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Historic Convention Photos 1980-1999

Historic Convention Photo Pages:1926-19481954-19691970-1979   1980-1999

1980 Stellafane Convention

Photos from the Stellafane Archives by Jack Welch.

1980 Stellafane Convention
8-inch Dobsonian by Thomas Collin of Trois-Rivières, Québec.
8-inch Dobsonian by Thomas Collin of Trois-Rivières, Québec.
1980 Stellafane Convention
Dobsonian with a nice tube cradle.
Dobsonian with a nice tube cradle.
1980 Stellafane Convention
Low center of gravity fork mount.
Low center of gravity fork mount.
1980 Stellafane Convention
Chimney Scope on a pipe-fork mount.
Chimney Scope on a pipe-fork mount.
1980 Stellafane Convention
A massive fork mount.
A massive fork mount.

Photos by Norm Fredrick, STM.

1980 Stellafane Convention
The all-spherical 16-inch Dillworth relay catadioptric telescope on a transportable fork mounting. Now in the collection of the Astronomical Lyceum.
The all-spherical 16-inch Dillworth relay catadioptric telescope on a transportable fork mounting. Now in the collection of the Astronomical Lyceum.
1980 Stellafane Convention
The Porter Turret Telescope during the 1980 Convention. In foreground, a 5-inch Alvan Clark & Sons refractor with nickel-plated tube dated 1895 mounted on a 1899 patent date tripod equatorial.
The Porter Turret Telescope during the 1980 Convention. In foreground, a 5-inch Alvan Clark & Sons refractor with nickel-plated tube dated 1895 mounted on a 1899 patent date tripod equatorial.
1980 Stellafane Convention
A solar-powered Stirling Engine exhibited by ATMoB Fred Chellis who was a cryo-engineer, Stellafane Committee member, and mechanical judge.
A solar-powered Stirling Engine exhibited by ATMoB Fred Chellis who was a cryo-engineer, Stellafane Committee member, and mechanical judge.
1980 Stellafane Convention
Telescopes on display amongst a corwd of conventioneers.
Telescopes on display amongst a corwd of conventioneers.
1980 Stellafane Convention
Denny Medlock of Oakland, CA with her optics award winning 8-inch telescope.
Denny Medlock of Oakland, CA with her optics award winning 8-inch telescope.
1980 Stellafane Convention
Keven Medlock (not in photo) of Oakland, CA built this 18-inch truss-tube fork mount.
Keven Medlock (not in photo) of Oakland, CA built this 18-inch truss-tube fork mount.
1980 Stellafane Convention
Doug McGregor's blue 12-inch Dobsonian. The McGregor Observatory is named for Doug, a well liked club secretary who died at an early age.
Doug McGregor's blue 12-inch Dobsonian. The McGregor Observatory is named for Doug, a well liked club secretary who died at an early age.
1980 Stellafane Convention
Wooden Fork Mounted Telescope.
Wooden Fork Mounted Telescope.
1980 Stellafane Convention
Another Fork Mount, this one supporting a trss-tube scope,
Another Fork Mount, this one supporting a trss-tube scope,
1980 Stellafane Convention
The MMT model was built by Harvard modelmaker Hal Robinson and Ken Launie. Hal is to the left in photo.
The MMT model was built by Harvard modelmaker Hal Robinson and Ken Launie. Hal is to the left in photo.
1980 Stellafane Convention
The sun seen via solar projection.
The sun seen via solar projection.

1981 Stellafane Convention

Photos from the Stellafane Archives by Jack Welch.

1981 Stellafane Convention
A nice equitorial mounted set of scopes.
A nice equitorial mounted set of scopes.
1981 Stellafane Convention
Steve Dodson’s 22-inch f/7.3 telescope
Steve Dodson’s 22-inch f/7.3 telescope
1981 Stellafane Convention
A long refractor on a tall pier.
A long refractor on a tall pier.
1981 Stellafane Convention
A fisrt-generation large dob.
A fisrt-generation large dob.

Photo at right by
Norm Fredrick, STM.

1981 Stellafane Convention
This huge 22-inch f/7.3 telescope belongs to club member Steve Dodson.
This huge 22-inch f/7.3 telescope belongs to club member Steve Dodson.

Photos by John Bortle.

1981 Stellafane Convention
The crowd on Breezy Hill examining many homemade telescopes.
The crowd on Breezy Hill examining many homemade telescopes.
1981 Stellafane Convention
Perils of observing with a really big, long-focus, Dob! Steve Dodson's 22-inch f/7.3 trailer-mounted scope.
Perils of observing with a really big, long-focus, Dob! Steve Dodson's 22-inch f/7.3 trailer-mounted scope.
1981 Stellafane Convention
John Briggs (right) stands beside the huge flat mirror he brought to the meeting and originally employed in the testing of Lick Observatory's 36-inch refractor's objective. Later in the day it cracked from sitting in the sun!
John Briggs (right) stands beside the huge flat mirror he brought to the meeting and originally employed in the testing of Lick Observatory's 36-inch refractor's objective. Later in the day it cracked from sitting in the sun!
1981 Stellafane Convention
Bud Stanley and Dennis Cassia converse with Tonight's Asteroids editor Dr. Jay Gunter.
Bud Stanley and Dennis Cassia converse with Tonight's Asteroids editor Dr. Jay Gunter.
1981 Stellafane Convention
Members of Ben Mayer's (center) Problicom nova search team gather for a group photo at Stellafane.
Members of Ben Mayer's (center) Problicom nova search team gather for a group photo at Stellafane.
1981 Stellafane Convention
The crowd gathers in front of the Clubhouse waiting for the Twilight Talks to begin.
The crowd gathers in front of the Clubhouse waiting for the Twilight Talks to begin.

1982 Stellafane Convention

Photos by Norm Fredrick, STM.

1982 Stellafane Convention
Schupmann on display in front of the Stellafane clubhouse.
Schupmann on display in front of the Stellafane clubhouse.

Photos by John Bortle.

1982 Stellafane Convention
A seemingly endless line of ATM tents stretches into the distance in Miller's Field.
A seemingly endless line of ATM tents stretches into the distance in Miller's Field.
1982 Stellafane Convention
Beautiful armillary sphere built by Real Manseau.
Beautiful armillary sphere built by Real Manseau.
1982 Stellafane Convention
Rotating observing chair carries a 6-inch RFT with a fixed eyepiece.
Rotating observing chair carries a 6-inch RFT with a fixed eyepiece.
1982 Stellafane Convention
A 17½-inch all-wood Dobsonian built by Gerry Dyck of Dartmouth, Massachusetts, and later used by him to be, for a time, the most productive contributor of AAVSO visual estimates in the Earth's Northern Hemisphere. Now in the collection of the Astronomical Lyceum.
A 17½-inch all-wood Dobsonian built by Gerry Dyck of Dartmouth, Massachusetts, and later used by him to be, for a time, the most productive contributor of AAVSO visual estimates in the Earth's Northern Hemisphere. Now in the collection of the Astronomical Lyceum.
1982 Stellafane Convention
Massive trailer-mounted 12-inch.
Massive trailer-mounted 12-inch.
1982 Stellafane Convention
Telescope expert John Briggs (in jeans) peruses some antique instruments.
Telescope expert John Briggs (in jeans) peruses some antique instruments.
1982 Stellafane Convention
...and you say you can sleep in there when you are finished observing?
...and you say you can sleep in there when you are finished observing?
1982 Stellafane Convention
Impressive Schupmann.
Impressive Schupmann.

1983 Stellafane Convention

Photos by John Bortle.

1983 Stellafane Convention
Scotty Houston dodges Saturday afternoon showers down in the campground.
Scotty Houston dodges Saturday afternoon showers down in the campground.
1983 Stellafane Convention
The scramble for goodies at the Swap Tables.
The scramble for goodies at the Swap Tables.
1983 Stellafane Convention
A woodworking craftsman's masterpiece.
A woodworking craftsman's masterpiece.
1983 Stellafane Convention
Antiques telescope expert Robert Arial (left) discusses a small fork-mounted scope with Dr. Jay Gunter (center) and another unidentified ATM.
Antiques telescope expert Robert Arial (left) discusses a small fork-mounted scope with Dr. Jay Gunter (center) and another unidentified ATM.
1983 Stellafane Convention
ATMoB member Michael Mattei (facing camera) outlines the fine points of Schupmann telescope design with another hobbyist.
ATMoB member Michael Mattei (facing camera) outlines the fine points of Schupmann telescope design with another hobbyist.
1983 Stellafane Convention
Televue's Al Nagler poses beside a large compound refractor.
Televue's Al Nagler poses beside a large compound refractor.
1983 Stellafane Convention
A magnificently machined Newt/Cass highly reminiscent of the ones used in the original Palomar site survey (see Amateur Telescope Making, vol. ?)
A magnificently machined Newt/Cass highly reminiscent of the ones used in the original Palomar site survey (see Amateur Telescope Making, vol. ?)
1983 Stellafane Convention
This canary-yellow 16-inch Dob traveled all the way from The Windy City to Stellafane.
This canary-yellow 16-inch Dob traveled all the way from The Windy City to Stellafane.
1983 Stellafane Convention
A novel design for a 12-inch Dob is illustrated in this scope.
A novel design for a 12-inch Dob is illustrated in this scope.

1984 Stellafane Convention

Photos by John Bortle.

1984 Stellafane Convention
Running the Mud Gauntlet down in Miller's Field after some heavy rains!
Running the Mud Gauntlet down in Miller's Field after some heavy rains!
1984 Stellafane Convention
Threatening skies over Stellafane.
Threatening skies over Stellafane.
1984 Stellafane Convention
Big Guns - a standard focal-length 8-inch and its RFT little brother are co-mounted with a big 12-inch Newt.
Big Guns - a standard focal-length 8-inch and its RFT little brother are co-mounted with a big 12-inch Newt.
1984 Stellafane Convention
A 5-inch 1875 observatory refractor built by Alvan Clark & Sons and originally housed at Abbot Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, and now property of Phillips Academy in Andover. J.W. Briggs in green shirt on right.
A 5-inch 1875 observatory refractor built by Alvan Clark & Sons and originally housed at Abbot Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, and now property of Phillips Academy in Andover. J.W. Briggs in green shirt on right.
1984 Stellafane Convention
Massive truly observatory-class Cassegrain.
Massive truly observatory-class Cassegrain.
1984 Stellafane Convention
Big wooden Dob.
Big wooden Dob.
1984 Stellafane Convention
Canadian amateur Dr. George Fortier (in cap) looks over a big Dob.
Canadian amateur Dr. George Fortier (in cap) looks over a big Dob.
1984 Stellafane Convention
An absolutely massive wooden cross-axis mounted 8-inch Newt.
An absolutely massive wooden cross-axis mounted 8-inch Newt.
1984 Stellafane Convention
ATMs gather in the growing darkness for the evening's Twilight Talks.
ATMs gather in the growing darkness for the evening's Twilight Talks.

Photo courtesy of Martin Rochette.

19?? Stellafane Convention
Martin Rochette of Quebec, Canada with his Dobsonian telescope. He won the Most Innovative Component Award for devising a tracking mechanism for this Dob.
Martin Rochette of Quebec, Canada with his Dobsonian telescope. He won the Most Innovative Component Award for devising a tracking mechanism for this Dob.

1986 Stellafane Convention

Photos courtesy of Nick Oshana.

1986 Stellafane Convention
1986 Stellafane Convention
1986 Stellafane Convention

Photo by Richard Berry.

1986 Stellafane Convention
John W. Briggs with a wooden tube 6-inch Henry Fitz refractor and equatorial mounting formerly of Trinity College.
John W. Briggs with a wooden tube 6-inch Henry Fitz refractor and equatorial mounting formerly of Trinity College.

1987 Stellafane Convention

Video courtesy of John Dilsaver of Sparta, MO; Video created by Alan Levin.
(Alan Levin and Steve Cariddi produced "The Starry Messenger" astronomy classified ad publication)

John Dobson
Stellafane 1987
Keynote Presentation

 First 13:48 black screen audio only except
 an occassional photoflash illuminates Dobson.

 Slides visible from 13:48 to 26:50. Then a minute
 of black screen audio before the recording ends.

1988 Stellafane Convention

Photos by Michael J. O'Connell.

1988 Stellafane Convention
Michael J. O'Connell with his first homemade telescope, at (most likely) the 1988 covention.
Michael J. O'Connell with his first homemade telescope, at (most likely) the 1988 covention.
1988 Stellafane Convention
Convention badge and signatures of Clyde W. Tombaugh and Walter Scott Houston.
Convention badge and signatures of Clyde W. Tombaugh and Walter Scott Houston.
1988 Stellafane Convention
Michael J. O'Connell and Walter Scott Houston, at (most likely) the 1988 covention.
Michael J. O'Connell and Walter Scott Houston, at (most likely) the 1988 covention.

Photo by Francis J. O'Reilly.

Photo by Bert willard.

Photo by Nick Oshama.

1988 Stellafane Convention
Clyde Tombaugh signs a card for Vincent O’Reilly on August 13, 1988.
Clyde Tombaugh signs a card for Vincent O’Reilly on August 13, 1988.
1988 Stellafane Convention
Clyde Tombaugh signs a card for Vincent O’Reilly on August 13, 1988.
Clyde Tombaugh signs a card for Vincent O’Reilly on August 13, 1988.
1988 Stellafane Convention
Looking into a portable observatory with integrated telescope.
Looking into a portable observatory with integrated telescope.

1989 Stellafane Convention

Photo courtesy of Franklin Morgan.

1991 Stellafane Convention
Franklin Morgan's large binoculars in front of the club house. Franklin won 3rd place in deign inginuity and craftsmanship; He is in black holding a cup.
Franklin Morgan's large binoculars in front of the club house. Franklin won 3rd place in deign inginuity and craftsmanship; He is in black holding a cup.

1991 Stellafane Convention

Photos courtesy of Peter Cook, first four taken by Lisa Jo Rudy (Peter's wife), last photo by Bob Summerfield.

1991 Stellafane Convention
Scott Manning & Peter Cook admire their Watermelon Scope, including the 'decomposition drive' (Scope moves as it decomposes).
Scott Manning & Peter Cook admire their Watermelon Scope, including the 'decomposition drive' (Scope moves as it decomposes).
1991 Stellafane Convention
Peter Cook enlarges the optical tube. They bought local before it was fashionable, picking up the watermelon and cucumber in Springfield.
Peter Cook enlarges the optical tube. They bought local before it was fashionable, picking up the watermelon and cucumber in Springfield.
1991 Stellafane Convention
Scott Manning gesturing and probably exclaiming "What, dew problems again?". Note the cucumber finder scope.
Scott Manning gesturing and probably exclaiming "What, dew problems again?". Note the cucumber finder scope.
1991 Stellafane Convention
Peter Cook: "We couldn't believe it when we got the award - we were shocked."
Peter Cook: "We couldn't believe it when we got the award - we were shocked."

The telescope parts for the watermelon telescope were donated by Derrick Pitts,
Director of the Franklin Institute Fels Planetarium in Philadelphia.

Peter and Scott had to disassemble an Edmunds telescope to get them and then clean them off and reassemble it when they were done.

1991 Stellafane Convention
Peter Cook and Scott Manning with their award winning Watermelon Scope.
Peter Cook and Scott Manning with their award winning Watermelon Scope.

Video courtesy of Peter Cook, taken by Lee Shelp. (25 seconds, 1 Mb streaming)

1993 Stellafane Convention

Photos courtesy of Nick Oshama.

1993 Stellafane Convention
1993 Stellafane Convention
1993 Stellafane Convention
1993 Stellafane Convention
1993 Stellafane Convention

Photos courtesy of Ron Abey.

This 12½-inch Newtonian on a German Equitorial Mount by Ron Abey of Red Lion, PA won First Place Craftsmanship and Third Place Mechanical Design at the 1993 Stellafane Convention.

The scope has since been passed along to his son Mathew and is being modified for GoTo operation.

1993 Stellafane Convention
Jim Flood and Rob Abey with Ron's 12½ scope.
Jim Flood and Rob Abey with Ron's 12½ scope.
1993 Stellafane Convention
Ron Abey with is award winning scope.
Ron Abey with is award winning scope.
1993 Stellafane Convention
Mount detail of Ron Abey's scope.
Mount detail of Ron Abey's scope.
1993 Stellafane Convention
Conventioneers admiring the scope.
Conventioneers admiring the scope.

1995 Stellafane Convention

Photos by Ken Slater, STM.

1995 Stellafane Convention
Telescopes on display, many awaiting the arrival of the mechanical judges.
Telescopes on display, many awaiting the arrival of the mechanical judges.
1995 Stellafane Convention
Behind the clubhouse, a large equitorial mounted Newtonian.
Behind the clubhouse, a large equitorial mounted Newtonian.
1995 Stellafane Convention
Behind the clubhouse, with conventioneers on the rocks.
Behind the clubhouse, with conventioneers on the rocks.

Photos courtesy of Nick Oshama.

1995 Stellafane Convention
1995 Stellafane Convention
1995 Stellafane Convention
1995 Stellafane Convention

1996 Stellafane Convention

Photos by Ken Slater, STM.

1996 Stellafane Convention
John Dobson grinds a mirror on a bench under the tent. Junie Esslinger is behind him to the right. Ken Slater in cap with nametag far rear right.
John Dobson grinds a mirror on a bench under the tent. Junie Esslinger is behind him to the right. Ken Slater in cap with nametag far rear right.
1996 Stellafane Convention
Scopes on display on Breezy Hill with a large crowd to appreciate the creativity and cleverness of their designs.
Scopes on display on Breezy Hill with a large crowd to appreciate the creativity and cleverness of their designs.
1996 Stellafane Convention
A big crowd of bargain seekers gathers at the swap tables.
A big crowd of bargain seekers gathers at the swap tables.
1996 Stellafane Convention
The Dino Argentini scope, now housed in the domed observatory, which Dino won 1st place in 1968 for both optical and mechanical. Dino gifted the scope to paul Paul Valleli (seated), who then donated to Stellafane.
The Dino Argentini scope, now housed in the domed observatory, which Dino won 1st place in 1968 for both optical and mechanical. Dino gifted the scope to paul Paul Valleli (seated), who then donated to Stellafane.
1996 Stellafane Convention
A newly mounted 13-inch refractor formerly of Mount Holyoke College and believed to be made by Henry or Harry Fitz attracted a lot of attention this year out back behind the clubhouse.
A newly mounted 13-inch refractor formerly of Mount Holyoke College and believed to be made by Henry or Harry Fitz attracted a lot of attention this year out back behind the clubhouse.
1996 Stellafane Convention
Big Dobs get ready for nightfall.
Big Dobs get ready for nightfall.

1997 Stellafane Convention

Photos by Ken Slater, STM.

1997 Stellafane Convention
Conventioneers and Telescopes surround the Stellafane Clubhouse.
Conventioneers and Telescopes surround the Stellafane Clubhouse.
1997 Stellafane Convention
Scopes on disply in front of the clubhouse. The Porter Turret is open, probably for solar viewing.
Scopes on disply in front of the clubhouse. The Porter Turret is open, probably for solar viewing.
1997 Stellafane Convention
Staring into a Big Dob set up behind the clubhouse.
Staring into a Big Dob set up behind the clubhouse.
1997 Stellafane Convention
Trailer mounted dual scopes attract a small crowd.
Trailer mounted dual scopes attract a small crowd.
1997 Stellafane Convention
These big binouclars, set up behind the clubhouse, had a constant stream of visitors all day long.
These big binouclars, set up behind the clubhouse, had a constant stream of visitors all day long.
1997 Stellafane Convention
This transparent scope,fully functional, could show the light path in a Newtonian after smoke was added and a bright light shown in.
This transparent scope,fully functional, could show the light path in a Newtonian after smoke was added and a bright light shown in.

Photos by Al Rifkin, STM.

1997 Stellafane Convention
Swap Tables, must be early, not a big crowd.
Swap Tables, must be early, not a big crowd.
1997 Stellafane Convention
Swap Tables, now with a normal crowd.
Swap Tables, now with a normal crowd.
1997 Stellafane Convention
Louie's Chiken Barbeque.
Louie's Chiken Barbeque.
1997 Stellafane Convention
Al Nagler in his spot on Stellfane East.
Al Nagler in his spot on Stellfane East.
1997 Stellafane Convention
Scott Tracy, ASGH, with a convention hat.
Scott Tracy, ASGH, with a convention hat.
1997 Stellafane Convention
Giant Binoculars behind the clubhouse.
Giant Binoculars behind the clubhouse.

1998 Stellafane Convention

Photos by Ken Slater, STM.

1998 Stellafane Convention
Conventioneers and Telescopes in front of the clubhouse.
Conventioneers and Telescopes in front of the clubhouse.
1998 Stellafane Convention
Ken Slater grinds the 27-inch mirror under the tent in the ATM demo area.
Ken Slater grinds the 27-inch mirror under the tent in the ATM demo area.
1998 Stellafane Convention
Wayne Zuhl's scotch mount. Left to Right: (likely) Linda Ide, Wayne Zuhl, Steve Jenner, unknown.
Wayne Zuhl's scotch mount. Left to Right: (likely) Linda Ide, Wayne Zuhl, Steve Jenner, unknown.
1998 Stellafane Convention
Bowling Ball mount and 5-gallon plastic buckets for tube ends, this scope shows a lot of ATM creativity.
Bowling Ball mount and 5-gallon plastic buckets for tube ends, this scope shows a lot of ATM creativity.
1998 Stellafane Convention
Mount Ascutney in the distance looms up over Breezy Hill at Convention 1998.
Mount Ascutney in the distance looms up over Breezy Hill at Convention 1998.
1998 Stellafane Convention
The Polar Cassegrain built into the south wall of the clubhouse, with mirrors in place.
The Polar Cassegrain built into the south wall of the clubhouse, with mirrors in place.

Photos by Al Rifkin, STM.

1998 Stellafane Convention
An empty swap table area waits for the crowds to arrive.
An empty swap table area waits for the crowds to arrive.
1998 Stellafane Convention
No longer empty, the swap table area is filled with bargain seekers.
No longer empty, the swap table area is filled with bargain seekers.
1998 Stellafane Convention
The lettering on the red blanket says "The Couch-Potato Telescope"
The lettering on the red blanket says "The Couch-Potato Telescope"
1998 Stellafane Convention
Coffee Can Telescope.
Coffee Can Telescope.
1998 Stellafane Convention
A 10-inch f/5.6 by Claudio "Clu" Fabi of Springfield, VT. Won innovative componnet for the open lattice ball.
A 10-inch f/5.6 by Claudio "Clu" Fabi of Springfield, VT. Won innovative componnet for the open lattice ball.
1998 Stellafane Convention
Conventioneers in front of the clubhouse on a beautiful day.
Conventioneers in front of the clubhouse on a beautiful day.
1998 Stellafane Convention
A very nice painting on this small Dobsonian, along with a nice fabric tube covering.
A very nice painting on this small Dobsonian, along with a nice fabric tube covering.
1998 Stellafane Convention
A conventioneer dressed as the Stellfane Little Man takes a lunch break.
A conventioneer dressed as the Stellfane Little Man takes a lunch break.
1998 Stellafane Convention
At the evening program, Bob Morse, MC, Al Monkowski and David Levy, Shadowgram Speaker.
At the evening program, Bob Morse, MC, Al Monkowski and David Levy, Shadowgram Speaker.

Photos courtesy of Nick Oshama.

1998 Stellafane Convention
1998 Stellafane Convention
1998 Stellafane Convention

1999 Stellafane Convention

Photos by Ken Slater, STM.

1999 Stellafane Convention
At the ATM demoes under the tent, Ken Slater discusses grinding techniques with a sub-diamter tool. He is holding the 18" tool for the 27" mirror it is resting on.
At the ATM demoes under the tent, Ken Slater discusses grinding techniques with a sub-diamter tool. He is holding the 18" tool for the 27" mirror it is resting on.
1999 Stellafane Convention
Foucault testing demo in the ATM demo area. Brad Vietje with penlight, John Gallagher right of Brad, Ken Slater with Coude mask.
Foucault testing demo in the ATM demo area. Brad Vietje with penlight, John Gallagher right of Brad, Ken Slater with Coude mask.
1999 Stellafane Convention
Hosting conventioneers in the clubhouse. Ken Slater, white cap left rear, Maryann Arrien center.
Hosting conventioneers in the clubhouse. Ken Slater, white cap left rear, Maryann Arrien center.

Photos by Al Rifkin, STM.

1999 Stellafane Convention
Scott Milligan, Brad Vietje, Sher Malik's son, Sher Malik (back to us), Unknown (Green Cap), Al Stern.
Scott Milligan, Brad Vietje, Sher Malik's son, Sher Malik (back to us), Unknown (Green Cap), Al Stern.
1999 Stellafane Convention
An interesting conduit frame scope set up by a campsite.
An interesting conduit frame scope set up by a campsite.
1999 Stellafane Convention
The Swap Tables, crowded as always.
The Swap Tables, crowded as always.
1999 Stellafane Convention
Breezy Hill, Saturday Morning. Al Rifkin's Lego Scope (fully functional) at center.
Breezy Hill, Saturday Morning. Al Rifkin's Lego Scope (fully functional) at center.
1999 Stellafane Convention
A crowd gathers under the tent for the evening program.
A crowd gathers under the tent for the evening program.
1999 Stellafane Convention
Remember, you can never buy too many raffle tickets!
Remember, you can never buy too many raffle tickets!
1999 Stellafane Convention
John Dobson address the crowd. Gary Cislak in the wings, Bob Morse (MC) Al Stern (seated)
John Dobson address the crowd. Gary Cislak in the wings, Bob Morse (MC) Al Stern (seated)
1999 Stellafane Convention
Gary Cislak presents Al Nagler with a club designed "Nagler Type 5". Al was surprised anyone could design eyepieces bigger than he could.
Gary Cislak presents Al Nagler with a club designed "Nagler Type 5". Al was surprised anyone could design eyepieces bigger than he could.
1999 Stellafane Convention
What? Rain at Stellafane? Very Unusual!
What? Rain at Stellafane? Very Unusual!

Photos courtesy of Nick Oshama.

1999 Stellafane Convention
1999 Stellafane Convention
1999 Stellafane Convention
1999 Stellafane Convention
1999 Stellafane Convention
Historic Convention Photo Pages:1926-19481954-19691970-1979   1980-1999

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