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[2022-Dec-7] Happy Birthday, Springfield Telescope Makers! This article, written in March of 1923, written by Russell W. Porter,
describes the germ of the Springfield Telescope Makers (who won't
officially form the organization for another nine months) as they not
only learned to make their own telescopes, but also use them and learn
to appreciate the wonderful mechanism of the universe.
It's fascinating to look back and realize that they were on the cusp of a telescope revolution, of bringing affordability to the average stargazer by encouraging the crafting of their own instruments.
“Nothing gives me more satisfaction than
realizing that I have helped towards giving
thousands of people the pleasure of creating
with their own hands a tool to unlock the
wonders of the heavens” - Russel W. Porter.
[2022-Dec-6] Time flies when you're having fun, or in this case, learning about history. While the year is fast coming to a close, it's time to introduce our latest Founder.
Carlton Damon was a service station operator on Clinton Street, a village trustee, a Springfield representative in the House of Representatives, and a member of the Springfield Elks Lodge. Born in 1889, he passed away in 1962 at the age of 73.
You can read more about Carlton Damon and other Founding Members on The Founders Page. We'll meet again in March of next year for the next reveal.
[2022-Nov-29] Hello again! This month, we have some images of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn that we hope you'll enjoy!
[2022-Nov-20] November already? Where has the time gone? Last night was an election night, and we have some news to report.
There are three board changes to report. Terri Simoni has stepped down as Secretary, while Rick Hunter was voted in. While Terri remains as Trustee, she is joined by newly elected Mike Hayes, replacing Kris Larsen and Bruce Beford on the board.
We wish to thank Kris Larsen and Bruce Beford for their service to the club!
![]() Morse President |
![]() Detrich Vice President |
![]() Hunter Secretary |
![]() Jackson Treasurer |
![]() Simoni Trustee |
![]() Slater Trustee |
![]() Hayes Trustee |
• Spring Damage & Initial Plans
• Revised Plans
• Excess Donations
Spring Damage & Initial Plans: The south facing roof of the western addition to the clubhouse was damaged by strong winds this spring, with shingles being blown off, or bent up, or missing a substantial portion of their gravel coating as shown in the photo below.
Excess Donations: Because we replaced only part of the roof this year, and we did not have to pay for labor, we had more money donated then we needed for this smaller job. At the October meeting, the club voted to set up a restricted fund with the excess donations, to be used only for the future replacement of the rest of the clubhouse roof. We appreciate your generosity in helping to fund this project, and want to assure you that the money donated will only be used for this purpose. Thanks so much!
[2022-Oct-11] In September 1921, Porter's Telescope Group (which became the Springfield Telescope Makers in December 1923) 'occupied' the summit of Hawk's Mountain (in Cavendish and Baltimore, VT) to erect a survey tower to help them get precise coordinates of other locations.
In September 1922 they returned to the site and installed a brass plaque on the summit under the tower. Photo 1 shows Russell Porter holding the plaque just before installation with other members gathered around the tower.
Photo 2 shows the plaque in 2009, with accumulated graffiti, but overall it has held up quite well.
In contemporary times, club members have visited the site on a regular basis in the early fall, as there is no trail to the summit and bush whacking is required - GPS on smart phones makes this an easier task in the last few decades.
In honor of the 100th anniversary of the installation of the plaque, the STMs planned to hike up in September, but a section of the clubhouse roof required replacing before winter, and that task preempted the planned September hike. However on Saturday, October 8 a group of 10 of us arrived on the summit with a blown up copy of photo 1. Photo 3 shows us standing behind the plaque, holding the photo of Porter holding the plaque! It was a wonderful fall day and we were honored to pay tribute to the founding members by continuing to visit this site that was important to them.
STM Member Jim Daley, who is in his mid-80's, made the trek up with us, and it is he who is holding the historic photo.
[2022-Oct-4] What to do when you've got part of a roof that needs fixing at Stellafane? The Clubhouse roof needed a little TLC. Luckily, the Springfield Telescope Makers were on hand to patch up the historic landmark. With some expertise and elbow grease, the Clubhouse was as good as new. The team was kept productive with breakfast, lunch, and dinner served by the kitchen crew.
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[2022-Oct-3] We have a pretty hefty imaging update this month, with many images of Jupiter taken on different days in September, along with some movies.
[2022-Sept-27] Thanks to all who came out to the St-Gaudens Star Party this past weekend. It was a great success!
We have another Star Party for you for the month of October. The Up-All-Night Star Party / Open House, located at Stellafane, runs from October 21st and 22nd, and is a free event open to the public. Come see the telescopes and gaze through them.
For directions on how to get there, if you need them, please follow the link.
[2022-Sept-13] The Springfield Telescope Makers, along with the Saint-Gaudens National Historic Park in Cornish, NH , are proud to announce that the Saint-Gaudens Star Party is back for the 2022 season!
The event is scheduled for Saturday, September 24, 2022
For more details, follow the link to the official Saint-Gaudens Star Party Website.
[2022-Sept-12] We all love a bit of exposure, and we also love it when we get new converts in the world of telescope making. This year, Bradley Jay of Boston came to Stellafane, at STM Member Doug Arion's invitation. It was his first time here. What we got in return is a terrific video about Stellafane, full of history and interviews.
You can watch this video on Bradley's Youtube channel here.
[2022-Sept-9] It's time again to take a look at another of the Springfield Telescope Maker's founders. And as of this month, we are halfway through them!
At Number 6, we take a look Everett Redfield. He was quite an interesting fellow. Who was he and what was his role? Well, any who would have attended either an STM meeting or Convention back in the day, would have very likely been fed by Mr Redfield, for he was the Club's cook. Wearing a white apron and a chef's hat, he would have likely proudly served Baked Beans as was typical in the club back then.
While having completed a 6" Mirror as part of the first mirror class, along with his role as club Cook, his talents didn't stop there, for he was also a poet! He was known to wax poetic, and even had Roy Lyon transcribe a poem that would eventually be read annually at Convention.
You can read more about Everett Redfield on The Founder Page.
[2022-Sept-6] It's now the month of September, with Fall right around the corner. No doubt, the leaves are already starting to change in Vermont. But August was a very productive Month, and we have a great imaging update for you.
![]() Image Credit: Springfield Telescope Makers |
![]() Image Credit: Springfield Telescope Makers A Higher quality version of this animation is also available on Youtube: |
[2022-Aug-29] Missed a talk at Convention? Missed half of one when otherwise undisposed? Fear not, fellow convention goer! Have we got great news for you! All talks have been recorded and have been uploaded to our Youtube Channel for viewing at your own leisure, wether they be the afternoon talks or the Saturday night evening program. Check them out here!
Also, if you haven't already please check out the 2022 Convention Gallery. If you have anything you've taken you'd like to share, we'd love to see them!
[2022-Aug-08] Little more than two weeks have already passed us since the end of Convention. This doesn't mean that work ever stops. We're working diligently to bringing you the convention gallery and any other post-convention related pages. If you have any photos you'd like to send, please do! Every little bit helps.
In the meantime, we'd like to share with you wonderful videos created by Steve Hannah. These drone videos give you a birds eye-view of what the convention looks like from on high and are quite remarkable!
![]() Video Credit: Steve Hannah |
![]() Video Credit: Steve Hannah |
[2022-Aug-3] You might have heard the announcement during the Twilight talk at Convention on Saturday, but if not, we had an announcement straight off the press about a new Asteroid named in Russell Porter's honor. STM Member John Briggs has the scoop:
I am happy to relay from Dr. Larry Wasserman of Lowell Observatory that the minor planet
(329069), discovered by him at Kitt Peak National Observatory on October 20, 2006, has been officially named
(329069) Russellporter. The announcement was published today by the International Astronomical Union's Working Group for Small Bodies Nomenclature in WGSBN Bulletin, volume 2, number 10, July 25, 2022.
This honor to the memory of Russell W. Porter, who was the founder of Stellafane and the associated annual Convention of amateur telescope making running since 1926, is especially appropriate given the coming centennials of both the famous Stellafane Clubhouse and the Stellafane Convention.
Yours truly,
--John W. Briggs,
Magdalena, New Mexico.
To see a live and projected orbit of Asteroid 329069 Russellporter, you can see it at NASA's JPL Small-Database lookup found at this link. You can also find information on 329069 Russellporter and other related objects on our Stellafane Names in Space page.
[2022-Jul-12] We have a special treat for you today. Did you know that Stellafane has an asteroid named after it? Back in 1988, Asteroid 3140 was named, by the International Astronomical Union, in honour of the convention and its contributions to both amateur and professional astronomy.
Stellafane is a main belt asteroid that takes 5.24 years to make one orbit around the Sun at a maximum distance from the Sun of 3.015 au and minimum distance of 2.681 au. It's diameter is 20.213 km and rotates once every 19.23 hours. It's absolute magnitude is 10.9. A dedication plaque hangs in the clubhouse.
In these latest imaging results, the details are as follows:
Image centered at 04:29 UT on 7/4/22.
In the left image (star chart) the asteroid's location is between the
two vertical white lines. In the right image (photo) the asteroid is
between the two vertical black lines. Note that it appears somewhat
elongated becaused it moved a bit more that its own diameter over the
course of the 9 minutes when the data was acquired. Its magnitude was
14.7. The black dots in the photo at right indicate starts that are
identified in the star chart.
For more details about the asteroid and other fun Stellafane related names in Space, check out our Stellafane Names in Space page.
[2022-Jun-28] We're a month away from convention, and we've all been busy getting the sites ready to be used, for what we hope will be a return to normalcy. We look forward to seeing you all back, very much.
In the meantime, we have an imgaging update that we'd like to share with you. What we see here are some incredible views of both Jupiter and Saturn, for what is deemed poor seeing. Both were imaged this past Saturday, June 25th. And to note, you might even manage to get a bit of 3d-depth with the Jupiter image if you get your eyes to focus just right on the 3 images.
[2022-June-5] Our next Founder in our series of splotlights is on Roy Lyon.
We unfortunately don't know all that much about him. What we do know is that he was employed by Jones and Lamson for 44 years until his eventual retirement. He was also a founding member of the Springfield Mineralogical Society, among other things, so we can assume he was fairly active in the community.
Of note is that he was among Porter's First Class in 1920, and worked on a 9" Mirror. He would become Secretary & Treasurer from 1934 to 1943, and eventually became club President. And he can count himself among the few that have been sketched by Porter himself.
You can read more about Roy Lyon on The Founder Page.
[2022-May-1] The day you've waited for is here! Registration for the 2022 Convention is now open. There is lots to be thankful for this year, and we have plenty in store for you at this year's Convention.
The 2022 Convention Keynote Speaker is Dava Sobel, author of "Longitude" and "Galileo's Daughter". She will also be giving a presentation at the Hartness House Workshop which is back this year. As always, this is seperate from Convention Registration.
But we also have other surprises coming back this year! This includes the Teen Robotics program. Or maybe you fancy yourself lucky? Those 16-years and younger can try their hand at the Horseshoe Pitching Contest! Winner will get the opportunity to assemble a telescope with Stargazer Steve.
We look forward to seeing all of you there! Register now!
[2022-Mar-??] It's March, and besides Spring being right around the corner, do you know what it means? It means we continue our adventure in discovering the Founders! Today, our spotlight is on Founder Charles Longe.
Charles Longe was a member of the first class, and would be the first to build his scope. Porter had found Longe to be rather indispensable in an emergency, and he had helped Porter build the heavy parts of the Hartness Turret Telescope. You can check out the rest of his story on The Founder Page.
But that's not all. We have a special treat for you. Ernest Flander's Founder page has been updated to include a photo of Ernest from the 1981 Convention, courtesy of longtime convention attendee Richard Sanderson. You might want to check that out too!
And a reminder to note that clocks spring forward where applicable on March 13th!
[2022-Feb-23] After a two-year break, the Hartness House Workshop is scheduled to
resume as part of the annual Stellafane Convention on Breezy Hill in
Springfield, VT on 7/28/22. The theme of the event this year will be:
"Eclectic Astronomy"; meaning the Workshop will offer a broad spectrum
of interesting individual talks. The slate for the day will be
a heterogeneous collection of high-quality presentations, on a variety
of astronomical subjects, with the usual opportunity to mingle with
the speakers and other attendees at the historic Hartness House Inn.
As usual, the Hartness/Porter Museum of Amateur Telescope Making will
be open during the day and the unique Hartness Turret Telescope will
be available for nighttime observations, if the skies are clear. Dava
Sobel, author of "Longitude", "Galileo's Daughter", etc., will give
the keynote presentation (a distinctly different presentation to her
keynote at the Convention on Saturday, 7/30/22).
Registration for the
HHW will open in early May. This is a separate registration from the
Convention proper, which includes entry into the Convention camping
site on Wednesday, 7/27/22, which provides the opportunity for an
extra night of observing on Breezy Hill. Please note that these plans
are contingent on the Hartness House being operational on 7/28/22. The
Hartness House is currently proceeding with renovations and does plan
to be open by this Summer. For additional information about the HHW
please see this article on the Stellafane web page.
[2022-Feb-11] There is no doubt that Russell Porter led an interesting life. Before founding the Springfield Telescope Makers, and before he and his group started the little convention everybody would come to know as Stellafane, Porter led an adventurous life as a geological surveyor that brought him to places such as Alaska's frontier.
In a recent presentation given to the club in February 2022 by STM member George Springston, describing how mapping was done in Porter's time, the instruments Porter used, and what we know about the Geological Survey marker in front of the clubhouse, we find out a little more about the man and early mapping efforts.
To download a PDF of the presensation, you will find it in the Early History section of the website.