Observing Main Page
Building Telescopes is only half the fun - using them is the other half! Here is some information about observing, and a gallery of some very nice results.
Sign up for our Stellafane Announcements e-mail list to be notified when we are holding star parties.
Star Parties

Check to see if we have a public star party scheduled at Stellafane on our Events Calendar; we try to hold a couple every year, usually in the late summer or early fall after convention.
Listings of other star parties can be found at Sky & Telescope or Astronomy magazines, and many other web pages.
Moon Phase Calculator

Is that pesky moon brightening up the sky too much? Use our online calculator to figure out when the moon will be dark for the best observing (unless, of course, you are planning to observe the moon!).
Closely related to this is our Equinox & Solstice Calculator which you can link to from the Moon Phase page.
Weather at Stellafane

Sometimes, telescopes seem to be cloud magnets (Especially new ones!)
Check the Weather Forecast, Weather Radar, Satellite Images, Clear Sky Clock and Stellafane Webcams to see what your chances of observing are.
See also Clubhouse Weather Station data.
Astrophoto Gallery

Here we present Astrophotos taken at Stellafane and other locations by club members and others. You are welcome to submit your images for inclusion on this page.
Looking for Beginner Info?
See Everything Else Beginners Page / Getting Started