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Donate to Stellafane

by Check or PayPal

This Donation Form will allow you to make a donation using PayPal online or by Printing it and mailing it in with a Check for any of the fundraising categories that are currently active. PayPal allows you to pay with any major credit card, although you will need to sign up for a free PayPal account to do this.

Stellafane is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and listed charity with the United States Internal Revenue Service. We are also registered as a non-profit organization in Vermont.

Local Date and Time:
Invoice #:

Required Information

We require this basic information to record your donation and contact you in case of a problem. Stellafane does not buy, sell, trade or share donor lists or donor information. We will only use this information to contact you regarding this donation.

Optional Information

The IRS requires us to provide you with a letter confirming your donation for amounts of $250 or more. We need your postal address to send you this confirmation.

Use the note field if you wish to make this gift in memory of someone, or for anything else you want to tell us.

Anonymous Donations

Stellafane does not share its donor information with any third party organizations, except as required by law. If you would like Stellafane not to list your name in any of our donor lists, publications or web pages, please check the box below.

I wish to remain anonymous

General Fund

The Stellafane General Fund is an unrestricted fund used for overall expenses of running Stellafane. Costs associated with our Museum, Web Site, Property, Building & Equipment Maintenance, Utilities, Insurance and Taxes, among other items, come out of the General Fund.


General Fund Donation:

Endowment Fund

The Stellafane Endowment Fund seeks to ensure the future of Stellafane for future generations by raising funds and investing them appropriately so as to protect and grow principal while earning a reasonable rate of return. The principal will be untouched except in the case of a catastrophic need. In essence, it would also serve as an emergency fund in the event of a financial crisis that threatens the continued ownership, use or maintenance of the Stellafane properties. Click for more information.


Endowment Fund Donation:


Donation Total

Review & Payment

When you are satisfied with your donation selections and have reviewed the Grand Total at right, please select a payment method by pressing one of the two buttons below.

Press this button to transmit your donation info to Stellafane.
You will be transfered to PayPal to process your payment.

Your donation is not complete
until you successfully send funds through PayPal!

Press this button to transmit your donation info to Stellafane
and to Print this filled-in form.
If you want a copy foryourself, select 2 copies in the print dialog.

Printing from mobile devices is fraught with problems;
We suggest you use a desktop or laptop computer.

Mail this form and your check to:
The Springfield Telescope Makers
P. O. Box 601, Springfield, VT 05156

Make Checks payable to The Springfield Telescope Makers

Thank you for supporting Stellafane!

Should you have any questions, please e-mail the Stellafane Webmaster
using the link directly below this form in the page footer.

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