Newt for the Web

Title: Default Newt-Web Telescope Design6 inch f/8
Notes: Make changes on the Specification Pane48 inch FL

Design Modification Status: Not Modified

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Accomplished by round-triping through our server.

Save file name: .newt

Newtonian Telescope Specifications

Use this form to input and adjust your telescope design values.

Unit of Measure
Project Info
Title These fields allow you to add a title to your
design and add notes or comments
about a specific design
Primary Mirror Diameter Typically 4¼, 6, 8, 10 or 12½ inches
Focal Ratio = Focal Length / Primary Diameter
Diagonal Mirror Minor Axis ? Typically .75, 1.0, 1.3, 1.52, 1.83 inch
Diagonal Sizing Assistance: Involves Conflicting Goals - Please Read Help ?
Find range of error free diagonal sizes
100% Illuminated Diameter: 0.75 inch Maximize, ½ inch or 12mm typical.
Diagonal Obstruction of Primary Diameter: 25% Minimize, 20% or less is a good goal.
Tube Inside Diameter ? Allow ½ to 1 inch around primary mirror
Tube Wall Thickness Adds to overall Focuser Height
Focuser to Front of Tube Measure from Center of Focuser
Mirror Face to Back of Tube Allow room for Mirror Cell
Fixed Diameter Baffles ? Tapered Baffles if not checked
Focuser Minimum Height ? Outside Tube to Top of Focuser
Spare Focuser In Travel ? Allows for Eyepiece Field Stop Variations.
Additional Height for Camera ? Optional, to focus on Camera Film Plane
Focuser Inside Diameter ? Typically 1.25 or 2.00 inches
Eyepiece Performance with this Telescope Design
Focal Length
Power Exit
mm 34.8x 4.38 mm ° 1.005°
mm 48.8x 3.13 mm ° 1.394°
mm 135.5x 1.13 mm ° 0.295°
mm °
mm °
mm °
mm °
mm °
mm °
mm °
  • Optical Axis (Blue)
  • On-Center Rays (Green)
  • 100% Zone (Red)
  • 75% Zone (Yellow)
  • Baffles

Ray Trace ?   Zoom in on Diagonal & Focuser:
  • 1x
  • 2x
  • 3x
  • 4x
  • 5x

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Performance Information for your Telescope

The theoretical limiting magnitude for a 6 inch objective is 12.7.

The obstruction of the primary surface area by the diagonal is 6% which results in a reduction of light gathering ability. ?

The theoretical resolution (Dawes limit) for a 6 inch objective is 0.76 arc seconds.

The obstruction of the diameter of the primary by the diagonal is 25%, which affects image quality by increasing diffraction and lowering contrast. ?

Maximum useful power is about 300x (for 50x per inch of aperture).

Minimum useful power is about 21.8x (for a 7mm exit pupil).

Angular field of view for the 100% illuminated area is 0.8973°. The diameter is 0.7477 inch ?

Angular field of view for the 75% illuminated area is 1.4112°. The diameter is 1.1760 inch ?

If you see "NaN" where you expected a number, the specifications resulted in incalculable results, such a division by zero or some other mathematical problem. "NaN" is an abbreviation for Not a Number.

Dimensions for your Telescope
Unit of Measureinch
Primary Mirror Diameter6.000
Focal Length48.000
Focal Ratio8.000
Tube Inside Diameter7.000 ?
Tube Thickness0.125
Focuser Minimum Height3.000 ?
Focuser Inside Diameter1.250 ?
Focuser Extra Travel0.250 ?
Focuser Camera Travel0.000 ?
Diagonal Minor Axis1.500 ?
Diagonal Offset0.047
100% Illumination Diameter0.748 ?
75% Illumination Diameter1.176 ?
Front Aperture Diameter7.149 ?
Mirror Face to Focuser Hole41.125
Focuser to Front End of Tube6.000
Mirror Face to Back of Tube3.500
Tube Length50.625
Dimensions for the Baffles ?

The 75% ray is vignetted by the inside of the tube at the front.

The tube inside diameter should be a little larger, or the diagonal minor axis could be made smaller to shrink the illuminated field.

The baffles can't be calculated until the vignetting at the front is corrected.

If you see "NaN" where you expected a number, the specifications resulted in incalculable results, such a division by zero or some other mathematical problem. "NaN" is an abbreviation for Not a Number.

Newt for the Web (Newt-Web for short) is a Newtonian Telescope Computer Aided Design program. It ray traces a Newtonian telescope design checking for vignetting, optimizes diagonal size, calculates baffle sizes and positions, and produces performance and dimensional data for construction. It runs in your web browser - there is no need to install a program on your computer.

To get started:

Use the File tab to load an existing design or sample designs.
Use the Specifications tab to enter a design of your choice.
Click ? for help on items it is near, or see the Help tab for a list of topics.
Many items, such as tabs or buttons, provide extra information if you hover over them.
Newt-Web V1.2-0088 Built on 2024-Sep-26

   Newt-Web Release History  Copyright © 2011-2024 by Kenneth H. Slater.

Thanks to Dave Tabor, Julian Shull, Matt Considine, Michael Patterson, Dave Prowten, Glenn Becker & Dale Keller
for their help, expertise, ideas and advice during development of Newt-Web.
Newt-Web is based upon NewtWin and the Newt25 sources by Dale Keller; See Dale Keller's Newt Software Page

Browser Size: 1280×720

Screen Size: 1280×720

Newt-Web is released under the GNU General Public License Version 2 (Click link to view).

Source code for the current, running version. Right click and use the "Save Link As..." function to download and save each file.

If you can't download newt-save.php, then download instead.

General Help Information

Click the Help Icon ? for help on topics it is near. If you hover your mouse over the icon, the help topic it links to will be displayed in a tiny pop-up window.

Help links in the Newt-Web application panes open in a new window in your browser. Note that many people choose an option in their browser to open new windows as new browser tabs (not Newt-Web application tabs).

Newt-Web Application Help

Application Help includes topics about how to save and restore designs between sessions, features needed to run Newt-Web, which major browsers support Newt-Web, screen sizes, printing, and reporting problems.

Newtonian Telescope Design Help

Newtonian Design Help includes topics about how to size your optics and telescope components to maximize performance, and how to solve problems that Newt-Web reports about your design.

Newt-Web Release History

The release history of Newt-Web is available on this help page. It also explains the version numbering scheme.

GNU General Public License

Newt-Web is release under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2. Newt-Web source files are available on the About tab.