2024 Stellafane News
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HDR Moon Photo Imaged by 13-Inch Schupmann at f/10

w/ 13-Inch Schupmann at f/10
[2024-Nov-28] It's been awhile since we've brought you something imaged by one of our own members. In this case, it's a beautiful High-Dynamic-Range Photo of the moon taken by Dr. Thomas Spirock with our 13-Inch Schupmann at the McGregor Observatory, at f/10.
Friends of Stellafane Store is Live!

[2024-Nov-22] In February we began by testing a new concept by selling to you some Stellafane Eclipse Banners. They were a big hit!
This November, we are excited and proud to announce the opening of the Friends of Stellafane Online Store! (Closed for the Season; Check Back in May) Natalie Dodson and her team of elves have been hard at work to bring you a variety of amazing products, just in time for the Holiday Shopping season! In this store, you will find both general and holiday Official Stellafane Merchandise, right now! These are items currently exclusive to the online store, not available anywhere else. More items will be added in constantly, so if you don't find what you want now, check back later.
Each purchase helps the Springfield Telescope Makers be able to hold Convention and maintain the site. Thank you for supporting Stellafane!
Enjoy Browsing the Friends of Stellafane Online Store! (Closed For the Season: Opens Back Up in May)
Relive the 2024 Convention!

[2024-Nov-19] If you've been at this year's convention and want to relive it, or even if you weren't and want to feel like you've been there, wait no longer! The 2024 Convention Gallery is now complete, a process that takes many months to achieve. Thank you to everyone who contributed by sending in photos. And thank you to everyone who attended Convention. It wouldn't be possible without all of you, including the many volunteers. We hope to see you again next year!
This year again marked a very important year for the club, that being the 100th Anniversary of the Pink Clubhouse. The care and attention put into her every year is what keeps her in such good shape!
2024 Board Election Results
[2024-Nov-8] This past weekend, on November 2nd, was the day of our Annual General Meeting (at the BRIC). As with November meetings, elections were held. Say hello to your new board, same as the last. Congratulations to all those involved! And thanks to the Wilders for a wonderful feast!


Vice President





Up-All-Night Fall Edition Report
[2024-October-14] The Fall Edition of the Up-All-Night Star Party was deemed a success as many came out to Stellafane to view the stars, and celebrate the Autumn Season. STM President Ceclia Detrich had this to say:
We were fortunate to have two clear evenings to enjoy the night sky during the Fall Up-All-Night 2024 star party at Stellafane. Members of the Springfield Telescope Makers hosted this popular annual event at their historic pink clubhouse on Friday, September 27, and Saturday, September 28. Club members and other astronomy enthusiasts set up their telescopes on the lawn by the clubhouse while enjoying a beautiful sunset towards Okemo Mountain.
Over 50 guests, of all ages, came to view the wonders of the night sky through the historic Porter Turret Telescope and the other telescopes set up around the clubhouse. Some observing highlights of the evening were Saturn, the Andromeda Galaxy and the double star Albireo. Folks who ventured inside the clubhouse were able to try a hands-on demonstration of making a mirror for a telescope. Everyone enjoyed refreshments and cake to celebrate the event! Look for announcements for the Up-All-Night star party in spring, 2025.
For more information on our Outreach activities, including volunteer opportunities, please check out our Outreach page.
Al Nagler's 2024 Convention Experience

[2024-September-6] Our friend Al Nagler over at Televue, a convention attendee of many decades, and of the treasured donation of eyepieces for our raffles, has written up his account of this year's Convention. He and his wife Judy have attended Stellafane since the 1950's. His accounts always offer up a unique perspective.
You can find his account on Televue's Website.
Pssst: It's Saturnday. Spread the word! ;)
2024 Fall Star Parties
[2024-Aug-31] With Summer come and gone, including a successful very hot and wet convention, it's now time for us to focus on our fall activities. The STMs invite you to two very exciting Star Parties, both free events to the public. We hope we'll see you there!
Saturday September 7th, the St-Gaudens Star-Party at St-Gaudens National Historic Park, in Cornish, NH. Visit the Official Website Here
September 27th & 28th: Up-All-Night: Fall Edition. This one occurs right here on our own property at Stellafane.
Astronomy Community Recognizes Youth Outreach Award Recipient
[2024-Aug-22] Today, the astronomy community through Sky and Telescope Magazine, recognized the first recipient of STM’s Raymond Fairbanks Youth Outreach Award, Kaitlynn Goulette. Introduced at 2024 Convention, this award recognizes youth who have made exemplary contributions to outreach in the astronomy community.
Carl Malikowski, Stellafane Outreach Director stated "Stimulating interest in Astronomy and Telescope Making is our passion at Springfield Telescope Makers and our focus for our Outreach programs “Recognizing youth who share this same passion and whose efforts are deemed exceptional by others in our astronomy community is what the Raymond Fairbanks Youth Outreach Award is all about. I cannot think of a more deserving person to be the first recipient of this Award."
You can find the article here.
Springfield Telescope Makers Shine at Vermont Street Fest
[2024-July-14] The Springfield Telescope Makers wowed attendees at this year's Springfield Street Fest with mirror grinding and passion for astronomy. Held on Sat 7/13/24, the fest brought together local artisans, musicians, and community groups. Club Members, led by Mike Hayes, showed impressive display of hand-crafted telescopes and a live viewing of the sun.
Participating members Mike Hayes, Ken Slater, Carl Malikowski, and Francis O'Reilly, with help from Keith Dayer engaged dozens of attendees about club activities, telescope making, and astronomy in general. Visitors were treated to live, close-up views of the Sun, sparking awe and curiosity among young and old alike.
"We were thrilled to participate in the Springfield Street Fest and share our love for astronomy with the community," said Carl Malikowski, Club Outreach Director. "It's always rewarding to see people's faces light up when they see the Sun’s corona and Sun Spots for the first time. It’s truly exciting!”
Jennifer Martin from Street Fest thanked us for our participation and commented they have plans to expand the event next year to include even more of the town.
It was a very exciting opportunity for the club to help develop community knowledge, build relationships, and help us reach our mission - To stimulate interest in astronomy and allied sciences by preserving and fostering the skill of amateur telescope making.
Trailer for new Stellafane Documentary
[2024-July-8] This week we are privileged to see our club, our vision and our love for astronomy and telescope making through the eyes of award-winning filmmaker Tara Zabriskie with the help of producer and club member Doug Arion. We are so very honored and grateful.
This trailer for "Stellafane and Beyond" is a sneak peak into the feature documentary about the history and influence Stellafane has had on the development of astronomy, optics, and space science around the world. The film is being produced by STM member Doug Arion and documentary filmmaker Tara Zabriskie. Release date is set for summer 2025.
Up-All-Night: Spring Edition Report
[2024-June-17] At the beginning of June, the STMs hosted the Spring Edition of the Up-All-Night Star Party. What follows is a report by STM President Cecilia Detrich:
Folks recently gathered at the Stellafane clubhouse as they have been for over a century, for two evenings of fine observing, great food, and camaraderie. The annual Up All Night: Spring Edition star party on May 31 and June 1 had over 25 people in attendance each night. Visitors were mostly from the Springfield, VT area, but a few traveled from elsewhere in Vermont, in addition to New Hampshire and Connecticut, to enjoy the night sky from the historic clubhouse.
Two of the club’s historic telescopes were operational for observing, the Porter Turret telescope and the Springfield Mount telescope. One of the members of the Springfield Telescope Makers set up her hand-crafted Newtonian telescope next to the club’s new Seestar telescope (donated by ZWO) so people could enjoy looking at the same objects through two very different telescopes! Some visitors brought their own telescopes, and others had binoculars.
Popular objects for viewing were the Sun before it became dark, and after sunset telescopes pointed to the Ring Nebula (M 57), the Dumbbell Nebula (M 27), and the Beehive Cluster (M 44).
Inside the clubhouse, people could participate in a hands-on demonstration of how hand-crafted mirrors for telescopes are made and learn about our free Telescope Making Workshop held in the winter months. Please join us for the Autumn Edition of the Up All Night star party on September 27 & 28. Clear skies! The STMs
2024 Hartness House Workshop

Credit Jim Hendrickson
[2024-May-17] As those who've attended the Hartness House Workshops in the past would know, the workshop is always an enriching experience, offering some deep dives into a variety of topics, and also offering up the chance to mingle with many of the speakers and other guests. This year's theme for the Workshop is "Eclectic Astronomy III", meaning the Workshop will offer a broad spectrum of interesting individual talks.
The 2024 Keynote Address will be Tony Hull, on the topic of: "Beauty and Discovery with Webb". Tony who hails from New Mexico, supervised the polishing of the James Webb Space Telescope Mirrors.
What is the Hartness House Workshop? It is an all-day conference occuring alongside the Stellafane Convention, including meals for the day and a cocktail hour. Guests can also visit the Hartness/Porter Museum of Amateur Telescope Making during the day. Registration is separate from Convention, with additional fees. When you register for Convention via Eventbrite, you will be given the option of adding the Workshop as an extra.
For more information about the Hartness House Workshop, Click Here for the event page or here to download a printable information flyer. Or alternatively, if you have more specific questions about the event you can contact Thomas Spirock.
Registration now Open, and Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker: Tony Hull
[2024-May-7] Hear-ye, Hear-ye, Registration for the 2024 Convention is open! If you are a regular or if it's your first time at the Stellafane Convention, we eagerly await you and your scopes on the Hill.
A word about our Keynote Speaker this year, Tony Hull, perhaps to entice you if you haven't already made up your mind. Tony Hull of the University of New Mexico supervised the polishing of the James Webb Space Telescope's mirrors, will briefly talk about his connection to Stellafane and the world of Amateur Telescope Making as a young man, then emphasize his intimate path directing the polishing of the Webb's Mirrors and the other challenges of the making of Webb.
And while last year was a big celebration for the STM, that being the birth of the club, we would be remiss to mention that this year, we are also celebrating another anniversary, that of the Pink Clubhouse: A mild winter of 1923-24 had the STMs begin to build the clubhouse, and at the January 1924 Meeting, the first such meeting at the Clubhouse, the name 'Stellar Fane' (originally proposed by Oscar Marshall) had been christened, and later in the Summer of 1924, the kitchen was added. And so it is 100 years old this year!
So come out out and join us at Convention! We alwalys love to see new and returning faces, and especially telescopes.
Download the official 2024 Convention Flyer
Soon we will talk about what's in store for this year's Hartness House Event.
STMs at NEAF 2024
[2024-April-29] For the past several years (Covid years excluded) the Springfield Telescope Makers (STM) have traveled from their home at Stellafane on Breezy Hill in Springfield, VT to the North East Astronomy Forum (NEAF). The Rockland Astronomy Club, the host organization of NEAF, has graciously allowed the STM to set up a booth to advertise the Stellafane Convention and to introduce people to the art of Amateur Telescope Masking (ATM) (www.neafexpo.com).
At the 2024 NEAF (April 20 & 21) the STM set up a mirror grinding station, a Foucault mirror tester, several home-made telescopes and an array of historical posters describing the history of Stellafane from the early days of Russell Porter’s telescope makers in 1920 to the modern Stellafane Convention. More than 300 people stopped by to learn about the Stellafane Convention and the free mirror-making class, which takes place over the Winter months in Springfield, VT., the rich 100-year history of the STM and how the STM strive to continue to stimulate interest in astronomy and allied sciences by preserving and fostering the skill of amateur telescope making.
See the photos of the goings on, below. To learn about the 2024 Stellafane Convention click here. Registration for the Convention is now open, with more details to come in the coming weeks! To learn about the free Mirror Making class click here. We hope to see you both the 2024 Stellafane Convention this coming August, and at the Stellafane booth at the 2025 NEAF. Thanks to all who came to volunteer at the booth!
STM Post-Eclipse Wrapup
[2024-Apr-2024] With 2024's big Eclipse making its way across North America, STM Members and their friends traveled to their destinations, proudly flying the STM Eclipse Banner on April 8th. Here are some highlights.
The Dodson clan chose to be in Ohio. More specifically, they had chosen to be in Lakewood, Ohio, with a magnificent view of Cleveland in the distance across from Lake Erie from a rooftop condo, sharing the view with group of approximately 80 condo residents. From this location, they were able to witness the 360-degree sunset. And as Totality hit, a bright red prominence could be seen at 6'o-clock, shining as bright as a red lightbulb. This enthusiastic crowd did not get dissuaded by the thin layer of clouds. A bright compact corona could be seen.
Meanwhile, in Ferrisburgh, VT, the Tabors, Emerys, and Malikowskies were amazed by mother nature!
Dr Mario Motta's group scrambled at the last minute to find less clouds, and found themselves in Junction, Texas.
Up-All-Night: Spring Edition

[2024-March-21] Time for a Starparty! The Spring edition of the Up-All-Night Starparty will run from May 31st to June 1st. Contact details are on the flyer.
A Look Behind the Scenes

disposing of an old tire.
[2024-March-21] Many non-members may not realize this, but STM Members are hard at work nearly all-year-round, keeping the site in tip-top shape. From the end of one convention, to the lead-up of the following year, members are tirelessly devoting their time to make the site ready and in good shape for Convention. Here is a behind the scenes look at our 100th Anniversary Year.
Here is a behind the scenes look from our 100th Anniversary Year.
Total Solar Eclipse Stellafane Banner
[2024-Feb-22] The Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th is fast approaching, and many of you will be heading to various locations for the best views. Why not take a part of Stellafane with you with this beautiful Eclipse Banner, featuring a photo by one of our very own members.
Eclipse Photo by Dr Mario Motta
The Road to the 2024 Eclipse

by STM Member Clif Ashcraft
[2024-Feb-19] We're less than two months away from this year's North American Total Solar Eclipse. Many have been asking what the STMs intend to do for this event.
First, there are a couple of things to know. Stellafane is not in the Zone of Totality, and therefore will not be hosting any Eclipse-viewing events on-site. Most of our members will be travelling outside Vermont to have a better chance at not having a cloudy day.
Second is safety: You must be prepared to safely view the eclipse. See the National Park Service 'How to View a Solar Eclipse Safely' web page for important information on how to do so.
Eclipse Glasses can be bought from Sky & Tel at https://shopatsky.com/products/2024-solar-eclipse-glasses. Information on Eclipse glasses can be found at the American Astronomical Society.
The University of Vermont has a good resource of eclipse information, providing eclipse timing information for the Burlington, VT area, and also has a short list of other northern Vermont institutions that are hosting eclipse events.
WCAX out of Burlington has a great video on the subject.
Another great resource, wherever you plan on viewing the Eclipse is TimeandDate.com's Eclipse page. This page has detailed information customizable by location, and shows you how much you'd be able to see from your 'current' location. They will also be broadcasting the event live, for those who do not wish to travel. But do see it in person if you can, preferably in the Zone of Totality, as the next Total Solar Eclipse in North America will be in 2044!
Palomar: A Retrospective

Credit: Caltech/Palomar Observatory
[2024-Jan-28] 96 years ago (or 5 years after he founded the Springfield Telescope Makers) Russel Porter joined the California team planning the 200-inch Hale Telescope.
77 years ago (1947) Porter participated in the "First Light" tests of the Giant Telescope on Mount Palomar, actually looking through it! Now after 75 years of pushing out the frontiers of cosmological research towards the distant edge of the early Universe, the 200-inch continues to serve Astronomy in new and vital ways. It was the largest fully working telescope for at least 40 of its 75 years!
A recent article published on the Cal Tech website details the role of the 200-inch Telescope in probing the edge of the known Universe, and some of the Astronomers who made important discoveries on Mount Palomar. This fascinating article is available HERE.
Events Calendar (Scroll up for News)
Day | Date | Time | Event |
-2024- | |||
Sat | Jan 13 | 1:00-5:00 | 5-Year Planning Meeting BRIC |
Sat | Jan 13 | 6:00-9:00 | Dinner & Club Meeting Presentation: Dr Stephen Sekula: "Astronomy Without Light: Revealing the Unseen Universe" BRIC |
Sun | Jan 14 | 10:00-4:00 | TM Class BRIC |
Sat | Feb 10 | 7:00-9:00 | Club Meeting Club Visit to the SAHS (moved to March if bad weather) BRIC |
Sat | Feb 10 | 10:00-4:00 | TM Class BRIC |
Sat | March 9 | 7:00-9:00 | Club Meeting Presentation: Joseph Houston & John Briggs: "Swords returning to Plowshares: The Challenges of Dual Use Technology" (moved to February if bad weather that month) BRIC |
Sat | March 9 | 10:00-4:00 | TM Class BRIC |
Sat | April 13 | 7:00-9:00 | Club Meeting BRIC |
Sat Sun |
April 20 April 21 |
9:00-6:00 10:00-5:00 |
Stellafane at NEAF Suffern, NY |
Sat | April 27 | 10:00-4:00 | Full Moon Work Party |
Sat | May 4 | 7:00-9:00 | Club Meeting |
Sat | May 25 | 10:00-4:00 | Full Moon Work Party |
Fri-Sat | May 31, Jun 1st | 7:00-9:00 | Up-All-Night Star Party: Spring Edition |
Sat | June 8 | 7:00-9:00 | Club Meeting |
Sat | June 22 | 10:00-4:00 | Full Moon Work Party |
Sat | July 6 | 7:00-9:00 | Club Meeting |
Sat | July 20 | 10:00-4:00 | Full Moon Work Party |
Thu-Sun | Aug 1-4 | Stellafane Convention | |
Sat | Aug 17 | 10:00-4:00 | Full Moon Work Party |
Sat | Sept 7 | 7:00-9:00 | Club Meeting St-Gaudens, NHP, Cornish, NH |
Sat | Sept 7 | After Dark | St-Gaudens Star Party St-Gaudens, NHP, Cornish, NH |
Sat | Sept 21 | 10:00-4:00 | Full Moon Work Party |
Fri-Sat | Sept 27-28 | 7:00-9:00 | Up-All-Night Star Party: Fall Edition |
Sat | Oct 5 | 10:00-4:00 | TM Class BRIC |
Sat | Oct 5 | 7:00-9:00 | Club Meeting |
Sat | Oct 19 | 10:00-4:00 | Full Moon Work Party |
Sat | Nov 2 | 10:00-4:00 | TM Class BRIC |
Sat | Nov 2 | 10:00-4:00 | Full Moon Work Party |
Sat | Nov 2 | 5:00-9:00 | Dinner & Meeting BRIC |
Sat | Nov 16 | 10:00-4:00 | Full Moon Work Party |
Sat | Dec 7 | 10:00-4:00 | TM Class BRIC |
Sat | Dec 7 | 7:00-9:00 | Club Meeting BRIC |
- Color Key - | |||
Public Event | Everyone Welcome | ||
Mirror Class | Registration Required | ||
Club Activity | Feel Free to Stop By | ||
Special Event | Check for Requirements | ||
Members Only | Visitors Not Allowed |