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Finishing up in the McGregor
Claudio with his completed 8" f/6 mirror & Dave, our expert figuring instructor.
Claudio with his Finished Mirror
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Finishing up in the McGregor
Zhenya is polishing his 6 inch mirror, with Claudio figuring the in the background.
Zhenya polishes a 6 inch
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Finishing up in the McGregor
George is figuring his 8 inch f/7.5 mirror.
George Figuring
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Finishing up in the McGregor
George & Meredith, who is polishing an 8 inch f/6.
George & Meredith
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Finishing up in the McGregor
Samantha is figuring her 10 inch f/5.
Samantha Figures
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Finishing up in the McGregor
Claudio and George figure while instructor Dick (center) is ready to help when needed.
Claudio, Dick & George
Optics in the Bunkhouse & Pavilion
A random smattering of optical work was done in the Bunkhouse and Pavilion
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Optics in the Bunkhouse & Pavilion
Francis is fine grinding a 12½ inch flat in the bunkhouse - there is too much coarse, wind-blown dust to work outside.
Francis and his Flat
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Optics in the Bunkhouse & Pavilion
We attempted to cut glass disks to make lens grinding tools, but the diamond biscuit cutter barely made a dent. This glass was something special, maybe literally bullet (and cutter) proof.
Making Refractor Tools
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Optics in the Bunkhouse & Pavilion
A large flat is tested against a smaller flat under monochromatic light. Fringes are clearly visible between the two surfaces.
Fringe Testing
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Optics in the Bunkhouse & Pavilion
Dave cores out the center of the flat that was just tested. It will be checked again to see if the figure has changed after coring.
Dave cores the Flat
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Optics in the Bunkhouse & Pavilion
This is the original speculum diffraction grating from the historic Cook Spectrohelioscope that has been donated to Stellafane.
Diffraction Grating
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Optics in the Bunkhouse & Pavilion
The four different colored images seen on the diffraction grating are of a spiral CFL light bulb above it, demonstrating the CFL only emits light in several very narrow wavelengths.
Diffracted CFL Light
Saw Mill Made Walls
The first project for our new saw mill is make lumber for walls to enclose the space under the balcony in the pavilion.
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Saw Mill Made Walls
John saws a log into planks with the new saw mill.
John saws a log
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Saw Mill Made Walls
The lumber for this wall was sawn last weekend and installed.
Last weekend's work
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Saw Mill Made Walls
John & John at work installing siding on the newly framed section.
John G & John M at work.
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Saw Mill Made Walls
John G reaches for the broom to brush sawdust off a plank.
Reaching for the Broom
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Saw Mill Made Walls
Results at the end of the day today. The bats still need to be sawn and installed.
This day's results
Fall Scenery
It's a beautiful time of year in New England, and Stellafane has plenty of nice views.
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Fall Scenery
Southern view from Stellafane East near the McGregor Observatory.
Southern View from McGregor
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Fall Scenery
Colorful trees behind the Clubhouse & Porter Turret Telescope.
Clubhouse & Turret
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Fall Scenery
Looking west from Breezy Hill to the Green Mountains (which are not so green right now!).
Clubhouse Western View
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Fall Scenery
This is one of many mushrooms that were growing to the west of the clubhouse, in an area that does not get much sun.
Mushroom by the Clubhouse
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Fall Scenery
From the front of the clubhouse, a view of the gully area (behind the string) and colorful brush.
Breezy Hill "Gully"
2010-11 Stellafane Mirror Class Session 1 held on 2010-Oct-09 Fall Scenery
After mirror class and before our monthly meeting, Dave searches for Venus while Francis and Heather chat by the Porter Turret.